Novel Name : The Bad Boy And The Mermaid

The Bad Boy And The Mermaid Chapter 22

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“What’s a virgin?”

I started to think of a less explicit way that I could explain to Blue what being a virgin meant. Her large

bright blue eyes stared at me in what appeared to be sheer fascination and curiosity. She was waiting

for an answer. My word could be law.

“Well, person who has never had sex in their life is usually a virgin.” I explained.

Blue continued to stare at me, and that was making me nervous. “What’s sex?”

I blew out a breath and maybe I was starting to sweat a little. “When a man and a woman go to bed

naked...they do things to each other.”

“Bad things?”

I shook my head. “Mostly good.”

“That makes me a virgin, right?” she asked.


“And you are?”

I faked a cough. I couldn’t lie to her and say that I was a virgin too, it would be unfair to lie to her and I’d

never lied to Blue before. She deserved to know the truth. “I’m...not really a virgin.”

“Oh.” She said, and I wished I knew how I could read her mind. “That means you’ve been naked with

other women.”

I gave her a nod. “I didn’t know you at that time.” As if that explained anything.

“So you’re a boy and I’m a girl...” she started and I wasn’t ready for what she was about to ask me.

“And we go to bed naked, I start kissing you and then you keep touching me and I’m constantly that what sex is?”

I smiled. “That’s what it starts with, but the process towards the end is a little complicated than that.”

And now she was lying in bed, her chin resting on her hands. “How complicated?”

I sighed. There was no other way of explaining it. I was doomed to do the sex-ed talk. It reminded me

of all those teachers in middle school who did their best to make the children understand. We used to

laugh at them at that time, right now, I only sympathized with them

“A man has a penis and a woman has a vagina, during sex a man’s penis goes inside the vagina.”

“And is that how babies are made too?”

“Yes. You’re really smart, Blue.”

She smiled proudly, and then declared, “Let’s make a baby.”


“I always wondered how human babies were made. When you take me out, I see a lot of mother’s take

their little children out and they look so cute. So happy. I decided I wanted one too, just didn’t know how

I could get one. You explained me so I understand now.”

I laughed. “That’s not how it works.”

“You are a man, I’m a woman. Surely, you can give me a baby, Hunter. If it’s with you, I wouldn’t mind,

and I...I promise you I will take good care of the baby.” She pouted in fake anger, “Why are you always

laughing at me? I just want a baby. Just one.”

I stopped laughing. This was no joking matter, as much as it was fun to tease Blue; I needed to tell her

the seriousness of the situation. The mermaid was naïve, and maybe a little stubborn. It was partly my

fault for giving her whatever she wanted, agreeing to anything on a whim, I’d spoiled her and I didn’t

regret it, but sometimes I needed to take a step back and consider that while this was hilarious for me,

it was her wish. It was similar to a child walking into a toy store and demanding their parents to buy the

most expensive toy.

“Fine. Alec is a boy too. I’ll ask him.”

I spun my head to look at her so fast; I might have even snapped my neck in the process. I caught her

chin between my fingers. “You can’t go around asking men to give you babies no matter how badly you

want it, do you understand me?”

I guess she saw the fierce look I was giving her. “I was...I was just kidding. I wasn’t asking Alec. You

think I want to lie down naked with him?”

“Well, you’re the one who suggested it first.” I said. I tried to calm myself down; I didn’t want to fight

with Blue. To her, asking for a baby was an innocent request; she didn’t know what it entailed.

I settled down in bed beside her and caressed her cheek. “Sweetheart, in order to have a baby it is

best to be married first, or at least be in love. We need to have a home together, and I need you to

guarantee that you wouldn’t leave me. Having a baby is not something you get just because you want

it, its building a family together. If I give you a baby, it’s not just yours, it’s mine too. Ours.” I explained

and a burn had started to form in my heart, thinking about how much I wanted this with Blue. To live

with her, eventually marry her and have our own baby.

She placed a hand on mine, her eyes were glazed. “That sounds beautiful, Hunter.”

“Yes, it does. Now that you know how babies are made, I hope you wouldn’t go around asking other

men for it.” I said.

“I won’t I promise.” She said.

And that closed the subject for good. Blue was ready to have a baby, but she’d certainly realized that

marrying me wasn’t something she wanted to do. I blew out a breath; the sex talk was over and done


“Will our baby be completely human or a mermaid?” She asked.

I curled and uncurled the locks of her hair. “Not sure about that. Maybe a little of both.”

“Hmm.” She liked that answer. “Can I ask you one more thing?”


“Why don’t you kiss me often anymore?” She asked.

“I don’t want you to take part in any sinful acts that may stop you from entering your world, but that

doesn’t mean that I don’t like to kiss you.”

She cupped my face in her hands. “I apologized for saying that, but I assure you nothing you do is

going to make me sinful, and even if it be it because I really want you to kiss me.”

I held her chin and tilted her face. My mouth came down on hers in a slow caress, until she opened her

mouth to give me better access and I took full advantage of that as I plunged my tongue deep inside

her mouth, I pulled her body closer. Her fingers ran through my hair and I heard her moan softly into my

mouth. Her sweet tongue darted and licked my lips, every stroke getting bolder by the second. I was

utterly shocked when she sucked savagely on my tongue, as if she couldn’t get enough. I was a block

of wood down below and had to think of a way to solve the issue. Her delicate hands brushed my jeans

front and I groaned into her mouth.

