Novel Name : The Bad Boy And The Mermaid

The Bad Boy And The Mermaid Chapter 50: EPILOGUE

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Three Years Later


I never thought it was possible for a man to have so much happiness in life, and I definitely didn’t think

it could be me.

Three years ago when Blue went into labor, I’d panicked because it was nothing like I’d ever witnessed

or imagined. The pain that she was going through seemed unbearable and I spent the rest of the time

cursing myself and swearing to never get my dick anywhere near her. I regretted even getting her


I could still remember how before being wheeled into the hospital room, she’d assured me everything

would be okay with a confident smile on her face and for a minute there I thought I wouldn’t see her


Women died of child labor sometimes, what if Blue was fragile? I’d spent the rest of the time sobbing

with my head bent on my mother’s shoulder.

And then the Doctor declared, “Mr. Brantley, you have twins.”

“And my wife, how is she?”

“She’s doing great.” He assured me.

Still didn’t understand why someone would choose his career as a gynecologist and spend his entire

life pulling out babies out of VJ’s. It looked like a very difficult and nerve-wracking job. I sure as hell

wouldn’t be able to handle a sobbing father and a screaming mother.

My heart soared, there was no way I could describe the happiness I felt knowing that I had two little

girls. I was just trying to process the information when the doctor said, “Let me say that again. You

have triplets.”


It was probably the anticipation or the tension, it must have taken a toll on me and I fainted. It was the

most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to me. When I woke up the nurses were giving me

amused looks, some had even flirted in good nature by saying what a handsome husband I was.

And then I had three babies in my arms. Can you imagine my excitement?

Not one.

Not two.

I had three.

That day marked the best day of my life. Literally the fucking best.



The sounds blared in my ears like an alarm pulling me back to reality. I pushed the pillow on my ear

and buried my head deeper.

“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” The chanting continued.

I opened one eye and looked around. Two young faces peered at me. One of them was still jumping on

the bed, she was going to break the mattress spring one of these days. Artemis, the naughtiest of the


“Daddy, you promised to take us out today for McDonalds Happy Meal and the iche-chream.” Freya

reminded me, her eyes were large and round like that of Blue’s.

“YOU PROMISED! YOU PROMISED! YOU PROMISED!” Artemis screamed at the top of her lungs, her

life motive was to make her father deaf.

Today was Sunday. And Sunday was usually a kids-day out. They got to do whatever they wanted. I’d

spoilt them rotten, that was for sure.

“Daddy, can we also go to the new toy store?” Jude, my son said. He was sucking hard on his thumb.

Believe it or not, the two girls were a handful, the boy was the quiet one out of the triplets.

“Let me wake up first,” I said. “I need my morning kisses.”

The girls lined up. Artemis pecked my forehead, Freya placed a kiss on my nose and Jude on my

cheek. That was the morning routine.

“What did mom make for breakfast?” I asked them, sitting up straight.

“We didn’t know what your mom made silly,” Artemis said.

I laughed, “Not my mom, your mom, smartass.”

Their mouths were a Big ‘O’.

“He just said the ‘A’ word,” Freya exclaimed out loud like I’d committed four murders and a bank

robbery in a row. “Oh my god!”

“Smart-apples.” I corrected. “I said smart-apples. Jeez, you girls.”

“Mom’s made Waffles.” Jude declared.

Artemis pointed an accusing finger at Jude. “Stupid, you shouldn say. Daddy should guess.”

More often than usual, the girls dominated the boy together. Whatever Jude said or did, they did the

complete opposite of it. Jude had stark silver hair and silver eyes. He was my very own Jack Frost.

Blue told me he had silver hair because he was half merman. Artemis and Freya were like mini-Blue’s,

without the Blue hair. The girls had inherited her nose, her lips, and her eyes. I’d only contributed to

their hair color which was a light shade of Golden-brown. My girls were half-mermaids too and totally

identical. Sometimes I had a hard time telling them apart and they took advantage of that.

To be honest, I was proud of my kids. They were peculiar but beautiful.

It was the coolest thing to have such unique children. The most difficult part was to explain to them that

they were different. Normal children didn’t have powers. My kids did, they could sense if a person had

bad intentions and since they were so young, they could smell a bad person from a mile away.

I had never seen myself as a family guy before, never dreamed of getting married or having my own

family but here we were. I couldn’t think of my life without Blue or our kids. They were everything to me.

I found joy in putting them to bed or reading them stories. Sometimes the girls would play with my hair

and Jude would talk non-stop about nothing in particular. When I saw them playing together and

sharing their toys, it made me really fucking happy.

I was living my best life and I would never trade this for anything else.

When the kids went to see my parents, you would have to see how much they were getting spoilt there.

It was hilarious to see Dad who was normally stern making faces just to see his grandkids giggle.

“If you want to go out, go get ready,” I told them.

“Yay!” She said in unison and stormed out of the room leaving little Jude behind.

I lifted him up into my arms and walked downstairs towards the kitchen. The aroma of freshly made

pancakes welcomed us. “I wan strawberry Waffle,” Jude said.

Blue stacked four plates of Waffles. Three of them were smaller one, the fourth plate was a bunch of

them stacked together, oozing with the maple syrup and topped with sliced bananas.

“Children!” Blue called out and the two girls hopped into the room.

Artemis came up to me and settled down in my lap. Freya frowned, “I wanna sit with Daddy too!”

I patted my other thigh, “Plenty of room here.”

The girls fought for their space. Jude stared at us, making a face. He was about to cry, I was kind of

sad I didn’t have a third thigh, I wished I had.

“Come sit with me, baby.” Blue sat down next to me with a plate and called our son.

