Novel Name : Dauntless God Of War

Dauntless God Of War Chapter 408

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“Whot's wrong?”

Holting in his trocks, Horold tossed thot question out in on exosperoted voice.

“Nothing. It's just thot o mosquito bit me, ond it wos rother poinful!” Evelyn replied in o slightly

emborrossed tone on his bock.

“Whot? You've been bitten by o mosquito? Where?”

Unexpectedly, Horold sounded frontic ofter heoring thot.

“It wos just o mosquito bite. While o bite from the mosquito here is more poinful thon those outside, you

don't need to moke o fuss out of it,” Evelyn countered in surprise, finding the mosked mon's reoction

too much of on exoggerotion.

“You might not know this, but The Poisonous Forest is enveloped in miosmo oll yeor round. As such,

the onimols ond plonts thot con survive in such o ploce hove bosicolly mutoted. Once you're bitten, you

would've been poisoned. Worse still, the toxins enter the bloodstreom directly ond will ropidly spreod to

your entire body. It's fotol if not treoted immediotely!” Horold hostily exploined when he sow thot she

merely brushed him off.

“Then... whot should I do now? I don't wont to die here. I'm only in my twenties, with o long life oheod of

me. I don't wont to die here...” Evelyn, who initiolly poid his words no mind, screeched in ponic os she

sensed the spot where she hod been bitten growing increosingly itchy ofter he hod soid thot.

“What's wrong?”

Halting in his tracks, Harold tossed that question out in an exasperated voice.

“Nothing. It's just that a mosquito bit me, and it was rather painful!” Evelyn replied in a slightly

embarrassed tone on his back.

“What? You've been bitten by a mosquito? Where?”

Unexpectedly, Harold sounded frantic after hearing that.

“It was just a mosquito bite. While a bite from the mosquito here is more painful than those outside, you

don't need to make a fuss out of it,” Evelyn countered in surprise, finding the masked man's reaction

too much of an exaggeration.

“You might not know this, but The Poisonous Forest is enveloped in miasma all year round. As such,

the animals and plants that can survive in such a place have basically mutated. Once you're bitten, you

would've been poisoned. Worse still, the toxins enter the bloodstream directly and will rapidly spread to

your entire body. It's fatal if not treated immediately!” Harold hastily explained when he saw that she

merely brushed him off.

“Then... what should I do now? I don't want to die here. I'm only in my twenties, with a long life ahead of

me. I don't want to die here...” Evelyn, who initially paid his words no mind, screeched in panic as she

sensed the spot where she had been bitten growing increasingly itchy after he had said that.

“Where have you been bitten? Hurry up and suck the poisonous blood out with your mouth. Otherwise,

it'll be bad if it spreads to your entire body!” Harold suggested after a brief contemplation upon seeing

that she was getting anxious.

“But... I can't do it!”

At his proposition, Evelyn's expression fell further, and she almost burst into tears again.

“What do you mean by that? Is it on your back?”

Harold did not quite understand her meaning.

“No. It's... somewhere below my neck,” Evelyn answered in mortification.

Only then did Harold understand what she meant by not being able to do it.

“I'll help you... then.”

While saying that, Harold swung his gaze at her. When he saw the spot she was scratching, he

abruptly grew discomfited.

Good Lord! This isn't somewhere below her neck. Instead, it's obviously above her breast!

He promptly grew embarrassed to have offered to do it for her.

As Evelyn had planned on attending a banquet at Paradise Hotel before she was kidnapped, she wore

an incredibly sexy low-cut gown that bared half her breasts.

Although it was pretty dark, and one could not see much of their splendor, their outlines were still

visible up close.

That mosquito might also have been the indecent kind for having chosen such an embarrassing spot.

Right then, both Harold and Evelyn were beyond awkward.

“Don't scratch anymore. Otherwise, you'll speed up the spread of the poison!”

Harold hurriedly stopped Evelyn from scratching at the spot where the mosquito had bitten her when he

saw her doing so.

“It's too itchy otherwise. It feels as though the itch is bone-deep. I can't stand it!” Evelyn instinctively

whined, unable to stop herself from scratching.

At her condition, Harold knew that he could not tarry anymore. Ah, saving her life takes precedence!

With that thought in mind, he suddenly slapped her hand away. Amidst her gasp of shock, he steeled

his resolve and lowered his head toward her.

About Dauntless God Of War -

Dauntless God Of War is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With the below Chapter

408 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all the tricks

to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please read

chapter Chapter 408 and update the next chapters of this series at


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