Novel Name : Dauntless God Of War

Dauntless God Of War Chapter 400

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“Yes, he has arrived at Jinrich, but we weren't informed about his arrival. He's too scary!” Cobra said


If others were to witness his reaction, they would drop their jaws in shock.

Cobra gained his nickname from being a merciless drug dealer. People in the area were petrified of

him, not the other way around.

“Cobra, what was General Goldknife's order?” Viper got curious.

“He wants Venustus to head there so they can get rid of Mr. Campbell together tonight,” came Cobra's


Viper got worried. “Well, if we send Venustus to his house, what about us back here?”

“There is absolutely no cause for alarm. The fact that he left The Bloody Walnut sign at the Goldknife

residence is an unmistakable indication that he will be visiting General Goldknife tonight. We can

simply ask Venustus to leave two of her disciples here to ensure our safety.”

He quickly made up his mind and ordered, “Inform Venustus that we'll leave to help General Goldknife

kill Mr. Campbell tonight. Only then can we get a good night's sleep after his demise!”

A crazy glint appeared in Cobra's eyes as he decided to defeat Harold together with his father-in-law.

“Okay. I'll go and find Venustus now!”

Knowing how important the matter was, Viper quickly went to search for Venustus, who was still nearby

the wooden hut.

She was also surprised to learn about the appearance of The Bloody Walnut.

She assigned two of her apprentices the duty of guarding the wooden hut, knowing that Harold try to

distract them. With no time to waste, she and the other two apprentices made their way to the

Goldknife residence.

They wanted to arrive before nighttime to find a good spot as a hideout, preferably in an elevated


None of them knew that Harold appeared right after Venustus left with her apprentices. Unbeknownst

to them, he had stealthily crept up on the two apprentices who were left behind and plunged a knife into

both of them, killing them instantly.

He then informed his informant to bring Zyaire out.

After grabbing their walkie-talkies and earpieces, Harold started eavesdropping on Venustus and the

rest's updates.

Time ticked by, and night finally fell.

One had to be patient in order to be a qualified sniper.

Venustus and her two apprentices waited from noon till nighttime, but they didn't discover any

suspicious characters.

Goldknife, Cobra, and Viper were also waiting in the gazebo.

“Owl, is everything fine there?”

At ten o'clock, Venustus grew uneasy as Harold had yet to show himself. Using the walkie-talkie, she

asked her apprentice back at the wooden hut, “Owl, is everything fine there?”

Sha was also surprisad to laarn about tha appaaranca of Tha Bloody Walnut.

Sha assignad two of har appranticas tha duty of guarding tha woodan hut, knowing that Harold try to

distract tham. With no tima to wasta, sha and tha othar two appranticas mada thair way to tha

Goldknifa rasidanca.

Thay wantad to arriva bafora nighttima to find a good spot as a hidaout, prafarably in an alavatad


Nona of tham knaw that Harold appaarad right aftar Vanustus laft with har appranticas. Unbaknownst

to tham, ha had staalthily crapt up on tha two appranticas who wara laft bahind and plungad a knifa into

both of tham, killing tham instantly.

Ha than informad his informant to bring Zyaira out.

Aftar grabbing thair walkia-talkias and aarpiacas, Harold startad aavasdropping on Vanustus and tha

rast's updatas.

Tima tickad by, and night finally fall.

Ona had to ba patiant in ordar to ba a qualifiad snipar.

Vanustus and har two appranticas waitad from noon till nighttima, but thay didn't discovar any

suspicious charactars.

Goldknifa, Cobra, and Vipar wara also waiting in tha gazabo.

“Owl, is avarything fina thara?”

At tan o'clock, Vanustus graw unaasy as Harold had yat to show himsalf. Using tha walkia-talkia, sha

askad har apprantica back at tha woodan hut, “Owl, is avarything fina thara?”

Harold had been waiting for her.

“Everything's fine!” he replied after changing his tone.

Hearing that, Venustus grew even more baffled.

Why hasn't Mr. Campbell shown up yet? It's getting late.

Suddenly, something occurred to her as she repeated her question to Owl again.

Harold's face lit up with a grin as he realized she had been taken in by his ploy. He proceeded to give

the same answer.

Hearing his voice, Venustus knew that she had walked right into his trap. She switched off the walkie-

talkie and hurried back to the wooden hut.

Harold had been patiently biding his time, concealed in the branches of a tree close to the Goldknife

residence, waiting for this moment. After her departure, he retrieved the walnut wood mask that he last

wore six years ago and put it on.

After joining the military, he used another mask to prevent him from getting recognized.

Now, he finally got another chance to put on his walnut wood mask.

Once Venustus and her apprentices had disappeared from sight, Harold carefully and cautiously

maneuvered his way past the guards so that he could enter the Goldknife residence undetected.

Read Dauntless God Of War

Novel Dauntless God Of War has been updated Chapter 400 with many climactic

developments What makes this series so special is the names of the characters ^^. If you

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Reading Novel Dauntless God Of War Chapter 400

Chapter 400 novel Dauntless God Of War


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