Novel Name : Divinity: Against The Godly System

Divinity: Against The Godly System Chapter 589 Zombie

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Chapter 589: Zombie

Despite being shot, the man didn't fall to the ground. Instead, he emotionlessly looked at the guards. There were hikes in his chest, but no blood was flowing.

"Is he a zombie or something? He can toss one of us with a single hand, and he doesn't die even with bullets?" One of the guards let out, frowning.

What he said wasn't only his flight. It was the thought of everyone here. Everyone was looking at the man as if they were looking at a ghost.

Another guard raised his gun again as he shot the center of the man's forehead. Bullet passed through the head, leaving a hole in the head, but the man still didn't move.

This actually horrified the guards even more as they realized that it was actually impossible to defeat this person. He wasn't a human.

"Should we run?" A guard suggested.

"What nonsense? We can't leave the Prince to die," Another guard retorted.

"What can we even do? We can't move him. We can't kill him. All we can do is stand here and wait for him to kill us. And I don't want to be killed by a Zombie. Didn't you see the movies? If they bite you, you'll become one of them too. I don't want that!"

"Don't worry! Nothing like that will happen. Can't you see? He isn't attacking. He's simply trying to block the door. We just need to have him move. Distract him! Make him chase after you. The entrance will be free, and we'll be able to enter!"

"Distract him? Make him chase after us? Have you gone crazy? He's standing there; let him stand. If we made him chase after us, he would kill us! As for the Prince, who knows, he might already be dead! This monster came from his room after all."

"Mark is right. Maybe he already killed the Prince? Putting our life in danger for a dead person is stupid. Just stand here and wait for that guy to move!"

The guards talked amongst themselves to figure out a plan, but none of them could come to a consensus. Most of them were already too scared to approach the dark-clothed man, while there were also some who wanted to do their duty and protect the Prince.

After a brief pause, a brown haired man stepped forward.

"Fine! You all are too scared. I'll do it. I'll be the one distracting this person. When he chases after me, go and save the Prince!" he said.

"Mark, What are you saying? You want to risk your life?" Another guard asked.

"Yes," Mark said, determined.

"How can you even distract this person, though? Have you ever thought about it? It seems impossible. Even after being shot so many times, he hadn't attacked us," Another guard said, frowning.

"That's right. The only time he actually reacted was when Jack tried to hit him with hand. Other than that, he hasn't reacted much."

"If that's the case, then I'll do the same. I'll attack him physically to get his attention," Mark said, clenching his fist.

"Are you crazy? You want to suffer the same fate as Jack? What distraction? It'll be a waste. To hit him personally, you'll need to be close to him. But then he can also easily hit you back without even having to move. What distraction?"


While a discussion continued outside on how to enter the room, Ryder was still inside his room, keeping Suliven trapped. He wasn't giving Suliven the chance to come back to his real self.

Suliven knew that if he tried to come back to his real self, he was going to be killed. But he couldn't do anything else either. He couldn't stay like this and keep getting hurt.

"It's pretty fun. I suppose I should thank you for giving me a free rein," Ryder told Suliven, mocking him.

Suliven couldn't take it anymore as he jumped back before coming to his real self, but at the same time, he saw the blade of Ryder's Scythe coming towards his neck.

Ryder seemed even faster now. Without giving Suliven a chance to even balance himself, his Scythe reached him, slicing the neck of Suliven.

Suliven's head rolled on the ground as his body had just managed to come to its real self when Ryder's Scythe reached him.

Suliven was killed without even getting the chance to enter his semi-godly. To enter it, he needed a few minutes in his human form, but Ryder didn't let him have that either because he expected that.

Finishing up, Ryder glanced at the body of Suliven. A smirk could be seen on his face. He kept the body in his inventory.

"Finally done. I wonder how he's doing outside," he wondered as he looked at the door.

He did hear a few gunshots before, but he wasn't worried. No one could kill the person who was already dead, after all.

He walked towards the door and opened it.


Mark had just approached the man blocking the door, trying to get him away when he stopped as he saw the door behind him open on its own. No one could be seen there, though. It was as if the door opened on its own.

That wasn't the strangest part though. They next saw the man disappear in thin air.

Since Ryder was using his illusion, they couldn't see him. And he had also kept the puppet back in his inventory. Since he was already dead, it could be kept there.

Finishing up, Ryder started leaving.

While he was leaving, he noticed the body nearby.

'It seemed like he killed someone. Oh well, it can't be traced to me now. I'm on time,' he thought as he looked at the time in his clock.

Without thinking twice, he started leaving right in front of the guards, who were in a daze as they saw a man disappear before them.

Some of them even wondered if they were dreaming, while the other half thought as if what they saw before him was a ghost.

Some of them came out of their daze as they pinched their cheeks.

"Stop standing there! Check for the Prince!" They reminded others as they ran towards the room.

Unfortunately, they were too late. As they entered the room, they found a terrible fire inside. Moreover, no person could be seen inside.


Ignoring whatever was happening inside the place, Ryder stepped out and walked back to his car, which was parked far away from the Palace vicinity.

Reaching his car, he entered before he started driving away.

"Done with one more. Janus, where to next?" Ryder asked while driving to a hotel.

"There are two more targets left— one in China and another in America," Janus answered.

"America? Wasn't Aluren the only one there?" Ryder asked, frowning.

"There's one more," Janus answered.

"That's good. So I'll go to China first. After dealing with the sixth guy, I'll go back to America with Ayn and finish the last one," Ryder affirmed.

He parked the car inside the hotel parking lot before walking to his room that he had booked.

He soon entered the room and sat on the sofa, relaxing a little. He also turned on the TV at the same time to see if there was any news about what had happened today.

"There had been a fire in the Royal Palace! The fire seems to be spreading!"

" According to the latest updates, everyone has evacuated the Palace while the authorities are trying to control the fire from spreading even more."

"Prince Suliven seems to be missing according to our sources. Search for him is also ongoing inside the Palace!"

As Ryder heard the news, he couldn't help but smile wryly. "I apologize for destroying your Palace."

"Anyway, keep searching for that Prince of yours. You aren't going to find him ever. Not like he was actually a Prince though. You can thank me for that later," He further said as he turned off the TV.

He brought out his phone and booked a plane ticket for China. Fortunately, he didn't need to wait for long as he got a seat on tonight's flight.

There were only a few hours left before the flight.

He opened the inventory and brought Suliven's body outside.

"Before leaving, I might as well finish this."

He sat near the body and started the absorption process. Unlike the first time he did it, the absorption wasn't painful. His body had become more resilient.

It was also much faster this time as within a minute; he finished the absorption. The body of Suliven disappeared as well.

Ryder sat on the sofa again, lazily. He started relaxing as he again felt sleepy. Unfortunately, he knew he didn't have time to sleep. He needed to leave for the airport soon.

He rested on the sofa for a little, and when it was time, he left.

Reaching the airport, Ryder took the flight to China.

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