Novel Name : Divinity: Against The Godly System

Divinity: Against The Godly System Chapter 353 Raid

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Chapter 353: Raid

"As for your words about someone dying if I didn't leave the city, that was as a Punishment to the Quest. I did leave the city in that timeline. If you repeat that quest again, I'll simply leave the city, escaping the punishment. I don't think that I would need to do that, though. You want to know what I think?" Ryder asked suddenly.

"You knew what was going to happen. You knew that this was the right way to save me and to make sure that I used the abilities I had to get that one in a ten thousand possibilities. This didn't start from the moment I traveled back in time, but it did when you made me leave the city and stopped me from being in the hotel that was going to blow up. Everything was planned. You knew what was going to happen, didn't you?" He asked Janus.

Even though he waited for a response, he didn't get a reply.

"Fine. Keep your secrets," Said Ryder as he snorted.

After resting for a few minutes, he stood up and started taking off his clothes. He entered the shower to clean his body.

After he finished his shower, he stepped out and got dressed.

After getting dressed, he sat on the bed.

"Open Inventory," he commanded.

A semi-transparent screen appeared in front of him that showed him his inventory. It showed him the items he held there.

He saw fourteen inactive bombs, his gun that didn't need bullets and reloading, his other guns that he had stolen from other people, a few dead bodies, and a few more things, including a golden mirror.

Looking at the dead bodies in his inventory, he sighed. "I always forget to get rid of these bodies. I should find a place to throw these away sometimes. I can't even set a reminder to throw away the dead bodies."

Skipping on the bodies, his gaze stopped over the Golden Mirror.

Tapping on the Golden Mirror, he brought it out and closed the screen.

As Ryder double tapped on the back of the mirror, A map appeared inside the Golden Mirror. The Mirror seemed to be showing the satellite image of the area where Ryder was staying.

He pinched in, and the map started getting bigger. He continued it until the map was showing the image of the entire city.

He could see a green dot that was showing in his location.

There were two red spots on the map as well.

"If I'm the green one, the red ones should be that masked guy and his partner. It seems like they're leaving the city. Good," Ryder muttered as he smiled.

"It was a good idea to buy the tracker from the system and bound it to the two guys when I first saw them near the bombs. Now I can make sure they don't get close to my family," he continued as he placed the mirror back in his inventory. He stood up and started to walk towards the door. "It sucks that none of them were caught by the cops. I knew it would be the case, but I still had some hopes."

Just as Ryder was able to open the door of his room to leave, his phone started ringing.

Looking at the number on his phone, he picked up the call.

"Ray," he said the first word without waiting for the other person to speak.

"Ryder," the other person replied. "You are pretty good. I didn't know that you would recognize the person following you in less than a week. You've surpassed my expectations."

"I didn't expect you'll doubt me despite that Lie Detector Test. You've surpassed my expectations as well," Ryder replied calmly.

"I just got out of a meeting and saw your call. Did you call me to tell me to take off the person trailing you? Don't worry. I already told her to leave," Ray answered Ryder as if he had guessed his intentions.

"I didn't call you for that. I called you regarding the explosion that took place some time ago," Ryder told Ray.

"Oh, that. Yeah, I had a feeling that you were involved in it. Going out so early and the explosion took place near the place you parked your car. It was somewhat expected that you were involved. So tell me, was the Bio-Terror Group involved? Did you fight them?" Ray asked Ryder as he sat down on his chair.

Jacob was packing their bags for departure, still hearing Ray's conversation. He already knew about Ryder as Ray didn't hide anything from him.

" They are not called Bio-Terror Group. Stop using such show-off names. They're called the Dark Uprising. Anyway, how did you know where my car was? I thought you had called that girl off my trail after I told her to stop. Let me guess; you got a Tracker in the car?" Ryder inquired with an amused smile on his face as he sat back on the comfortable bed again.

" Ah," Ray was stunned for words. He hadn't thought the answer to this question at all.

"Hahaha, so this is it. I must say, you guys are doing something illegal. Putting a tracker in Shu Maxwell's Car. Do you know how hard that guy can screw the FBI if he knew that you guys had placed a tracker on his car?" Ryder let out laughing. Ray was actually intimidated. Shu Maxwell was the owner of one of the biggest Weapon Manufacturing Conglomerates. He was also known as one of the top ten wealthiest people.

Even though Shu's name was always kept blank in the rankings, every influential person knew who he was. The world only knew the owner of the Dream Corporation as Mr. Maxwell, whose images were not even on the internet, but the ones who knew him knew how powerful his position was.

"I did it for our country. For the safety of our country, I need to catch the BioT... Dark Uprising. We need to stop them. I took this decision on my own. The FBI doesn't know you. That's why FBI agents weren't tracking you, and I sent that girl. The Tracker was my doing too. If you want me to face the consequences, you can tell Shu Maxwell about it. However, I appeal to you. Help us first. Let us catch the Dark Uprising and save everyone. I'm ready for the Punishment after that," Ray told Ryder.

Even though Ray knew that it wasn't going to be good if it was exposed by Ryder, he still didn't back off, insisting that it was for a good cause and he was ready to take responsibility.

" Sigh, you're a fool, Ray. I know the call is not being recorded, but you would have regretted it if you were tapping my calls. Since you've been a good guy, I'll help you a little. I know where the two leaders of Dark Uprising are. Soon, I'll send you their location. You can raid that place and capture them, but remember one thing. The Dark Uprising is much stronger than you can imagine. What you saw in DC was nothing," Ryder told Ray.

" I'm nothing in front of their leaders. Honestly speaking, I would die ten times if I really faced them. If I'm a rabbit at the moment, they'll be like lions. So you must take everything you can. Destroy them from their roots. This is the last chance that I'm giving you to catch them. Do it right, and it'll be over," he continued.

"Anyway, I'm going for a birthday right now. I'll send you their location when I get it. It should be in a few days," he said before he disconnected the call.

Beep... Beep...

Ray heard the beeping as the call was disconnected.

He placed the phone on the table.

"What did he say?" Jacob asked Ray as he placed two bags on the table in front of Ray. These two bags were filled with their stuff that they were going to carry.

"He says that he'll give us the location of Dar... I mean Bio-Terror's address. He's suggesting we go in full force and destroy them from their roots," Ray answered, looking grave.

"Their location? Wow, that would make it so much easier if it's true. Do you trust him though?" Jacob inquired after the initial period of excitement.

Ray glanced at Jacob before he slowly opened his lips and answered.

Far away from the Capital City of the states, A place landed inside New York.

A young man who seemed like he was in his early twenties stepped out of the plane.

"Ahh, the fresh air of a new place. I wonder what awaits me in this new place," the young boy muttered as he asked towards the gates inside the airport.

He stepped out of the Airport and entered a cab.

"Welcome to the States?" the can driver told the young boy with a smile.

"Thank you," The young boy answered.

"Are you Russian?" The cab driver asked, noticing the different accent of the boy.

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