Novel Name : Divinity: Against The Godly System

Divinity: Against The Godly System Chapter 545 Bringing Aluren out

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Chapter 545: Bringing Aluren out

"Why did the Lord of Space go to earth? And how did you know about it? If this is true, things could be really wrong. All the plans would be spoiled if he is in the same place as him," Janus thought, concerned.

"The gods had sent an envoy to Earth to inform something to all the God-sons. And when he was coming back, he noticed the Lord of Space there but before he could approach him and ask, the Lord of Space disappeared," the Goddess of Life said, frowning.

"He is a tricky guy. His Spatial Shroud makes it almost impossible for us to find him. The Envoy was very lucky to be where the Lord of Space was or we wouldn't have known about it. Anyway, did he say on which part of Earth the Lord of Space was?" Janus asked.

"Yeah. The Envoy was delivering the last message in a place known as Germany on Earth. We don't know the rest," the Goddess of Life said.

"Germany? So he isn't in the same country as him. That's good. But with Lord of Space we can't be sure. He can Teleport anywhere and appear in America within seconds. He might even be there already," Janus said, frowning.

"That's right. Chaos' life is in danger. If the Lord of Space knows about him, he would kill him," the Goddess of Life said.

"No, I can't let him kill. I'll keep a strict eye around brother. Even though we can't locate Lord of Space, we can atleast watch Ryder and his surroundings. If the Lord of Space appeared nearby, we would need to interfere. If worse comes to worst, I would interfere directly," Janus said, clenching his fist.


As the news of the appearance of the Lord of Space was going around in the God Realm, Ryder was sleeping peacefully on bed.

The night passed peacefully without much happening. As the morning arrived, Ryder stood up, prepared to take on the final two kings today before it was going to be the time of Aluren.

He got ready and left the hotel before he called Gander.

"Are you up?" He asked.

"Yeah. I could barely sleep, fearing that today will be my last day and wondering how you'll use me to lure the last two kings," Gander replied.

"Don't worry, I won't ask you to do much. Only something very simple. Today, you don't need to bring out the Kings. But today, you need to bring out Aluren," Ryder said as he stepped into his car and started the engine.

"What the heck? You want me to bring out that monster? You want to kill him directly? Have you gone crazy? He is the strongest! What happened to killing all Kings first? If Aluren comes, the other two Kings would come with him as well! You'll be against three of them!" Gander replied, protesting against the decision.

"You're wrong. The Kings won't come with Aluren. Because they will certainly leave one person back at the mansion, to make sure someone is there to intercept me if I return. So don't worry. Just make sure you bring out Aluren," Ryder said.

"How can I bring out that monster? He wouldn't listen to me!" Gander said.

"He will listen to you when it is about me. Tell him that you were trying to track my number to help them and that my number became active for a second in the Gravin Resort before it again went off," Ryder said as he drove the car.

"Tell him you believe that I might be there. He will certainly come with you. At best, he would bring one King with him and leave one back for reasons I mentioned before," he further added.

"Fine. I will do as you said. If he brings both Kings, don't blame me," Gander said before he disconnected the call.


"Did you meet that guy? Is he a god-son or not?"

Itsuki was talking to Aluren over the phone, asking if Aluren had found anything.

"I haven't met him yet. I'm sitting in his home but apparently he went on a vacation with his family. He should be back soon," Aluren replied.

"Inform me when you find something," Itsuki said before he disconnected the call which was short and to the point. The two hadn't even talked for a minute.


Gander walked back to the mansion of Ryder.

As he entered the mansion, he found the first and the second King in the main hall.

"You're back again. You've been doing the bank and forth a lot of times. What's up with you? Every Time you came, you left with one of us and that person left you midway according to you. This doesn't make sense. What are you trying to do?"

Seeing Gander return, the First King asked him a question which Gander didn't want to hear. The question which had the potential to ruin everything.

"Your Highness, what can I say, my luck is bad. But I'm not trying to do anything. I didn't come here to bring anyone. I came here to inform Master Aluren about something important," Gander said, keeping his breathing calm.

"What do you want to tell him?" The First King asked.

"I want to inform him about Ryder Flynn. Where is he? I found out something important about Ryder," Gander said.

"Why d-" The First King tried to respond but he closed his mouth as he heard the sound of footsteps behind him. He recognized these footsteps. Aluren had entered the place.

"What about Ryder?" Aluren asked as he sat on a sofa.

" I was here when we heard about him going on a vacation and that his phone was off. Since then, I've been trying to find him. Today, I finally got something!" Gander said.

"What did you find?" Aluren asked. "Get straight to the point."

"His number which had been switched off for a long time was finally turned on today. Even though his phone was only on for a few minutes, we managed to track where it was before it was turned off again," Gander said.

"You have his location? Where is he?" Aluren asked as he stood up.

"He is in this city, at a resort on the southernmost edge," Gander answered.

"That's good. Lead us there," Aluren said as he started leaving.

The Two Kings also followed after Aluren.

Gander aap followed behind, frowning.

'What the heck? The two of them are following Aluren? What happened to the Plan? Ryder was really wrong here,' Gander thought as he sighed.

He left the mansion with the others.

"Oh right, one of you two stay behind at the mansion. Ryder was seen at the resort but this place isn't far from here. He might even be returning here faster. Someone needs to be here to welcome him," Aluren said as he stopped right before the car and looked at his men.

"I'll stay behind then," the Second King said, agreeing to the decision.

Aluren didn't complain and sat inside the car. The first King also entered with Gander as the car drove away.

Gander sat inside the car with the first King but he seemed really impressed with Ryder. Everything happened just as he had said.

'Could it be that he can read minds or see the future?' he thought.


The Second King walked back to the mansion, not realizing that a man had already walked inside the Mansion in the meantime. The man they were looking for was already inside the Mansion, setting things up.

As the second King walked back, he felt something different.

There was an additional scent inside the house that previously wasn't here.

He looked around to see who this belonged to. He soon found the source of the scent. It was a bunny that had apparently barged inside the house.

"Little Bunny, where did you come from? Come here," the Second King said, smiling as he walked towards the white bunny that was before him.

What he didn't know was that the bunny that was before him wasn't actually a bunny but Ryder.

Long ago, Ryder had received a Bunny Costume from the mystery box. The costume had a speciality that it made Ryder seem like a real bunny.

At that time, he believed this item was useless. He had kept it in his inventory and forgotten.

Only recently had he thought about it when he was reading the notes of Gander on the Kings. On the notes, it was written that the Second King loved bunnies. As Ryder read that, he had finally found a use of this item.

The Second King approached Ryder and bent down to pick him up. He didn't know that he was seeing the illusion of a bunny while Ryder was still standing on his two feets.

As soon as the Second King bent down, Ryder slashed with his knife, separating the head of the Second King from his body.

And like that, one more King had died. In these two days, Ryder had killed Eleven of them, without having to fight a single one of them.

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