Novel Name : The Rise of Xueyue

The Rise of Xueyue Chapter 38 Underneath the Pavillion

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As the leaves change colors and fall, four years have trickled by.

Sitting tall and proud on her horse, Xueyue had just arrived home from a long day of riding in the field of the Manor.

Waist-length hair tied into a long ponytail held by a silver thread, eyes sharper, lips softer, and brain stronger, she had finally matured into a fine young lady.

Climbing off of her horse, the stable boy came forward.

"Please take care of Heiyue as usual, but add a bit more feed this time. We've run for quite a while." Xueyue gave her horse a light pat.

The malnourished horse has grown and matured with her owner.

Replacing his mangled fur coat and thin frame was a majestic and glimmering coat of black, a color as deep as the night sky.

The horse was extremely well-built with powerful thighs that thundered through the field. One would've never guessed the horse was blind.

Heiyue was so fast, that whenever she ran, it looked like a blur of black against a world of green.

"I'll come back tomorrow, Heiyue." Xueyue ran a hand through the horse's mane.

Heiyue brushed her head closer, nudging Xueyue's cheeks.

"Or maybe later this evening with a little treat." She chuckled at the way it cling to her.

Heiyue nudged her again and snorted in agreement.

Xueyue smiled, gave her horse one last pat, and then watched the stable boy walk off with her horse.

She hummed a soft melody to herself as she wandered down the halls.

The usual lively hallways were quiet, and the only sound that was heard was the occasional plop of water in the pond, created by the Koi fishes that lived within in.

Li Chenyang had been very busy these pasts few months. After completing all of his studies, he accompanied Duke Li into the Imperial Courts.

Everyone knew Chenyang would one day become the next Prime Minister because of his brilliance and nonchalant face. He was good at hiding his emotions beneath a mask of stony exterior — making him an ideal man for a job filled with backstabbing ministers eying his position.

Li Wenmin took a completely different route from his brother. Instead of practicing scholarly antics, he headed into the military.

He was always at the Imperial Army Camp, training to become the next great Commander.

Because of their duties and work, the men were always out of the house.

Duchess Li was lonely at the lessened presence of her sons, but Xueyue was there for her and would always accompany her every day.

When Xueyue walked into her room, the maidservants followed suite.

They were the usual ones that always helped her tidy her appearance.

She found it odd that they didn't talk to her even when she tried to start a conversation. After four years of trying, she finally figured they weren't supposed to talk to her...

A knock echoed throughout the room.

"Come in." Xueyue said, while sitting still for her maidservants.

Another pretty maidservant walked in, but she was dressed in a slightly fancier clothes.

She was the head maidservant and the one that personally served Duchess Li.

"Young Miss, Duchess Li is requesting your presence in her garden." The head maidservant bowed with her hands tucked in front of her.

When she lifted her head, she was slightly impressed at how fast the maidservants worked.

Xueyue's hair was in an intricate low bun with a few silver butterfly hairpins tucked into her smooth, silky raven hair.

She had already changed back into feminine clothing that was suitable for spring. Accompanying her blue and purple hairpins was a pastel color hanfu falling in light layers.

"Okay, I'll go to her now." Xueyue stood up and the maidservant quickly stepped back.

Xueyue followed the head maidservant down the beautifully designed hallways.

Together, they walked towards the Chrysanthemum Wing where Duchess Li was often found in the gardens tending to her flowers.

"Duchess Li," Xueyue greeted, smiling when she saw the beautiful woman sitting in a pavilion.

"Ah, my dear. You're here." Duchess Li stood up, a soft smile adorning her lips.

"I'm sorry I couldn't accompany you this morning, I was horseback riding with Heiyue. She's been very needy these past few days." Xueyue chuckled, stepping into the pavilion that was the perfect shield from the glaring sun.

"Mm, that's alright. I was also busy this morning. The flowers needed to be trimmed and groomed." Duchess Li warmly said.

"I've had the chefs make your favorite rice cakes, do have a taste." Duchess Li happily showed Xueyue the white and black pastry.

She loved watching Xueyue eat because she ate without a care in the world, unlike most girls who took dainty bites.

Duchess Li happily chuckled when she watched Xueyue pick up one piece, two piece, and soon, the entire plate was cleared.

She was beginning to become a glutton, just like Wenmin.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, I'll have the chefs prepare it again." Duchess Li said, a light twinkle in her eyes.

"No, that's alright. I like the ones you make for me, you make it a lot differently." Xueyue sheepishly wiped her mouth with the handkerchief.

She didn't mean to gobble down the food, but after an entire day of horseback riding, she was really hungry.

Duchess Li felt her chest swell with warmth.

She was especially happy whenever Xueyue ate or complimented her food, as she was the only one who did that.

"Then I will be sure to prepare a good dessert after tonight's dinner." Duchess Li grinned, her eyes shinning as bright as the stars.

Xueyue smiled at the idea of having double dessert in one day. It seem sweet food really was her favorite!

Just then, Xueyue noticed the red envelop on the table. Upon closer inspection, she saw the official stamp of the Imperial Family.

Noticing her stares, Duchess Li followed it and smiled.

"It's an invitation to the Summer Banquet that many children from noble families attend. It's a competition that allows young men and women to show off their skills."

Every two years, the Summer Banquet would come along.

It was often held in selective cities, and this time, it was held in Lanbei because the forests were brimmed with creatures and the open fields were perfect for the competition.

Not to mention, Lanbei had a full harvests all season around, which was perfect for a feast.

"Xueyue, you've demonstrated excellent skills in archery, horseback riding, and sword fighting. If you're interested in attending, I wouldn't mind taking you there." Duchess Li wanted to show Xueyue off to the world.

It amused Duchess Li that Xueyue was so good in things useful for the military. Horseback riding over dancing, archery over art, sword fighting over embroidery, she really was a strange child.

"Hm..." Xueyue weighed her options.

The Summer Banquet was not only a place to show off one's skills, but it was also the perfect place to find suitable wives or husbands.

Many young women would enter the competition to show off their talents in hopes of capturing the attention of noble families, or even better, the eyes of royalty.

It was no secret that Princes from other Kingdoms and Empires would attend, and many of them didn't have a fiance.

Rumors had it the Second and Third Prince of Shenzhou would be present.

"Will Chenyang and Wenmin participate in the competitions?" Xueyue asked.

Duchess Li nodded.

"Yes, they've competed for a while now." She was fond of the memories of proudly watching her sons participate in hunting, mathematics, writing, sword fighting, and horseback riding.

Everything they wanted to compete in, Li Chenyang and Li Wenmin always came in first place.

There were no exceptions. Their skills were flawlessly perfect.

This made them highly sought-after bachelors that many young women wanted to acquaint themselves with.

"Then I would love to attend the Summer Banquet." Xueyue smiled, happy they'd also come. She didn't want to go alone and become a burden to the family.

Duchess Li clapped her hands. "Perfect, I'll order you new sets of clothes and hairpins! It's going to be so exciting!" She gleefully said, happy at the idea of new wardrobes and having the entire family there.

Xueyue laughed at her excitement and listened as Duchess Li rambled about the banquet.

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