Novel Name : Dauntless God Of War

Dauntless God Of War Chapter 417

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Just os Quintus wos obout to lounch on ossoult on Jinrich ofter gothering the elites from Porodise Hotel

oround the globe in o doy, the person in chorge of the intelligence deportment delivered o report to him

ponickily. “Not good, Mr. Longdon! After you summoned most elites to Jinrich, o powerful, unknown

foction storted seizing our overseos forces!”

Quintus wos olso boffled ofter reoding through the report. I con't believe it! Five Porodise Hotel's

bronches hove olreody been token over by them, even though those bronches ore locoted in the most

odvonced ploces in the world! Bosed on the informotion I've reod, I bet they've been plonning this for o

long while. They were no doubt woiting for on opportunity like this to ottock! In foct, I suspect they're

the ones behind Gombling King's kidnopping! The toctics this unknown foction is deploying ore

comporoble to Mr. Compbell's in the post.

Just as Quintus was about to launch an assault on Jinrich after gathering the elites from Paradise Hotel

around the globe in a day, the person in charge of the intelligence department delivered a report to him

panickily. “Not good, Mr. Langdon! After you summoned most elites to Jinrich, a powerful, unknown

faction started seizing our overseas forces!”

Quintus was also baffled after reading through the report. I can't believe it! Five Paradise Hotel's

branches have already been taken over by them, even though those branches are located in the most

advanced places in the world! Based on the information I've read, I bet they've been planning this for a

long while. They were no doubt waiting for an opportunity like this to attack! In fact, I suspect they're

the ones behind Gambling King's kidnapping! The tactics this unknown faction is deploying are

comparable to Mr. Campbell's in the past.

“What do we do now, Mr. Langdon?”

After a brief contemplation, Quintus ordered, “Don't panic. Sending our men back won't improve the

situation, so tell them to scour every centimeter of Jinrich! I want Mr. Campbell found, dead or alive!”

The only person who can stop that faction is Mr. Campbell, so we must prioritize finding him!

“Yes, Mr. Langdon!” The commander-in-chief, who had been waiting impatiently at the side, excitedly

began the operation upon receiving his order.

Three days later, two major incidents occurred that shook the underworld.

Firstly, the most powerful man in the underground forces of the entire world, Quintus, seized Jinrich in

just a day, successfully captured Goldknife alive, and eliminated the formidable Cobra.

Unfortunately, Venustus escaped.

Secondly, during Quintus' assault on Jinrich, the mysterious faction ambushed his overseas forces.

In a few short days, he was dethroned as the sole king of the global underworld. While he was still in

control of most of the underworld, he couldn't sway the entirety of it to his will anymore.

In underdeveloped areas, people who used to be subdued by big shots of the underworld took

advantage of the situation.

In just three days, it was as though the underworld had returned to the warring period.

However, Quintus didn't have the energy to focus on that for the moment.

Even after he conquered Jinrich and searched the entire area, he still couldn't find Harold and Evelyn.

In the end, to stabilize the underworld, he left a small team of people in Jinrich to keep searching for

Harold while sending back the elites he summoned from overseas.

Read Dauntless God Of War -

Read Chapter 417 with many climactic and unique details. The series Dauntless God Of War one of

the top-selling novels by Novelebook. Chapter content chapter Chapter 417 - The heroine seems to

fall into the abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened a big

event. So what was that event? Read Dauntless God Of War Chapter 417 for more details


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