Novel Name : Living With a Temperamental Adonis: 99 Proclamations of Love

Living With a Temperamental Adonis: 99 Proclamations of Love Chapter 985 Leave Before I Return 5

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He had never used this card for his personal business, so who would transfer so much money to him?

Was it a mistake or…

Cheng Qingchong‽

She had been holding this card, so this money came from her?

Qin Yinan's face darkened, and without thinking about it, he found Cheng Qingchong's number and dialed it.

Over the few years that Cheng Qingchong had worked at ST Empire, she had amassed quite a small fortune for herself. She was a girl living alone in Beijing with no assets to her name, so other than the monthly fixed expenses she needed to survive and a fixed amount sent back to her parents, she had pretty much saved the rest.

However, at the end of the day, she was only a secretary, so her salary wouldn't be that high. The money she transferred to Qin Yinan that afternoon had practically emptied her savings.

For the eight months that Qin Yinan had stayed at the hospital, to take care of him, she had to quit her job. After leaving the hospital, he had started a new company. Concerned that he might be too busy to take care of himself, she had been holding off finding a new job and had committed all of her time to taking care of the house and the man. After she married Qin Yinan, she had quit renting her original apartment.

The sudden arrival of the divorce unhinged her. The only place she could go after leaving Qin Yinan's place was the hotel. There was only 20,000 RMB left in her bank, and she needed that to last until she found herself a place and a new job. Therefore, Cheng Qingchong decided to find a random hostel for now.

After checking in, the first thing she did after getting to her room was to open her laptop to send her resume and to look for a place to rent. When she was done with everything, it was already 1 am.

Even though she had not had a bite since morning, Cheng Qingchong didn't feel hungry. She closed the laptop and sat with her legs crossed on the bed, looking at the night sky out the window for a long time before getting down off the bed to use the bathroom.

When she was in the shower, Cheng Qingchong saw through the reflection of the bathroom window the clustered kiss marks all over her body. They reminded her of how gentle Qin Yinan had been when kissing her on the nameless hill the previous night, and her hand that held the showerhead shivered violently.

That passionate love-making that she had mistaken as love was nothing more than his revenge. She had thought that night would mark the beginning of a new and wonderful phase of her life, but it was the start of a nightmare.

An indescribable pain and heavy despair twisted itself around Cheng Qingchong's chest. It was so heavy that it squeezed the breath out of her. She forced herself to look away from the mirror and focus on cleaning her body. She grabbed the towel to wipe her body, put on her pajamas, crawled into bed, and turned off the light. The room was dark. She stared at the ceiling, and tears involuntarily fell onto the pillow.

That morning, before him, she didn't dare to cry.

When she left, there were other people outside the elevator, so she still didn't dare to cry.

Now, in the middle of the night, even when she was alone, she didn't dare to cry out loud.

Actually, she wasn't a crier because no one would have cared about her tears.

Last night, she couldn't stop herself from crying before Qin Yinan, and it was then that she realized she had considered him a confidant, and that was why she dared to cry before him. Alas, it was all a show. His kind action of wiping away her tears was added insult to injury.

Cheng Qingchong really wanted to will herself to stop crying because no one would have cared if she died crying. Alas, her tears simply refused to stop.

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