Novel Name : Divinity: Against The Godly System

Divinity: Against The Godly System Chapter 603 All at one place

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Chapter 603: All at one place

The Lord of War didn't know what was going on with his son, but he had a bad feeling. Especially with the appearance of Lord of Space on earth.

He couldn't help but wonder if something bad happened to the young boy.

"I should wait for a day. If he doesn't respond, I'll have to take action," the Lord of War decided as he kept the stone back.

He started thinking about what he could do without letting others know that he was in contact with his son, and that's why he was asking.


It was a new day on Earth. The Sun shone brightly in the sky when Ryder woke up from his sleep.

Yawning, he got off the bed and went to get fresh. After an hour, he got completely ready, dressing in professional clothing.

He left the Maxwell Estate and got into his car that was parked outside, and departed from the premises.

He went straight to his office inside the Divine Corporation headquarters to check what was happening in that place.

As for the company shares, they were soaring even now. Everyone was trying to invest in the company to get some shares because of the rumors Ryder had spread. Even the media was standing outside the Divine Corporation headquarters, covering the new star in the business industry.

A Ferrari stopped in front of the Headquarters, and a well-dressed man stepped out of the car.

The dark-haired man entered the building, being greeted by the guards. Everyone seemed respectful to him as he was the boss of Divine Corporation.

Ryder went upstairs and met his Medical Research Department head to inquire about how the human trials were going.

He was told that everything was going smoothly so far, and they could see progress.

He also heard their surprise at how the company had risen so much in one night.

"That's just the start. Just keep watching," Ryder replied as he smiled.

He went to the higher floor to meet his Aviation Department head to talk about a few things. After a conversation that lasted for about half an hour, he left the place. He went to his office, which was reserved for him.

This was only his second time stepping inside this office since it was made.

Inside the office, there was a table and a comfortable chair. There were also shelves, but there was nothing inside them. Since he never came here, there were no files here.

He locked the door as he walked to the chair. Sitting comfortably on the chair, he brought out his laptop and placed it on the table.

"Maya, is everything prepared?" he inquired as he opened the laptop.

"It's all prepared," Maya said.

"That's good. We can begin," Ryder nodded. "Start.'

As he spoke, the screen on the laptop changed as a video call link was established to Japan.

As for the recipient, it was none other than Itsuki, or the person who the world knew as Itsuki.

"It's you. I was wondering who it was that forced this meeting in our systems because I certainly remember not having anything like this. What do you want? And where is Itsuki?" The fake Itsuki asked.

"He is dead. He was in an accident, and now he is no more. But I'm sure you should have tried calling him already, didn't you? He wouldn't return," Ryder answered.

"He died in an accident. It can't be possible," The Fake Itsuki said, not believing in the least.

"Let me send you the video of it happening then. In his last moments, he told me a few things, and I want to fulfill his dying wish. That's why I contacted you," Ryder said as he tapped once on the table, signaling Maya.

As Maya got the signal, she did as she was told. She sent a video to Itsuki, which appeared on his screen. It was a video that showed the Car of Itsuki crashing, being destroyed.

It also showed Itsuki's death. In the video, he could be seen speaking something. But as there was no audio, no one was able to hear it.

"I'm sure you saw the footage, didn't you? That's not a fake. You can try having it go through any software or forensics. But it's the truth. And as he died, he said something to me. He wants me to control the Itsuki Corporation and continue his quest further," Ryder said, taking advantage of the moment.

Itsuki didn't understand what was happening. This footage seemed real, and if Ryder was so adamant about having it checked, then there was a good chance that it wasn't doctored. But didn't this mean Itsuki was dead? How could he die because of a simple accident? He was a god-like being.

"I promised him that I'd help his quest, so I'll certainly do that. Now you can do a few things. You can either hand me the control of the company, or I'll have to get heavy handed. And I'm sure you can't do anything without Itsuki's protection," Ryder warned Itsuki.

"You can take it as a threat, or you can take it as a reminder. Just know that it's how it'll end. So what do you want to do? You have three hours. You can decide and then tell me," he added as he disconnected the call.

After disconnecting, Ryder closed the laptop.

"Maya, keep an eye on him. And even if he checks that footage, make sure he finds it to be genuine, alright?" he told Maya as he closed the laptop.

He got off the chair and left the office. He stepped out of the office.

Leaving the building, he stepped inside the car and left.

He went straight to the mansion of Esmi as it had been a long time since he saw her.

The last time he saw her was when he left her inside the hotel.

As he reached the mansion of Esmi, he was stopped at the gates.

"There's no one inside the Mansion," the guards informed him.

"Where is Bastion? And Esmi? She isn't here either?" Ryder asked.

" Both of them went to Miami. They'll be back in a week at best," the guards replied. "If you have something important, you can contact him directly."

"It's fine. I didn't have anything important to do," Ryder answered, shaking his head.

He reversed the car and turned it around before he left.

"It seems like they're on vacation. I should've called before coming," He muttered as he smiled wryly.

"Hey, Maya. Can you make a reservation in Hotel Seaton for our dinner tonight? Make it for three people. We should have a day out with Shu and Alice," he told Maya as he departed from this place.

He went back to the Mansion now that he was done with what he had to do. He spent the rest of the day with Alice and Shu, enjoying the day to the fullest.

There even came a time where they all went to play baseball with their security team in the afternoon.

Ryder played the baseball, but he also controlled his strength. He didn't want to destroy a building with his fast pitch. Fortunately, he had no problem in controlling his strength by now. As he had become a master.

After a good playing session, they all went to shopping before it was time for dinner. They left the place and went for the dinner.


"Not here either," the Lord of Space sighed, standing in a different part of the nation.

He disappeared and appeared in another city, this time in the same city where Ryder was currently residing. He began his search here.


At the same time, Janus also appeared in the same city as Ryder. He had finished his search on other parts of the nation where he believed Lord of Space could be. He decided to search America now.

Janus appeared in the same city as well. The only difference was that he was on the other end of the city.


God of War had called for a meeting now that more time had passed. He still couldn't get in contact with his son. He couldn't wait any longer. He decided to get into action.

All the gods who had their sons taking part in the Trial were called.

"What happened?" The gods asked. "Why did you call us here?"

"I think we should send an envoy to check if our sons are fine or not," the God of War suggested.

"Why so suddenly? Why won't they be fine?"

"I don't know. It's just that I have a bad feeling from yesterday. It's as if something really bad has happened to them. I don't know what it could be about, but I can't sit idle. In any case, it's only normal that we keep checking up on the kids now that the Lord is Space is there," the Lord of War suggested.

"Is nothing big. It's only sending an envoy. I think we can afford that, can't we?" He asked.

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