Novel Name : I will see you in my Dreams

I will see you in my Dreams Chapter 37. Why are you crying Mom?

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When Aaron enters the back gate, he saw his parents sitting on the back patio. His Dad is hugging his

Mom. It seems that his Mom was crying, her head is lying on his Dad's chest, hands intertwined. They

just sit there in silence.'re here my son! How's school?

It's the same every day, nothing new except for the lessons. Why are you crying, Mom?

Nothing serious, I'm having a headache. I have been doing some shopping and errands, I felt


Ari is not interacting, he is thinking of something. Hannah told her about her encounter with Aaron's

grandmother and aunt. His biological relative.

Dad, are you okay?

Yes, thoughts are pre occupied with the acquisition of another ranch in Gilroy....bear with

me. I have to be on top of this negotiation. Your Uncle Yael is expecting so much from me. I cannot let

him down.

I know you can do it Dad, your business acumen is above par. I believe in your strategy in business


Thank you son, we have to leave tomorrow Aaron, you have to be careful in driving. Maybe, Tiong

Berto will drive you to and fro every day.

No Dad, I am grown up, I can manage, I will be a good boy. I will not disappoint you both Mom, Dad.

Aaron's POV

I have three weeks to do my research and investigate why Tiya Lucia and Mam Myrna were embracing

Mom and crying at the same time. Who are these people? My Mom is from California, she doesn't have

any relatives here. As for my Dad, he has relatives here in Tarlac, and mostly I met them, more in

California and New Hampshire. I have to get to the bottom of this before they got back from California.

San Francisco, California

It's good to be back. I can smell the fresh air. San Francisco is always been my home.

Honey, I want you to see your friends enjoy bonding with them. You've been through a lot lately. The

funeral arrangements, medical mission, the orphanage visits, the church events, and Aaron's. You

need to unclutter your mind, okay! I will be busy in the coming days, so you're on your own. I will assign

Edmond to drive you around and meet with your friends.

Thanks, Honey! I will not be on your way...I know how important this deal to Yael and Ima.

Ima and Yael were so happy to see Ari and Hannah. They eat, laugh, and drink the first day.

On the second day....meeting with the Gomez's at the Davis Ranch took place. The negotiation started.

At the end of 7 days, the acquisition of the Gomez' ranch by Davis Family Enterprises was concluded.

Ocular inspection in the next 7 days. Accounting matters and Financial reconstruction with Hannah's

help were done. The signing of legal documents with the escrow was done in 2 days.

Whew...that was fast. Yael and Ima was so happy. Ari is really experienced in mergers, acquisitions,

and expansion. I am so proud of you Ari, Ima said. You changed for the better. You developed business

skills and it's above par. Your parents in heaven will be so proud of you.

Thank you, my dear Ima....I give credit to my partner in life, she inspires me every day. I do believe that

if you found the one, everything will follow.

I am glad you're happy Ari, By the way, there's a phone call from Gen Mar to call him as soon as

possible. Ima said.

I will call him myself. Don't tell Hannah, I want her to enjoy her stay here, she needs a break. I will deal

with Gen Mar later.

What do you want for dinner Ari? I will have Maria cook your favorite and Hannah's. She called earlier

while you're in the bathroom, they are on their way home.

That reminds me to call Mar before she comes in.

What's going on Ari? Why you have to call Gen Mar without Hannah?

She's been worrying a lot about Aaron, the stressed from the funeral arrangement and a lot of things

on her mind. I want to divert her attention while she's here.

Ari calling Gen Mar....what's up Mar?

Listen, Ari, is Hannah there?

She will be here in half an hour, I would like to talk to you first, what's going on?

One of my men heard that Aaron was doing research on the San Diego's. Apparently, he saw Hannah

hugging Tiya Lucia and Myrna San Diego outside the school and all of them were crying. I made my

own investigation, Tiya Lucia is Mr. San Diego's mother and Myrna is his sister. Tiya Lucia is the sweet

cake vendor. A retired teacher. She is selling sweet cakes just to see Aaron everyday at school. She

and Myrna are aware that Aaron is Carlos' son by Cherry. This is getting deeper and deeper Ari. Aaron

is smart, he might discover that he is not your son. Everyone knew that Hannah is the stepmother and

Cherry is the mom but you're supposed to be the dad.

Ari is just listening on the other end, thinking. I need your advise Mar.

Bring Aaron to California to study. Its not too late. Discuss with Hannah and do it fast.

Thanks Mar... will talk to Hannah tonight.

When are you both coming back?

In 3 days Mar, I will definitely see you.

Thank you Mar.

You're very welcome buddy....stay safe and be well. My regards to Hannah. By the way, she did a good

job about Cherry's remains in spite of the hurt this woman inflicted to both of you.

She's very forgiving Mar, I cant forgive Cherry yet. I need time to heal from that nightmare.

You married a good woman Ari, take care of her.

Definitely, thanks again buddy!


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