Novel Name : My beautiful CEO

My beautiful CEO Chapter 670

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That night, a live recording of Han Rui attending the opening ceremony of Hai Qing Group appeared on television. On the second day, various newspapers in Spring River carried the news.

In contrast to a few days ago, the newspapers praised the newly established Hai Qing Group and at the same time, they also praised Qin Hai. He was directly crowned as the youngest local entrepreneur in Spring River, making a certain person feel ashamed upon seeing him.However, this was only the beginning. In the following week, news regarding the Hai Qing Group continued to appear in the various media outlets. There were interviews directed at Qin Hai and Lin Qingya, as well as articles that delved deeper into the life and future of Hai Qing Group. All in all, all kinds of beautiful words were sent to this young company that had been established less than a week ago.

Under such intense publicity, even the slowest of people would know that an awesome company had appeared in Spring River, while those who wanted to go deeper would seem to see something from such violent publicity.

Ever since the opening ceremony started with countless guests from all around the country, there were still many who came to congratulate them. There were also many who wished to discuss cooperation with Hai Qing Group.All in all, during this week, Qin Hai was very busy, Lin Qingya was very busy, the company was very busy from top to bottom.

But busy also has the advantage of being busy, the company's various matters in this kind of busy quickly on the right track, and the pace of progress is very big.

For example, many of the projects that had been shelved during the Rui Jing period had been mentioned by the cooperating parties on their own initiative. They had also made great concessions in hopes of continuing their cooperation with the Hai Qing Group.For example, several project sites that had been shut down for several days had signed a contract with suppliers for the supply of raw materials after the bidding. The price of the materials they received was definitely the lowest in Spring River.

In this situation, almost everyone from the top to the bottom of Hai Qing Group was full of energy. The whole company seemed to be full of vigor.

That morning, Qin Hai sat down across from Lin Qingya and looked at her with an expression of heartache.

"Wife, only now do I know how busy you were before. It must have been hard on you!"She raised her head and rolled her eyes at Qin Hai. She said, "Allowing you to participate in the management of the company is Sister Qingmei's decision. If you feel tired, go tell Sister Qingmei that it's useless!"

"..."Qin Hai was speechless. He walked behind Lin Qingya, massaged her shoulders and encouraged her, "Wife, right now is the perfect time to climb to the top. Why don't we go on a tour?"

"I'm not free!" Lin Qingya snorted, "Do you think I'm a big boss like you? With a pat of your butt, you can leave at any time. There's still a bunch of things for me to do."

"Then we won't go far. How about we go to the Eighth Split Mountain?"

"I've just been there, what else am I going to do? Furthermore, it would take me two days to get there. That would be too much of a waste of time! ""Then let's go to the movies. That should be fine, right?" Qin Hai said with a disappointed expression.

Lin Qingya turned her head to look at Qin Hai and blinked. "You really want to watch a movie?"

"That's right!" Qin Hai thought Lin Qingya had agreed and was immediately overjoyed. He took out his cell phone and said, "I'll book the tickets right now!"

"Then you can go by yourself, or you can bring Xiaoxiao and the others along." Lin Qingya said while trying not to laugh.Qin Hai was immediately petrified. Then, he 'angrily' scratched towards Lin Qingya's waist. "Fine, you dare to mess with me. See how I'll take care of you!"

"Ah, help, help!" Lin Qingya's entire body was curling up into a ball as she continuously begged for mercy. In the end, she laughed until tears almost flowed out.

Dong, dong, dong …

F * ck!Was there really a hero who could save lives?

Qin Hai quickly stopped his Anlu Mountain Claw and angrily asked the door, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Autumn Leaf!" Autumn Leaf's timid voice came from the door.

The corners of Qin Hai's mouth twitched as he hurriedly returned to sit opposite of Lin Qingya. Lin Qingya tidied up the clothes on her body and glared at Qin Hai before saying, "Come in!"Autumn Leaf pushed open the door and walked in. Her face was still a bit flushed, and she lowered her head, not daring to look at Qin Hai, as if she was shy.

Lin Qingya and Qin Hai looked at each other. They both knew that Autumn Leaf had definitely heard the commotion they had caused. Immediately, the two of them felt a little embarrassed.

"Autumn Leaf, is something the matter?" Lin Qingya picked up the teacup and pretended to drink water. Qin Hai's skin was thicker than hers, so the one who asked was him.

"Yeah, just now, a reporter from the television station called Xie Yunqi called and said that she wanted to interview all of you, especially you, Big Brother Qin. This is the outline of the interview she just passed on."

After receiving the outline from Autumn Leaf, Qin Hai had just taken a look when he suddenly remembered something. He turned around and asked Lin Qingya, "Xie Yunqi, this name sounds familiar. Qingya, do you recognize her?"After Lin Qingya put down the teacup, she rolled her eyes at this hypocritical fellow. "You can see it on TV everyday, but you still pretend not to know it!?" "Don't worry, if you want to accept her interview, just say so. I won't have any objections, you're the big boss after all!"

Qin Hai was stunned for a moment. "You can see it on television everyday?""Continue acting!" Lin Qingya snorted, "Chunjiang Television Station's 6: 30 local news is hosted by her every night. She also has a financial program broadcast at 9: 30 PM. I remember the last time you praised her because she was beautiful!"

"Aiyo, look at my brain!" Qin Hai smacked his forehead and finally remembered who Xie Yunqi was. This person was the boss of the Spring River Television Station, and in terms of looks, she was definitely a great beauty.

However, he could not say such words again. Didn't he see that this genuine beauty was already getting jealous?

He quickly chuckled and said, "How is that possible? In terms of beauties, in the entire Spring River, there is no one more beautiful than you. In my eyes, you are the only beauty!"

Lin Qingya forced a laugh and said, "Stop flattering me. I won't take your trick."

"Puchi!" The two of them continued to flirt as if no one else was around. Autumn Leaf, on the other hand, couldn't help but burst out laughing, and then she tightly shut her mouth, so stifled that her face was completely red.

Qin Hai hurriedly coughed twice, and said to Autumn Leaf in all seriousness, "Autumn Leaf, give the television station a call and tell this Xie Yunqi that our CEO Lin can accept her interview, then I'll forget about it. "Oh right, from today onwards, I will not accept any interviews from female reporters, especially from beautiful female reporters. You must remember that this is very important!""Pfft!" Lin Qingya could not help but laugh out loud.

"Yes sir!" After Autumn Leaf responded with a "puchi", she also couldn't help but laugh. Then, she quickly ran out of Lin Qingya's office. As soon as the door closed behind her, she squatted behind the door and laughed while covering her mouth. Chapter error, point this report (registered free)After reporting, the maintenance staff will correct the section content within two minutes. Please be patient and refresh the page.

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