Novel Name : Dauntless God Of War

Dauntless God Of War Chapter 76

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Brittany kept thinking about what Jon said earlier.

If it wasn't the Sullivan family, then who? Among the people we know, they're the most formidable.

Recalling how terrified Jon was when he saw Harold, along with the things that happened in the office a

few days ago, she couldn't help but think of another possibility. Could it be Harold? Does he have

another powerful identity that I'm not aware of?

She wanted to send a WhatsApp message to Harold and ask about everything. Before that, though,

she tapped into her Instagram and saw the comment he had left on her post yesterday. He had

commented: “Sleep well. Everything will be fine tomorrow.”

Repeating this line silently, again and again, the scene of all those people crowding the entrance of her

house this morning to apologize flashed across her mind.

After connecting the pieces of information together, she came to a conclusion that she herself didn't

dare to believe.

It was only ten o'clock at night when Brittany returned home.

“Brittany, weren't you on a date with Jon? Why are you back so early?” Mandy asked in surprise.

Richard and Gordon, too, were looking confused.

They thought Brittany would surely spend at least a night in the hotel with Jon.

They didn't expect her to be back so soon as it was only just past ten.

“Don't ever bring up that pervert Jon to me again. The one who secretly helped us out of trouble wasn't

even the Sullivan family. That guy was trying to take the credit, and I almost lost my virginity!” she

explained to her family in an enraged tone.

“What? It wasn't them? Then who?” Mandy asked in shock. She was the first to react after hearing her

daughter's grumbles.

The day after Jon visited them, the problem they were facing was dealt with.

Moreover, that such bigwigs had come over to personally apologize had even brought up the standing

of the Xenos family in the community.

Earlier, some of their neighbors even dropped by their house, trying to curry favor with them.

Of all the people they knew, only the Sullivan family had the power to turn the situation around. To

Mandy, there was no doubt that it was them who helped the Xenoses. Yet, after coming back from her

date with Jon, Brittany is now saying it wasn't the Sullivan family?

After hesitating for a while, Brittany blurted out her guess, “It... might have been Harold who helped us

this time.”

“Harold? That's impossible. I would still believe it if you said a poor bloke like him is capable of running

errands for us, but helping us resolve such a big issue? I'm not going to believe that. Brittany, has your

heart gone soft, or are you feeling bad for that guy? Don't tell me you still haven't given up on him? Did

you forget how he humiliated us back then?”

The moment they heard his name, the Xenoses' first reaction was strong denial.

Then, their second reaction was that Brittany had yet to give up on him.

“Mom, listen to me. I'm not suspecting this without any reason or proof. Actually...”

Brittany proceeded to tell her family about how terrified Jon had been when he saw Harold at the movie

theater, as well as the entire conversation between Jon and her when they were outside the Sullivan

family's mansion.

She showed them the comment Harold left on her Instagram post and continued telling them about the

things that happened in the office two days ago.

However, she didn't tell them she had been fired. She only said she had voluntarily resigned so she

could come back and help.

“T-That's impossible. If he has such a shocking identity, then what about that day when he worked part-

time as a waiter in the café and cooperated with others to cheat me out of five thousand?”

Update of Dauntless God Of War by Novelebook

With the author's famous Dauntless God Of War series authorName that makes readers fall in love

with every word, go to chapter Chapter 76 readers Immerse yourself in love anecdotes, mixed with

plot demons. Will the next chapters of the Dauntless God Of War series are available today.

Key: Dauntless God Of War Chapter 76


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