Novel Name : The Bad Boy And The Mermaid

The Bad Boy And The Mermaid Chapter 40

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I loved swimming, and it was when I was swimming that I nearly regretted my decision of leaving my

world. I felt guilty for even having these thoughts because I loved Hunter, I really did, I just wished there

was a way I could be part of both.

When Hunter had bought this house, he’d made sure the house had a large pool, and deep enough on

one side that I could swim to my heart’s content. When I missed being back in the ocean, I took a dip

into the pool.

My body was floating over the surface when I heard footsteps and a presence. I turned to see my

handsome husband standing over the pool, watching me with lust-filled eyes.

He smiled, “Hey.”

Even though he was smiling, I could tell he was holding something back. His thoughts were almost

somewhere else but he wouldn’t tell me where. I wanted to know what was bothering him.

My tail plopped into the water. I wasn’t embarrassed now, I mean, I’d married the man knowing I could

be myself around him. It was just instinct that I usually kept the tail hidden. “Hi.” I greeted him.

He took off his shoes and slowly began unbuttoning his shirt. His trousers went next until there was a

heap of garments on the floor. “Mind if I joined you?”

“I don’t mind.”

He dived into the pool, the water splashed up. All of a sudden, I felt his hands on my scales and I

almost stopped breathing. It wasn’t the first time that Hunter had seen me in a full mermaid’s form but it

just made me anxious to have his eyes trailing my every move and I knew he was doing just that. I

could see a mass of golden-brown hair from my vantage point. His head was bobbing underwater and

finally, he came up so his head was leveled with mine. It also didn’t help that from waist down I was

taller than him. My enormous scaled fish-tail trailed way past his legs. The silver moonlight illuminated

the pool, making it seem like a mini ocean.

His hands circled around my waist and he pulled me roughly against himself. He swept his hair back

from his face, cupped my chin and brought his mouth crashing against mine. He moaned into my

mouth as I deepened the kiss, and I was consciously aware of his fingers working against the strings of

my swimsuit.

He flung the top away with one swift motion and both his hands covered my breasts. I broke the kiss

and his silver eyes searched mine.

“What happened?” He asked, “Don’t want me to touch you?”

I laughed, “I want you to, it’s just that we’ve never done this before…I mean, when I’m in my mermaid


“There’s always a first.” He gave me a wicked smile. “Honestly, I’ve dreamed every night of doing this

to you when you’re a mermaid, I just didn’t know if you would allow me. I want to hold you.”

That just made me remember of Hunter’s painting of me, where I was naked and he’d drawn me in a

mermaid form lying on his bed. Until now, I’d never known the extent to which Hunter truly loved me,

but he had accepted me in every form. He loved me more when I was the real me.

“Would you let me, Blue?” He asked me in his husky voice. He caught my bottom lip in his teeth.

“You’re beautiful in every shape and form. Would you let me love you like this?”

His gaze turned fierce, those silver eyes diluted to a darker shade.

“Do you want to see magic?” I whispered to him.

“What magic?” He asked, perplexed.

“Close your eyes,” I said excitedly.

“No games. What’s going on in that head of yours?”

I laughed, “Just do it.”

Hunter was amused but he closed his eyes.

“Give me your hands.”

“You’re kinda scaring me a little.” He chuckled nervously but placed his large hands in mine.

I adored this part of my husband, how he’d trust me fiercely without holding reserve.

“No matter what, don’t open your eyes until I ask you to. Okay?”

He gave me a nod.

I closed my eyes too and concentrated on the spell. It took me a while to remember the spell in Greek. I

chanted them, holding his roughish hand in mine. I’d always dreamed to see Hunter that way…

And I didn’t care if I had to pay the price for this…

The chants continued, summoning power from the three elements—Earth. Water. Fire.

The wind blew harshly and the water the pool around us bubbled as I continued to say the words.

“What’s happening?” I heard Hunter mumble.

A drop of blood trickled down from my nose. And suddenly the wind stopped blowing.

“Open your eyes now, Hunter.”

I opened mine slowly and gasped. I couldn’t believe I’d done it.

I hadn’t expected it to work.

Some parts of his upper body were covered in blue-gray scales. His face had the same scales and his

silver eyes had a dark ring to it, a clear indication that he wasn’t human anymore.

I looked down to make sure.

The merman’s tail was visible.

“You’re a merman, look,” I pointed at his tail.

He stared at himself in shock. “H-how?”

“It’s temporary,” I assured him.

