Novel Name : My beautiful CEO

My beautiful CEO Chapter 695

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"Out of the way!"

Liu Qingmei's gaze was as sharp as a sword as she stared straight at the guard. Her voice was not loud but it gave off a suffocating feeling, unable to be defied. The powerful pressure caused even Qin Hai to be moved.Liu Qingmei, who had returned to the capital, seemed to be a bit different from the one she had in the Spring River as she became even sharper.

However, what made Qin Hai surprised was that although the guard's forehead was already dripping with sweat, he still stood motionlessly in front of him.

From this point of view, these guards were indeed not ordinary people. They were definitely elites who had been trained and had received special training. Qin Hai was no stranger to this type of training. Back in the Feral Tiger Company, he had received this training and had even personally improved the training method before promoting it in the entire company.

At this time, Liu Qingmei's eyes flashed with a hint of anger as she suddenly raised her right hand high up and sent it flying towards the guard's face.

But even so, the guard still stood firmly in front of Qin Hai and did not extend his hand to block Liu Qingmei's hand as if he did not see it.Seeing that Liu Qingmei's palm was about to land on the guard's face, Qin Hai promptly grabbed onto Liu Qingmei's wrist and advised: "Sister Qingmei, they are also doing their duty so there is no need to make things difficult for them. "You can go in first, I'll wait for you here."

Even though Liu Qingmei was angry, she did not lose her rationality. Qin Hai's words were a reminder to her that now was not the time to lose her temper.

She took a deep breath and quickly calmed herself from her previous irritable mood. She nodded and said, "Then wait for me for a while. I'll be out shortly to bring you in."After she finished speaking, she did not wait for Qin Hai to bring over the thermal box containing the snake meat porridge and quickly walked into the house.

Qin Hai laughed involuntarily. He turned around and looked at the expressionless guards and felt that there was no point in standing with these guys. He walked to a rock beside the big house and squatted down. He lit a cigarette and admired the big house.The house was a bit old, but from the dragon and phoenix carvings under the eaves, one could infer that the house was the residence of a certain prince in the past, Baelor. The house was a bit old, but from the dragon and phoenix carvings under the eaves, one could infer that the house was the residence of a certain prince in the past.

Liu Qingmei said that she would be out very soon but Qin Hai was almost done smoking and still did not see Liu Qingmei come out.At this moment, another car came from the distance and stopped in front of the house.

A young man in his twenties got out of the car. He was wearing a pair of flashy aviator glasses and wore a famous brand. He was a bit handsome.

Of course, in Qin Hai's eyes, this kid was too weak, too weak to be a mother.

However, what surprised Qin Hai was that this brat was actually walking towards him. After standing in front of him and sizing him up for a few seconds, she nodded at him with her chin and asked, "You are Qin Hai?"Qin Hai threw away his cigarette and stood up. He dusted off the dust on his butt and asked, "You know me?"

The corner of the kid's mouth lifted, and he pointed to the big house behind him with a backhand gesture. He smiled and said, "I reckon everyone here knows you, do you think I wouldn't know you?"

After that, he sized up Qin Hai and smiled, "You look alright. By the way, I heard that your martial arts are pretty good. Is that true?"

"Not bad, who are you?" Qin Hai said.

That little brat took off his sunglasses, revealing a face that was about the same as Liu Qingmei, "Liu Qingyun, didn't my sister tell you about me?"

Qin Hai said, "She said she did, but she didn't say your name. She only said that she had a good-for-nothing little brother who fooled around outside every day."These words were true. Liu Qingmei once mentioned to Qin Hai that she had a little brother and her words gave him a headache.

Liu Qingyun's mouth immediately twitched twice as she awkwardly said: "Don't listen to my sister, what I did was proper business."

With that, the kid turned around to look at the guards at the entrance of the manor and asked, "What, have you been stopped outside?"

"En!" Qin Hai answered with a smile. He could tell that the kid did not want to continue the conversation.

"Aren't you pretty good at fighting? They only have eight people, can't you just flip them over and get in? "Don't tell me you don't dare!" Liu Qingyun had a crafty smile on her face as she instigated.

Qin Hai couldn't help but glance at him, "So what if I beat you up?"Liu Qingyun raised her head and said in an overbearing manner: "Just hit me, if anything happens then it's all mine!" "Forget about them, no matter what happens in the capital, as long as you announce my name, I guarantee that you'll be fine!"

"Really? How come I didn't know that you had become so powerful?"

At this moment, a white hand suddenly reached out and grabbed Liu Qingyun's ear. Liu Qingyun immediately let out a pitiful cry. She did not even turn her head as she pleaded: "Sister, quickly let go. It hurts …."

Liu Qingmei gave a humph and let go of the brat's ears. She said to Qin Hai: "Don't listen to him and don't follow him in the future. Let's go, I will bring you in."

Qin Hai smiled at Liu Qingyun before following Liu Qingmei into the house. This time, no one came to stop him.Behind them, Liu Qingyun chased after them and said with a mischievous smile, "Sister, why didn't you tell me when you were back? I wanted to go to the airport to pick you up!"

Liu Qingmei said: "It was just a temporary decision but Uncle Zhong already sent someone to pick us up." Oh right, do you know how grandfather fell down? "

At the mention of this, Liu Qingyun suddenly began to stutter, "Uh … …" I'm not sure about that, and I wasn't at home. "

Liu Qingmei suddenly stopped and stared at Liu Qingyun for a few seconds. The latter's mouth twitched a few times and finally bitterly laughed: "I was not at home but I heard that it was related to Nannan.""Nannan?" Liu Qingmei's expression suddenly changed, "What does grandfather falling have to do with Nannan?"

"It seems like Nannan insisted on pushing the wheelchair and accidentally pushed Grandfather down the stairs." Liu Qingyun bitterly smiled.

Liu Qingmei opened her mouth wide in shock. After a while, her face suddenly filled with anger as she turned around and left.

At the same time, from a nearby door, a girl about five or six years old suddenly ran out. She was slightly larger than Guo Guo, and had two little braids on her head.

"Mommy! Mommy!" The little girl quickly ran towards Liu Qingmei, both her arms were wide open and her face was filled with a brilliant smile.

Behind the little girl was a middle-aged woman in her forties or fifties, running in pursuit.

Qin Hai looked at the little girl with a face of pleasant surprise. If he was not mistaken, this was Liu Qingmei's daughter, Nannan.

Little Nan Nan was so cute that Qin Hai fell in love with her the moment he saw her.

Not long after, the little girl quickly rushed to Liu Qingmei's side and hugged her tightly. Liu Qingmei also squatted down to hug her.But what surprised everyone was that Liu Qingmei suddenly slapped the little girl's butt and said with a straight face: "Why didn't you listen to mom? Didn't mom tell you not to push grandpa's wheelchair?"

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