Novel Name : My beautiful CEO

My beautiful CEO Chapter 454

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"Did you buy it this morning?" Lin Qingya snorted coldly. Her face was already as cold as ice. "Then what are you doing at the perfume counter on the first floor of the Spring River Square at around 5 PM?"


Qin Hai was stunned!How did Lin Qingya know he went to Spring River Square in the afternoon?

Had someone seen him in the afternoon and told Lin Qingya?

He couldn't be so weak!Lin Qingya pushed away Qin Hai and stood up to look at him. There was no expression on her frosty face, and her gaze was extremely sharp. Once again, she turned into the ice-cold queen.

The corner of Qin Hai's mouth twitched as he laughed dryly, "I've been working all afternoon. Didn't you go to my place?" Did someone tell you I was in Spring River Square? I think he must have been mistaken. "

Lin Qingya did not expect Qin Hai to continue lying to her. The anger in her heart had long ago become uncontrollable.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Do you think I would be wrong? I'm not that blind yet! I saw you and Wang Mengying in front of the perfume counter on the first floor of Spring River Square with my own eyes.

Qin Hai was completely stunned.

It turned out that Lin Qingya had personally witnessed it, and it wasn't something someone else had told him!

The heck!

Isn't this way too much!

It's over, it's all over now!Even though Qin Hai had experienced numerous strong winds and heavy rain, his mind was still muddled in the face of such a sudden situation. He did not know what to say at the moment.

Then Lin Qingya stared into Qin Hai's eyes and continued, "Laura told me today that your office smelled of Chanel # 5, and that there might be a woman in your office. I didn't believe it. I didn't expect you to be so guilty as to buy perfume to shut me out. Are you afraid I'll suspect you? Afraid I'd know you were hiding a woman in your office? "Say, isn't it?"

Lin Qingya was so angry that her face turned pale. When she saw Qin Hai at the Spring River Square this afternoon, she had already made this guess in her mind. However, due to her trust in Qin Hai, she immediately rejected this idea. However, she never would have thought that in the end, it was really like this. Qin Hai really lied to her for another woman.

It wasn't that Lin Qingya had never been deceived by others. There were just too many scammers in this deceptive shopping mall. Even if Lin Qingya was extremely intelligent, she would still be deceived.

But no matter how badly she had been cheated, it had never made her feel as bad as she did today.At this moment, Lin Qingya felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart. This was because the person who had deceived her was no other than the person she trusted the most and the person she loved the most.

The feeling of being betrayed by the person closest to her was as if her heart was being torn out, making her feel extremely uncomfortable.

If her heart wasn't strong enough, if her willpower wasn't strong enough, she would have already screamed out like other women, crying and making a ruckus.But she didn't, she didn't have the habit of crying, all the time, all the suffering and tiredness, she kept in her heart, she never let them become tears.

However, at this moment, her nose was extremely sore. She truly wanted to cry.

Faced with Lin Qingya's harsh questioning, Qin Hai let out a long sigh and gave up any thoughts of continuing to defend himself. The mischievous smile on his face was completely wiped away as he nodded and said, "You're right, I shouldn't have lied to you. When you come to my office in the afternoon, there was indeed a woman in my office. She is …Without waiting for Qin Hai to say Shen Yue Er's name, Lin Qingya staggered backwards and her face instantly turned pale.

Before Qin Hai admitted to it, she still harbored a trace of fantasies in her heart, but after Qin Hai admitted that there was a woman hidden in his office, Lin Qingya felt as if she had been viciously hammered in the heart.

The person she loved most betrayed him, and she was as ignorant as a fool, even defending him!Lin Qingya almost couldn't stand up straight, and her body was on the verge of collapsing.

Qin Hai was shocked and quickly reached out to support her. He channeled a bit of his true essence into her body.However, when Lin Qingya finally regained her balance, she immediately pushed Qin Hai away with all her might and cried as she pointed at the door, "Go! Leave immediately! I don't want to see you again!"

At the same time as she cried, a single sparkling tear quietly flowed out from her eye sockets.

"Qingya, I …"

"You go!" Lin Qingya interrupted Qin Hai's explanation once again. She glared at him as she resisted the pain in her heart and said, "I don't want to hear your explanation, and I don't want to believe your explanation either. Even more so, I don't want to see you again. "From today onwards, you can do whatever you want with whoever you want. Don't look for me, I have nothing more to do with you!"Qin Hai also had a belly full of grievances. He had wanted to explain things to Lin Qingya, but when he saw Lin Qingya so agitated that even her tears flowed, no matter what he said, Lin Qingya wouldn't listen.

"Fine, I'll go, but it's definitely not what you think. I'll explain it to you after you recover your calm."

Sighing helplessly, Qin Hai turned around and walked towards the door.

"Take your things!" Lin Qingya shouted excitedly.

Qin Hai could only turn around and take the perfume bottle from the table. After giving Lin Qingya a glance, he left the office.


As the door was gently locked, tears flowed from Lin Qingya's eyes, turning into two streams that flowed down her elegant face.

But even though she was crying to this extent, Lin Qingya still only bit her lips to prevent herself from making a sound.She caught sight of the red rose on the table. The bright red rose seemed to be laughing at her silently. She grabbed the vase and held it high, ready to smash it against the door.

But her arm, as if by magic, remained fixed in the air, and after a while her arm dropped powerlessly, and finally she threw the vase and the rose into the trash can under the desk, and then slumped down on the chair and wept silently on the table.

Her shoulders trembled, and her tears quietly soaked the surface of her desk. Her deep moans echoed throughout the office.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Qingya's tears finally dried up. She blankly sat on the chair as she looked at the wall in front of her, her eyes devoid of any light.She really couldn't understand why it would turn out like this.

She had once thought that love was very simple. As long as she loved Qin Hai, Qin Hai also loved him, so they could be together forever.She believed that Qin Hai loved her. She was also very confident in her looks and body. She believed that no one would be able to take Qin Hai away from her.

Furthermore, during this period of time, Lin Qingya knew from her interactions with Xiao Lingling that Qin Hai had endured a lot of hardships. For a time, she had wanted to completely hand her over to Qin Hai.However, she never thought that Qin Hai would actually betray her. He actually did something in his office that let her down, and even tried to deceive her afterwards.

When she thought of how Qin Hai had been intimate with another woman, she felt as if her heart had been cut by a knife, and tears started streaming down her face once again. Chapter error, point this report (registered free)

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