“I don’t fucking believe this!” He exclaimed and dipped underwater, swimming around the pool


I could understand his feelings. Being a mermaid was like being freed from everything. It was quite

liberating and he probably felt the same way. I was glad I could share that with him. I joined him at the

deepest end; he didn’t need to come up for air to breathe. Becoming a merman, he could now read my


“káne mou érota.”

Make love to me.

He pulled me back into the kiss, not understanding my words in Greek but sensing what I’d asked for.

His large hands dipped below, just shy of my waist, and then touched my bottom.

My cheeks flushed, he’d never touched me so intimately. I’d never thought much when I’d been bare to

him in human form, but this…it almost felt too personal…too private.

Making love to him as a mermaid and merman.

He took my breast in his mouth and suckled until the nipple turned hard, and he held me with such

care, you’d think I would break with just the slightest pressure. He ran his tongue over the reddened

bud and proceeded to give the same attention to the other breast.

My fingers dug into his soft wet hair, “I’se o’ti kali’tero mou e’hi simvi’” You’re the best thing that’s

happened to me.

In his merman form, he was still so handsome—broad and muscled, he could put any merman in my

world to shame.

Being a mermaid, I’d never made love to a merman but I knew what it entailed, and most husbands just

focused on the aspect of procreation rather than pleasuring one’s wife so I knew without a doubt that

what I was experiencing wasn’t something that any mermaid had ever encountered.

We were going to be husband and wife in the truest form.

The voices inside me continued to scream.

This was a sin. I wasn’t allowed to do what I’d done—to turn a human into a merman through mermaid

magic, I wasn’t allowed to use it outside of our world and I’d broken all those rules.

“se thélo.”I want you.

I would have to pay dearly for doing this, but my traitor mind and body wouldn’t ask him to stop.

Whatever it was I’d deal later.

“Se agapó, Hunter.” I love you. I finally climbed down from the frenzy to find him staring at me with a

newfound love or realization. I guess, he was acting on his natural instincts.

When we’d made love, he held me that way for a long time and I’d forgotten how long we’d remained

inside the pool.

Hunter started to lose the effects soon after and he came up for air, coughing and I really felt bad for

him that he had to go through this because of my selfish desire to see him transformed into a merman,

to make love to him in my real form.

He lay on his back on the tiles, content, pulling the towel over the lower half of his now human body.

There was a goofy grin on his face and he laughed, “Who would have thought that I’d get a chance to

be a real merman? I probably would have won ‘Best Cosplayer Award’ in comic-con.”

What’s a Cosplayer? Maybe Hunter had gone completely mad after that experience and talking


He narrowed his eyes at me, “Maybe you prefer me more as a merman now?”

I shook my head, “I like you this way, too.”

Hunter leaned in and kissed me long and hard, “Blue, baby, I want to give you everything that you


“You’re what I want. I have you.”

“You do.” There was a certain hesitation in expression. “You know the next time we make love in bed,

you should try talking dirty in Greek to me. It turns me on.”

“Dirty,” I said. “Why would I talk dirty?”

Clothes are dirty, the garbage is dirty, and the toilet is dirty.

He laughed.

“Hunter, can you teach me to drive?” I asked him the following day after lunch.

“You want to learn to drive a car?”

I nodded. “I think it would be nice to know. I was always wondering how you do it with such ease. Even

Hannah drives a car, I want to do it too.”

Hunter nodded, “We’ll take a learner’s license for you, and then I guess I can teach you.”

The following days after that Hunter helped me issue a learner’s license and slowly I was learning to

drive. It was more fun than I imagined. I wondered how nice it would be if I passed the driving tests and

then I could drive around while Hunter and Leslie sat in the car. I could take them to the McDonalds

driveway and I dreamed of ordering my favorite Happy Meal by myself, then I’d drive along the beach

and maybe the mall…and then…

“You’re pushing really hard on the accelerator, Blue. Slow down.” Hunter’s voice cut through my


Hunter was a great teacher, but he was also very strict and sometimes slapped my thigh when he was

really annoyed. I loved him nevertheless. A wife couldn’t stay mad at a caring, sweet and handsome

husband like him even though he was exasperating a lot of times. I just thanked my lucky stars.


It happened before I even had time to think.

I hadn’t even seen the SUV coming. It collided towards Hunter’s side and the car crashed into

something really hard. The windshield shattered and the glass pieces came flying towards us. Hunter

threw himself at me.

His hand grasped was grasped in mine. The silver in his eyes flickered. The last words I heard him say


“Live for me.”


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