Novel Name : My beautiful CEO

My beautiful CEO Chapter 2043

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Although Fang Zheng's steps were in a mess and he looked to be in a sorry state, his defense was still quite tight.

But his opponent was not someone to be trifled with, every time he took out his spear it was faster than lightning, forcing Fang Zheng to retreat.

After a few moves, Fang Zheng's feet suddenly tripped on a tree branch. Seeing that he was about to fall, the man with the spear quickly stabbed at his chest.

However, right at this moment, Fang Zheng suddenly twisted his body, accurately grabbing the spear shaft with his left hand, then swinging the long blade along the spear shaft towards his opponent's hands, forcing them to give up on the spear.

Qin Hai's eyes lit up, this move of Fang Zheng's was indeed beautiful, even he could only do this much.Fang Zheng's attack succeeded and he immediately launched a series of consecutive attacks, forcing his opponent to retreat a few steps. But his opponent was not simple, even though he lost the initiative, facing Fang Zheng's attack with his bare hands, he did not panic. After a few moves, the opponent took the chance to slap away the long blade in Fang Zheng's hand, his palm striking Fang Zheng's chest.

Fang Zheng groaned and flew into the bushes. After he got up from the ground, he knew that he was no match for his opponent, so he turned around and ran.

His opponent was not in a hurry to catch up, but first picked up the spear from the ground, and then calmly chased after Fang Zheng.

Qin Hai frowned. Judging from the previous exchange, this person should be a Zongshi realm expert. Furthermore, all the black clothed people in the forest should be under his command.Capture the thief first and capture the king. As long as you capture this person, you should be able to find out the background of him and these men in black.

With that in mind, Qin Hai urged Xie Qiang to stay where he was and not to move recklessly. He then chased after the spear-wielding man.

However, before Qin Hai could get close, that person seemed to have noticed something. He turned his head and glanced at Qin Hai before quickly turning around and running away. This person's speed was also extremely fast. After chasing for a while, Qin Hai was already unable to see his figure through the Mortal King Realm.

Qin Hai frowned. He could only turn back and touch under the tree where the crippled man was. He then leaped up and knocked the unconscious cripple out.

In Cripple Three's pocket, Qin Hai quickly found the map that Liu Ah Da and the others had.This made Qin Hai extremely surprised. Since Cripple Three's map was not lost, then where did Fang Zheng get that map from?

After a while, Qin Hai found Xie Qiang again. When he passed through the Mortal King Realm and observed his surroundings again, Fang Zheng had also disappeared from the forest.He and Xie Qiang searched the forest with Cripple for a while, but still couldn't find Fang Zheng, so they could only return along the same path. When they passed by the white-haired old man, Qin Hai's heart skipped a beat.

Afterwards, when they came across the other corpses that had been killed by the black-clothed men, Qin Hai rummaged through the luggage they carried and found the same map.

Although these maps were all drawn by hand, the drawing on the map was nearly identical.

This was strange!Doubtful, Qin Hai and Xie Qiang walked out of the forest with lame legs.

When the Criminal Police team saw Qin Hai and the others coming out, they hurriedly came up to them. They were overjoyed to see that Qin Hai and his team were both holding onto lame number three in their hands. They had worked hard most of the night just to catch this guy, and now they finally had something to show for it. Their hard work had not been in vain.

But Fang Zheng still hadn't returned, and Xie Qiang also refused to leave. Everyone could only continue to wait, and after almost an hour, Fang Zheng finally came out from the fog covered in blood, and just as he appeared, he fell on the ground unconscious.

The county magistrate's men were shocked and hurried to bring Fang Zheng over. Qin Hai checked Fang Zheng's body condition, this brat had quite a few external injuries and internal injuries, but they were all not fatal.Of course, Qin Hai would not waste the Heavenly Grass Pill on Fang Zheng. After a few simple steps, the group of people quickly left the strange forest and returned along the same path they came from.

They trekked arduously all the way out of the Eight Divisions Mountain. It was almost dawn. However, because they managed to grab onto Cripple Three, everyone was in a good mood. They were talking and laughing along the way, and they were very happy.Just as he walked out of the mountain, Qin Hai's cell phone rang non-stop. Taking it out for a look, there were actually dozens of missed calls, all from Liu Qingmei and Autumn Leaf. It was probably because there was no mobile phone in the mountains just now that they received these calls.

Just as Qin Hai was hesitating whether he should give them a reply, Liu Qingmei suddenly called him back. Qin Hai quickly answered the call and said with a smile, "Sister Qingmei, why are you up so early? The sky is still dark!"

"Rise? Autumn Leaf and I haven't slept all night." Are you all right? "

Liu Qingmei's words were filled with deep concern as Qin Hai felt a warmth flow from his heart. He smiled and said: "I am fine, I have already caught Cripple Three and it went quite smoothly.""That's good. I'll have Autumn Leaf tell you." Autumn Leaf's voice came over, "Big Brother Qin, you've worked hard the entire night. Hurry and come back to rest."

Qin Hai laughed, "I'm fine, I'm not too tired. You guys haven't slept for the entire night, so take advantage of the time you have right now to sleep for a while, otherwise you'll have to sleep during the day. ""I'm not sleepy. Big Brother Qin, come back quickly. I'll go prepare breakfast right now. You can eat when you come back." Autumn Leaf said happily, her voice carrying a trace of shyness and shyness.

The phone quickly returned into Liu Qingmei's hands. Liu Qingmei smiled and scolded: "You little brat, enough. Since when did you lie to a little girl behind our back?"

Qin Hai smiled coyly, "No, I'm not doing this sort of thing for a long time now."

"From what you're saying, could it be Autumn Leaf took the initiative?" Liu Qingmei gave a humph and said.

"Well, it is indeed so!""..." Liu Qingmei was probably angered to the point of laughing, "It's been a while since we last met so your shamelessness has increased by quite a bit." Alright, hurry up and come back. Autumn Leaf has gone to the kitchen to prepare some food for you. "

After chatting and joking with Liu Qingmei for a bit, Qin Hai hung up the phone. When he turned his head, he saw that Fang Zheng was already awake. He held his phone as he walked to the side to call someone.Qin Hai listened attentively. Fang Zheng looked back while talking on the phone and was extremely careful. His voice was also very quiet. Qin Hai could only hear a few words from time to time, such as "ambush", "trap", and so on.

After a while, Fang Zheng finished his call and actually limped in front of Qin Hai. He took the initiative to extend his hand and said, "Mr. Qin, my attitude wasn't too good earlier. I apologize to you. In addition, I must thank you for saving Hadron's life! "( )

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