Novel Name : Paragon Of Sin

Paragon Of Sin Chapter 369 - 365: Grand Princess

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Chapter 369 - 365: Grand Princess

"..." Briefly stunned, Wei Wuyin observed the former princess kneel with conviction. From the beginning, he'd always felt she was an extremely clever woman with a cunning streak, carrying a perceptive eye and commanding air. She was bound to be a great Queen of a Country, which was one of his innermost thoughts about her. She would rule that country with a vigorous fist, bringing it to another level.

This was the impression she gave him.

But now, here she was, kneeling before him proclaiming her desire to join his organization. To add, their connection was rather awkward and inescapable.

Wei Wuyin didn't ask why she wanted to. He already had an idea. She would be an excellent addition to the faction, especially if given a leadership role. But, he still had his reservations.

Rubbing his chin with a pensive expression, he questioned: "You must know that the course that Long Chen and I are on will inevitably end with one of our deaths. This isn't something either of us would cease without great reason. Are you trying to act as a connective tissue to broker peace between us?"

After the Imperial Combat declaration, Wei Wuyin and Long Chen had already entered an inevitable conflict that wouldn't stop until death. The former felt that the latter's mental state was already entering a decline, acting against common sense for the sake of a personal vendetta that didn't really exist. The latter felt that the former was an irreconcilable enemy that sought to undermine his existence, a rival that must be removed.

Wu Baozhai's body trembled slightly after hearing Wei Wuyin's words. Her voice was soft yet firm, "No."

"Hmm," Wei Wuyin continued to rub his chin in thought. He slowly walked forward, causing Wu Baozhai's lowered gaze to note Wei Wuyin's leggings and shoes. She lifted her eyes slightly, and then Wei Wuyin squatted before her, his silver eyes seemingly piercing into her own.

She gulped. The aura Wei Wuyin gave off now was far different than before, nearly oppressive. It was as if he was seeing into her very soul, gleaming into her deepest thoughts. She couldn't calm down, but she was fearless in the face of his inspection. Her eyes reflected her sheer determination and hardened resolve.

"I've come to learn that many of the women within Long Chen's supposed harem aren't actually his or are with him for very specific reasons. I'm baffled by the sheer means to gather together such fascinatingly unique women by his side. Both for his success in having such followers and his failures in closing them.

"Regardless if its Qing Qiumu, the most talented Wood Cultivator in the last three millennia, or Na Xinyi whose Yin Physique has reached a frighteningly high level naturally, or Lin Ziyan...whose history and background dates back to the King of Everlore era. Then, there's the two heavenly beauties of the Wu Country, a Princess with bloodline ties likely to the Founding Monarch himself. As for Lian Yu? Who knows.

"So, how did you, Princess, enter into his orbit and decide to follow him across the stars?" Wei Wuyin slowly stood up, using his hand to signal Wu Baozhai to rise. As if by a subconscious order, Wu Baozhai was startled by his words, observed his hands, and by the end of it had already risen.

She didn't even feel her body stand up, merely as if she was going with the flow. Her heart quivered for a moment before she calmed down with several breaths. They were now a single yard away from each other. She never realized how tall and imposing he was until now.

After a short moment, she knew that Wei Wuyin wanted the story. He wanted the truth as to how and why she was with Long Chen, to judge her worth and true desires to join him. If she was in his position, she would want the same information. The fortunate matter was he hadn't quickly declined her, leaving her a path of fulfilling her own desires. It'll be whether she was willing to prove she was worthy enough at this moment.

In her heart, she needed this the most. She had no reservations about telling the truth, no matter how embarrassing it was.

"It all started…" She began to explain.

And as she did, Wei Wuyin's heart quaked at several crucial points.

It began in the Wu Country during a youth-led expedition into an ancient ruin belonging to an ancient king. She, alongside her subordinates, had arrived with several other groups. Long Chen, at the time, had become an enemy to a group not much weaker than hers. He had taken the center stage limelight as an enemy that this particular group sought to destroy, but they were waiting for the ruin to periodically open due to various reasons. After they'd claimed the treasures within, they publicly declared to end Long Chen.

She was completely indifferent to this, only feeling that Long Chen had a penchant for creating enemies beyond his capabilities. She had even believed he would die with his cultivation and background lacking. Then, they all ventured into the ancient ruins with vigor and vim, ready to scavenge for treasure.

They met many dangers and she had lost a few of her subordinates. She met Long Chen by accident. They were soon forced to team-up to deal with the troublesome obstacles the ruins laid before them. She was surprised by his strength beyond the ordinary standard, feeling that he was worthy enough to recruit.

She had even suggested this to him, but he only replied with his desire for freedom. Even when she brought up the issues of the other group, she found his response utterly lacking in urgency or fear. This elevated her level of curiosity towards his mysterious demeanor and valiant act. Of course, this was merely at the point she was interested, there were no romantic feelings between them.

She had numerous suitors and many of them wished to conquer the nation-toppling beauty that she was. There were those more talented, more handsome, and had a greater background than Long Chen.

But as they ventured further in, they were met with the group that had enmity with Long Chen. Shockingly, they'd teamed up with two other groups of similar strength. One of those teams had a female leader who had it out for her, whether because of jealousy or their other encounters where she always came out ahead, they decided to team-up and fight against her.

Outnumbered and outgunned, many of her subordinates could only lose their lives as they were forced to venture deeper into the ruins for a chance at life. They fell into an old trap, leaving only her and Long Chen remaining. Her rage knew no bounds, but she still tried to calmly plan her escape lest her revenge and life end with a whimper.