She pulled apart to take a breath, and touched my hard cock through the thick fabric. “Let me see it.”

She whispered, her cheeks flushed and eyes filled with desire.

I shook my head. “I...I can’t let you. If I take off my clothes, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop.”

“At least let me touch it, please Hunter.”

“I’ll let you touch it, but only with my boxer briefs on. Deal?”

She nodded earnestly as if I’d just promised to give her a million dollars. I carefully stripped off my

jeans, took off my shirt and lay in bed with a tent showing in my boxer briefs, the tent was large enough

to accommodate up-to five people camping in the woods. I was that fucking horny, if you get the


Blue stared at me like I was a specimen in a mad scientist lab; she was the mad scientist who was

trying to come up with ideas to torture me.

Of course Blue could never disappoint, she went right ahead and grasped me through the briefs and

pressed her palms. She whispered, “Show it to me, Hunter.”

I could right? I mean I could just flash my junk and she’d see it, and the mermaid goes home happy.

But no, I was going to torture myself. I knew if I took off the last piece of garment that was keeping me

sane, I’d lose it. If her hand came anywhere near my naked male anatomy, I would tear her clothes and

there would be no stopping it. She was new at this and yet she was an expert at driving me insane. Her

fingers moved against my shaft, her lips eagerly exploring my mouth.

I’d reached my limit; I hadn’t lasted for a long time. I had to force her off me, as I climbed out of bed. I

breathed, “I’m gonna….come.” I took off towards the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

“Hunter, come back here!” I could hear Blue’s sweet bellow.

I’d ended up taking a long shower, and I expected Blue to be asleep after that but she’d somehow

gotten herself inside the old storage room at the end of the hallway outside my bedroom. A towel was

wrapped around my waist, and my golden-brown hair was dripping wet. When Blue saw me, her eyes

trailed towards my torso and I saw her blue eyes darken, but she just smiled. If I wasn’t sure of

something before, I was now.

Blue was as horny as me, maybe a little more. Her cheeks turned red, and she said. “You never told

me you could paint.”

She picked up two of my discarded oil paintings that had been sitting in the storage room for centuries,

collecting dust. When I’d been in High School, I’d loved painting. I’d joined the basketball because that

was something my dad wanted me to do, but my heart had always been in the art room where I could

play with colors for hours. When I had fights with my father over my career option, I’d burned and threw

some of my paintings, my brother Ryan had managed to restore two which had been lying around in

the storage room for years.

“Yeah. I used to.” I confessed.

“It’s amazing, Hunter. You’re so talented.” She complimented me with genuine appreciation.

“Thanks.” I said shyly. I wasn’t used to showing people about my personal life, or my talents that I’d

once tried to keep buried.

It was an oil painting I’d done of a lake, and the other was of the woman that I didn’t care anymore

about. Blue pointed at the other painting. “Is this your mother?”

“Yeah.” I said.

“She looked beautiful. The silver in your eyes, it’s so much like hers.” She said smiling.

I didn’t tell her that I hated having any resemblance to my mother, I still carried the pain of what she’d

done but I’d moved over that part of life, especially since I’d met Blue, I realized I didn’t think of bad

things anymore.

“Can you also paint me?” She asked, a hopeful glint in her eyes.

“I’m don’t have much practice now so I don’t know how it will turn out.”

“It’s okay. I still want you to paint me.” She insisted.

Could I ever say no to any of her requests? I think it was near to impossible. I’d been completely and

totally bewitched by her.

‘Hunter, sweetie, drown yourself in a barrel of freezing cold water, because I would love to see you

freeze to death’ Blue would say and my answer would be. ‘Yes, sweetheart, anything for you.’

I laughed thinking of the scenario. Blue was pouting, “You’re laughing at me again.”

“Alright, I’ll try my best but you can’t expect some kind of masterpiece and the painting would take

time.” I told her.

She shrieked in happiness. “I’m so excited! Let’s start now?”

I chuckled at her enthusiasm. “I’m a little tired, we should go to bed. How about tomorrow?”

“Yes, tomorrow.”

She retreated back inside the room to change into her nightie. I heard my phone buzz on the kitchen

counter. How had it gotten to the kitchen counter? I remembered putting it near the bedside table.

Could it be possible that Blue was snooping in my phone?

Huh, and why did that thought excite me?

I picked up my phone and checked the text.

Hunt, tomorrow is twenty-fifth of June. It’s family luncheon day. You’re coming to the mansion at 12:00

pm sharp. Elaine hasn’t met you in months. If you have any gratitude left towards the mother who

actually raised you, you’d show up at the table. I look forward to seeing you.


P.S: Bring that girlfriend of yours, the one who is living with you. Hannah told us everything.

Hannah was a traitor; I almost threw the phone at the wall in anger. And why did dad type a text

message like a freakin’ email?

There was no way out of this. I had to take Blue to the family luncheon and pray that it went smoothly. I

had about ten hours in total to prepare for it.


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