Novel Name : The Rise of Xueyue

The Rise of Xueyue Chapter 42 The Emperor's Favorite

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After leading Xueyue back into the tent, Chenyang and Wenmin left to attend private matters.

Xueyue, who had nothing to do but stare at the boring curtains and ground, was bored out of her mind.

Swinging her feet back and fourth on the chair, she decided it was best to walk outside to get some fresh air.

Besides, it was good to get acquainted with the competition grounds before she started to compete. So she made up her mind to walk out of the tent, but the minute she tried to do so, the twins had walked back.

It was like they sensed Xueyue was up to no good.

She pouted at the loss opportunity.

Just then, the tent curtains were drawled back and held in place by a thick and colorful rope. Duke and Duchess Li walked into the tent.

"The announcements will soon begin." Duchess Li said, smiling when she saw Xueyue.

The Duke and Duchess had left early in the morning to greet the Royal Family and exchange pleasantries, so they had to leave in advance whereas the twins and Xueyue traveled later.

"My dear, you look so lovely today." Duchess Li chuckled, brushing a stray strand of hair behind Xueyue's ears. She still had her baby hairs on the side of her face that perfectly framed it, but there was times the hair didn't listen and would fly in the wind.

"The maidservants told me you prepared the outfit, it's really pretty." Xueyue brightly smiled, her eyes twinkling with the light. Duchess Li's expression softened.

"Is it now? I shall have the seamstress make you more dresses, it seems white and blue is a very suitable color for you." Duchess Li loved to doll up Xueyue in all sorts of clothes and fashion. Because Xueyue was young, almost anything and everything suited her. She didn't want to waste Xueyue's youth and beauty, thus, leading her to the frequent visits to the head Seamstress of the capital.

Xueyue lightly laughed at the doting Duchess. "There is no need to make so many more outfits. I still haven't tried on the other ones you ordered for this competition." She mused, not wanting to waste anymore of the Li's money.

Duke Li silently agreed with Xueyue. He was slightly glad that she was not the type of woman who would extravagantly spend her money on clothes and jewelry. Sure, the Li family was rich and their wealth could sustain them for centuries to come, but it was best to not overly spend on useless items.

Over the years, he had became quite fond of the Xueyue, so much that he had registered her name in the files as "Li Xueyue."

Because he was frequently in the Royal Courts, his time spend with his wife was significantly shortened. But Xueyue was always there to please and cheer up the Duchess.

Her presence was greatly welcomed to the Duke who has never seen a sad expression on Duchess Li's face the day Xueyue arrived.

Suddenly, the loud chatter from outside of the tent died down.

The voices became hushed whispers and then utter silence, when a powerful man oozing with authority stepped into the field. The people were left speechless by the sight of the handsome man dressed in extremely well-fitted robes that hug his biceps and muscles.

Many women swooned when they caught glimpse of his features. Was it even humanly possible to be so good looking? Despite the dangerous and dark aura that eluded from the man, the women still felt drawn to him.

Mothers pulled their daughter closer, maidservants tidied their Young Miss's appearance, and immediately, all of the daughters looked more presentable than ever.

"Oh my goodness, look who has just entered!"

"Goodness gracious, he's as handsome as the rumors said he was!"

"Oh my...What I would do to marry him to my daughter!"

"How is it possible for one to be so handsome, yet so terrifying at the same time?"

"I've never seen a man as alluring, but frightening cold as this man..."

The chatter was nonstop and the women excitedly chatter among themselves.

Xueyue was also curious as to what the commotion was all about. She raised her head and saw from a distance, a man walking towards the staircase where the Emperor and Empress was sitting on.

The people immediately silenced when the man stopped walking.

The Emperor stood up from his throne, a proud and bright smile on his face.

No one dared to move or make a single sound. It was so quiet and motionless on the populated open field, even the sound of wind passing could be heard.

The expressionless face cupped his fist and bowed before the Emperor. His stance was excellent and the ways his eyes blazed solidify his power and authority.

The man cupped his fists and slightly bend his neck. "Wen Jinkai greets the Emperor of Houling."

The people stared at him like he had grown three heads. What was wrong with this man? Just how bold was he?!

He didn't bother bowing to the floor, nor did he compliment or praise the Emperor. His gaze was firm and he didn't wait for the Emperor's acknowledgement before raising his head to firmly stare at the Emperor eye-to-eye.

Had it been a regular person, he would surely been tried for offending the Crown and an order of beheading would be set in place.

But this man was incredibly special. One could tell by the extremely fond and soft look on the Emperor and Empress's face, that this man was indeed very important and loved by the Royal family.

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