They soon found an area that contained a coffin that seemed to belong to this ancient king. They scoured it for a chance to escape, but had awakened some ancient spirit. This ancient spirit was quite perverted, already viewing the two as an item. He gave them a cultivation technique that would allow their cultivation bases to ascend, but it was a dual cultivation method.

She was quick to refuse, and she even declared she'd rather die than lose her virginity in such a manner. As a Princess, her Primal Yin was of the utmost importance and connected with her chances at marriage and her reputation. If she lost this in this sordid manner, she might as well give up her status as a princess.

For some reason or another, the ancient spirit seemed to be slightly enraged that she refused it, and diffused some pink mist that was an aphrodisiac. It rendered her cultivation base nullified until she was helpless and it seemed to have done the same to Long Chen. She slowly lost herself alongside Long Chen and they dual cultivated, the cultivation technique was guided by the ancient spirit, and their cultivation bases ascended.

They were then capable of breaking the trap after a brief discussion. She felt helpless at this, blaming the ancient spirit, but it seemingly vanished into the afterlife. If it wasn't for Long Chen convincing her that this situation was brought about by those groups that hunted her down and tried to kill her, she might've followed after it in rage.

They left the ruins and fought, killing those responsible with their newfound strengths and leaving. After such a fierce and bloody battle, she readjusted her mentally and decided against claiming her own life. She devised a plan to hide her lack of Primal Yin. Even if all else failed, Long Chen had confidently declared to take responsibility. She still would be able to marry a genius, was her thought process.

After that, a series of intriguing events occurred as she continuously helped Long Chen strive and grow in the Wu Country. Then, Lin Ziyan's Wedding took place. The rest of the story was known.

"..." Wei Wuyin was struck silent by the vivid telling of her story. He realized how brutal the Heavenly Daos were, forcing gorgeous beauties onto Long Chen. If he wasn't aware of all the heavenly influencing that could've taken place due to the Heavenly Daos, he would think that Wu Baozhai and Long Chen were incredibly lucky.

But Wu Baozhai was extremely unlucky. She was, much like Na Xinyi, a piece of fortune for Long Chen or him. That forced encounter had led to him receiving the support of a Princess in the country he was developing in, in a way that made him almost entirely faultless.

She was his fortuitous encounter.

As he thought more about this, he found it ridiculous that some ancient spirit was perverted…

His eyes slightly widened. Recalling the aspects of cultivation, he felt it was nearly impossible for a spirit to exist unless they've broken the Mortal Limits. This meant only two figures could have left their spirit in the Myriad Yore Continent, and only one had the means and motive to ensure Long Chen's survival or his benefits

He glanced down at the ring that housed Wu Yu's spirit, remembering the shame he felt. For a moment, he was at a loss as to whether to laugh or cry.

He sent a message, "You're going to fill in the rest of the story?" The tone of his transmission contained a hint of mirth. He had already thought about various possibilities, but he was sure the truth was greater than he'd imagined.

"..." Wu Yu's gloomy aura was felt clearly through the ring. In the end, he finally spoke: "I met Long Chen when he was sixteen years old. I was in the midst of recovering my sentience and strength, still lacking after slumbering for thousands of years. Having lost my physical body, I couldn't pass on the Imperial Heaven Qi Method's Ignition Essence without a proper medium, and this medium either needed to be a descendant of mine that contained traces of my Imperial Heaven forces or a fellow cultivator of the Imperial Heaven Qi Method. Considering the legacy was long since lost, there was only one choice."



"Did Long Chen know?" This was the first question he asked, utterly shocked by the sheer shamelessness of Wu Yu.

"If he did, he wouldn't have cultivated the method. The best medium for the Ignition Essence was the Primal Yin of my bloodline and only Wu Baozhai was suitable at the time. I thought it was his greatest fortune to meet her, so I did what I had to. It was the only way I had a chance at recovering my body, the only way he could be inducted into the Grand Monarch Lineage." Hearing the hasty and excuse-filled explanations of this Grand Monarch left a sour taste in Wei Wuyin's mouth.

Wu Yu had orchestrated the sexual interaction between his inheritor and his descendant, essentially forcing them into that situation. While he didn't feel that Long Chen, who was technically manipulated into it, was in the wrong, it felt strange to him. This was different from Na Xinyi's situation, perhaps even more acceptable to some, but it still felt screwed-up.

In the end, he didn't linger on the subject.

Wei Wuyin observed Wu Baozhai, not feeling the slightest pity for her. In fact, he felt further intrigued and proud of her. She had come here of her own free will to break away from the Heavenly Daos intended path for her, to become the mental support for Long Chen through his rise to grasp her own fate. As an Inheritor of Sin, an individual who possessed the Bloodline of Sin, he fiercely respected her expression of independence.

This was especially so after going through all these events with Long Chen, further orchestrated by the invisible hand that was the Heavenly Daos. While his presence certainly gave her options that otherwise would've never existed, it was still her who took the reins of her own life and came here in the end.

There was no Heavenly Daos influence.

There was no Bloodline of Sin direction.

This was an ultimate expression of her own will.

With a bright smile, he brought out his right hand.

Wu Baozhai's eyes trembled as she saw Wei Wuyin lift his hand, smile, and say words that would forever change the course of her life:

"You hungry?"

These two words that embodied so much were once again said, causing Wu Baozhai to be somewhat startled. But for some reason, some ungodly reason, she felt a hunger emerge in her mind, body, and soul. It was a hunger for something she strove for her entire life.

Biting her lips, she nodded faintly with a blush.

After a brief moment, his eyes brightened. He chuckled lightly and followed with another set of world-changing words. "What do you think about becoming a Grand Princess?"

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