Novel Name : I will see you in my Dreams

I will see you in my Dreams Chapter 27 Calm after the storm

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Hannah is still recovering from the blood transfusion when a nurse handed her a note from Carlos San

Diego. The message says: I need to talk to you in person Ms. Hannah. It's very important. I am in room

202, 2nd floor. We are in the same hospital. Please bring Mr. Ari with you.

At 2 pm, both Ari and Hannah knock at room 202. There's 2 police officer inside the room. Mr. San

Diego is hand cupped on the hospital bed.

I am so glad you both came. I will be in prison for the rest of my life. For years, I didn't know that I have

a son. Cherry was drunk one night and got provoked by my partner Elise when she angrily shouted that

I had a son with her. I was so surprised. I know that her son is with you so I assumed that Aaron is my

son and lo and behold, it's true. I asked my mother to go to the childcare facility to check on the boy.

She told me that, at first glance, she knew that he is her grandson. I cried because I don't deserve to

have one but I have one now and it is being taken care of by a good man. Cherry is my mule, drug

handler, and lover. When she got pregnant, she told me that its Mr. Ari's because she needs protection

from me, she needs stability in life that Mr. Ari has. Much to her disappointment, after she gave birth

Mr. Ari did not marry her. She went back to me but I have a new lover, her name is Elise. I am a drug

trafficker but I am a one-woman man. I don't intend to bring an innocent child into this world. I can't

blame Cherry for her decision to have you, Mr. Ari as the father of our son. But she was sorry for the

pain and hurt that she brought to Ms. Hannah and you, Mr. Ari, she told me that, it's the best for the kid.

I don't have any idea that the kid is mine, believe me. As you see, my life was a mess and I think so

was Cherry. She disappeared when she saw me in the surveillance camera at Aaron's daycare facility. I

know that Aaron is in good hands. I can even die today but the police will not let me. I have to pay for

my crimes. Thank you for taking care of that little guy. I owed you both a lot. [stammering] I shot Elise

because she shot Aaron. I had my guys buried her somewhere. I am a hardened criminal and will

remain to be that way, it's too late for me to change even for the sake of my son. He doesn't deserve to

have a father like me. He deserves you Mr. Ari and you Ms. Hannah. Thank you for taking care of my


Both Ari and Hannah were stunned with the confession of Mr. San Diego.

It was Hannah who regain her composure. I have one question for you Mr. San Diego, Hannah asks.

Do you want your son to know your existence?

Please don't tell him, Ms. Hannah, it is better for him to know that Mr. Ari is his father and you, his step

Mom. He will have a better future not knowing his biological parents. [he paused and wipe his tears

from both eyes].

I am so tired, I am going to rest now. I don't believe in God because I thought God forgot about my

existence but I am saying this to both of you...God Bless you both and Thank you!

They left Mr. San Diego's room unable to think properly. They are stunned, overwhelmed, and shocked.

They walk slowly to Hannah's room in dazed, hands intertwined. Ari and Hannah share a connection

and have deeper feelings for each other. Ari's devotion to Hannah is unquestionable. He always told

Hannah when she was in Saskat that "I will hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms."

Ari's POV

You're the missing piece in my heart and in my life Hannah. We can start all over again as a family with


This is the calm after the storm.


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