He was still sucking his thumb when he sat in Blue’s lap. Blue was a loving mother, a patient listener,

and a caregiver. She loved them unconditionally, the way I did and although all three children were

equal to her, I knew that in her heart she had a special space for Jude, our silent boy. He was also

certified mama’s boy.

Leslie sat right at the foot of the chair looking at the girls in awe. He waited patiently as they threw

pancakes in his mouth. He’d put on a lot of weight because he thought it was his duty and birthright to

clean the remaining food from the girl’s plates.

From below the table, I caressed Blue’s legs with mine and gave her a teasing smile. Sometimes, I lost

my will for control and slipped my hand under the table and over Blue’s thigh. Thank fuck for that short


She looked at me with curiosity and Blue being Blue, took a waffle from her plate and placed it on mine.

I passed her a questioning look. “I’m already full.”

“Oh.” She appeared to be confused. “I thought you were kicking me under the table because you

wanted my waffle.”

It was a good thing the kids were just three and sometimes found it difficult to comprehend what was

going on, still Artemis squinted her large blue eyes at me in suspicion.

“Kids, why don’t you finish up your Waffles and go get ready?”

“Where are we goin?” Freya asked.

“The aquarium,” I said.


“Finish your breakfasts first. I don’t want to see a small scrape on your plates.”

Artemis grabbed the last piece of her waffle and began sliding it down towards Leslie, thinking that I

wasn’t paying attention.

“No cheating, Artemis. And don’t feed any more to Les, he’s had his breakfast already.”

She pushed the entire piece of waffle into her mouth and began speaking with a mouthful. “Caff we

went to the aquam nowf?”

“Go. The correct word is “go” and not “went”. You would use ‘went’ as a past tense.”

Sometimes the kids would mix up grammar but I thought that was understandable since they were also

learning Greek. Blue mostly talked to them in Greek and I lingered around to listen because it sounded

really nice. And occasionally, Blue would say something to them and the girls would look at me and

laugh. They were probably calling me names in Greek and all I could do was stare at them like a


“Can I wear my Elsa t-shirt, daddy?” one of the girls asked.

“Yeah. Wear whatever you like.”

When the kids were gone, I peeked into the passageway but heard the cheerful chatter of the kids

heading upstairs. Making sure the little demons won’t be coming back for a few more minutes, I turned

to Blue.

She was loading the plates into the sink when I slipped my hands behind her waist and pulled her

against me. “Baby, I’m horny.”

She giggled and tried to wiggle out of my hold. “The children are going to come back.”

“Not so soon. They will try all their clothes from the wardrobe before they decide. They will fight over

one t-shirt, and that’s going to take over thirty minutes, I’m sure. And thirty minutes is plenty of time for

what I want.”

I threw her apron aside and pulled her out of the kitchen and into the sitting room. I closed the door and

locked it. I trapped her against the wall with my body and kissed her hard, sucking and licking her

mouth until her body blended with mine.

I picked her dress up and slid her panties down and I moved my fingers to her center to trace her folds.

“Hands and elbows on the table,” I commanded.

We had three young kids now and we often couldn’t have sex at night. One of them woke up in the

middle of the night and wanted to sleep with us because they thought there was a boogeyman in their

bedroom, and that was the case most of the time. So I only had time in-between to make love to my

wife. It didn’t matter which room we did it in, I made sure I kept the condoms hidden.

I slid on a condom. I wasn’t going to take chances anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love more kids but

right now we had our hands full with three. According to Blue’s brother, Apollo, if Blue got pregnant

again, she was likely to give birth again to four, five or six little demons. Mermaids always gave birth to

more children than their first time and if that happened I’d have to book a permanent appointment with

the psychiatrist. Three was a number I could manage, for now, but five, six, seven would land me

directly into a coffin.

So you see, I wasn’t taking any chances with more kids or even getting her accidentally pregnant. NO


I held her sweet round bottom in my palms and drove hard into her, groaning. Blue moaned a little

louder than usual and I had to place my hand on her mouth. “Shhh…baby. We don’t have the liberty to

scream in pleasure, but I promise you one of these days I’ll leave the kids with their favorite Aunt

Hannah while we have all the time for ourselves.”

I thrust into her so hard and so deep, her knees went weak. When we were done, we straightened her

appearance and kissed her for the longest time, maybe fifteen minutes or something because I wasn’t

keeping track of the time.

“I love you,” I told her. I made sure I told her that every single day.

She placed her head against my chest and tightened her arms around me. “I love you so much.”

The doorknob started to turn. The little brats were outside. I opened the door to find the three dressed

in their favorite clothes. Freya had added wings to her outfit. Jude had legit walked down the stairs

wearing a cowboy hat and boots, kinda seemed like the kids were going for a fancy dress competition

rather than a day out in the aquarium.

“What were you doin?” Freya asked. The three gave us suspicious looks.

Blue and I exchanged looks. “Just talking to your dad about important things,” She said.

“What things?”

“Nothing of importance to you,” I told them. “I’m going for a shower. I actually need your mom to find my

clothes. Think I lost them somewhere. You coming, Blue?”

The kids stared at us in confusion.

“Go watch cartoons or something until then,” I said.

“You heard your father.” She said and passed me a mischievous grin. “Need to find those clothes for


The kids sat in front of the TV while we ran upstairs smiling secretly to each other.


“What were you doin?” Freya asked. The three gave us suspicious looks.

Blue and | exchanged looks. “Just talking to your dad about important things,” She said.

“What things?”

“Nothing of importance to you,” | told them. “I’m going for a shower. | actually need your mom to find my

clothes. Think | lost them somewhere. You coming, Blue?”

The kids stared at us in confusion.

“Go watch cartoons or something until then,” | said.

“You heard your father.” She said and passed me a mischievous grin. “Need to find those clothes for


The kids sat in front of the TV while we ran upstairs smiling secretly to each other.



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