Novel Name : The Rise of Xueyue

The Rise of Xueyue Chapter 9 Mourn for You

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When Duchess Li was lost in her thoughts, Duke Li stepped forward with his hands tucked behind his back.

He stared at her bandaged head and arm. In a solemn and rigid voice, he asked, "You're Viscount Bai's first daughter, Bai Xueyue. Am I correct?" His keen eyes watched the girl's reaction. He was surprised when he didn't see any fear in her eyes.

"Yes, that is correct. I am his daughter, Bai Xueyue." She said with a slight edge in her tone. Her voice was cold, and her soft eyes became as rigid as stone.

Although Duke Li admired Xueyue's truthfulness, a tiny part of him wished she denied the information. There was a conflicted expression on his face as he thought about Xueyue's complicated background.

Duke Li's eyes wandered from the determined Xueyue to Duchess Li who seemed oblivious to the weight of Xueyue's surname.

Duchess Li was heavily involved in the women's social circle, but she rarely batted an eye to government and political affairs.

Duke Li, however, was different. He held a very high title in court which forced him to memorize and learn about the affairs of the imperial courts.

As he pondered the Bai surname, a sudden realization occurred. Duke Li remembered Viscount Bai requesting an Imperial decree that would sentence a child to death. Because it was a child, there was a big conflict between Viscount Bai's wishes and the laws of Lanbei.

It's unknown how Viscount Bai did it, but he eventually got the decree. However, there wasn't the name of the child on the scroll, therefore, the Imperial Decree, technically, wasn't sentencing Xueyue. it could've sentenced any child and Viscount Bai would get away with it.

'Interesting...Very interesting.' Duke Li thought to himself.

He wondered what crimes the tiny girl in front of him could commit. Xueyue seemed relatively harmless, due to her tiny and starved frame and her incredibly innocent eyes.

Duke Li was very curious, but he didn't want to question the girl in front of his wife. He was worried about the state of his wife, and if he showed any signs of doubt, she might snap at him.

Duke Li stared at his wife for a brief moment. He saw her attachment towards Xueyue and the way she treated her with motherly affection.

Although Xueyue doesn't resemble Minghua when she opened her eyes, Duchess Li was still very attached to Xueyue. Perhaps it was because she was a child with the same height and frame as Minghua, or it was because Duchess Li had taken care of her, but Duchess Li felt a sense of comfort within Xueyue.

"Would you mind telling me what happened to you?" Duchess Li surprised her husband with her bold question.

Duke Li wanted to ask the same thing, but was scared of his wife's unstable reactions.

Xueyue dropped her head and glanced down at her hands.

Because Duke Li was standing up, he didn't see the broken expression on Xueyue's face. But Duchess Li, who was sitting very close to Xueyue, clearly saw the pained expression.

Duchess Li felt her heart tightly squeezed at the sight of the girl. She seemed so young, barely above the age of thirteen, but it looked as if she had experienced an entire life of hardships.

If only Duchess Li knew Xueyue had indeed suffered a life filled with nothing, but painful events and memories.

Xueyue slowly breathed in and out. She wanted to calm her mind and her heart before she spoke.

She knew her illogical and naive brain had nearly got herself killed once. She was determined to not make the same foolish mistakes again. Rashly speaking out of turn, naively blurting out the first thought that came to her brain and unwise outbursts, Xueyue realized how dumb she was back then.

She realized why Tianai was loved and doted on by everyone she came across. Bai Tianai was very good at masking her emotions and placing on a mask of delicate innocence. Sweet words, honey smiles, and always knowing the right words to speak, she was a very coy girl.

When Xueyue raised her head, there was a glint of determination within her strong, hazel eyes.

Duke Li raised his brows in surprise when he suddenly thought of a woman he and Duchess Li knew. Oddly enough, Xueyue's features was a bit similar to that woman, and the thing they had in common were their clear, sharp eyes.

"I was in my previous condition because I was sentenced to death by beating by Viscount Bai." Xueyue's statement horrified Duchess Li and surprised Duke Li.

Duchess Li's hand flew to cover her mouth and her eyes prickled with sympathy for the girl.

Duke Li was surprised at how fearless, but truthful she was. He valued the trait of truthfulness more than anything in the world, and hearing Xueyue's honest statement made him like the girl a bit more.

"As of now, he probably thinks I'm dead." Xueyue slowly said. Her determined eyes fell and in its stead was a vulnerable child who never received the love and attention.

Duchess Li sniffed into her handkerchief. She thought about the horrible life that this poor girl might've experienced.

Duke Li's expression and reaction was very different from his wife. There was only a twinge of sadness within his eyes. He was very curious about Viscount Bai because he had heard dark rumors about Viscount Bai hating his only legitimate daughter.

"Don't cry, my lady." Xueyue gently rubbed Duchess Li's shaking shoulders.

"There must've been someone that dearly misses your presence-"

"No one will mourn for me...No one will miss me even when I'm dead." Xueyue whispered, but everyone in the room had heard the pitiful statement.

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