Novel Name : Paragon Of Sin

Paragon Of Sin Chapter 1297 1292: Half-Spoken Title

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Chapter 1297 1292: Half-Spoken Title

With the mass settling of new citizens, the Neo-Dawn Starfield experienced an unfathomable degree of activity, far greater than at its initial establishment. Ascended beings, Starlords, and Timelords of the various organizations that had previously submitted to Wei Wuyin were running about handling all sorts of tasks, informing these newly established settlements of policy, regulation, and communication.

Territory was the easiest to sort, generally focusing on taxed tributes and demarcated borders. If there was one thing the Neo-Dawn Starfield had in spades, it was uninhabited areas and fertile grounds. As requests for new planets, lunar satellites, and flat continental earths were received, territory became an increasingly easier thing to obtain for those of all cultivation bases.

Moreover, each newly established territory, be it a celestial body or realm, would experience regulated guardianship for a period to ease settling and prevent any chaotic bloodshed. Ascendant Emperor Wei provided great freedom to these new territories, only restricting combat of certain cultivators dependent on the grading of the territory itself.

For example, tiny-sized planets often had combat restrictions established alongside an agreed-upon Protective Array. The restriction prevented all Ascended beings, including Mystic Star Phase cultivators, from fighting within the bounds of its territory. The Protective Array was very similar to the Bloodforge Continent's array, capable of automatic activation to prevent the common citizens from being unintentional casualties of the unexpected. Moreover, it served to seal all Ascended beings at the Soul of Mysticism Phase and lower, forcefully limiting their maximum power to the pinnacle Starlord levels.

These restrictions elevated as the celestial body or realm's size and quality increased. The healthy spirit of competition among cultivators remained prevalent.

Clinics for the injured were established across all newly created territories, in addition to robust Creationist Academies and Medical Sage Schools. These were all linked to the Defiant Creationist Association, but others were free to establish their lineage and legacies without interference from the organization. Moreover, those associations, if they applied, could seek proper protection or resources for their initial growth or under dire circumstances.

Creationists and Medical Sages were given certain privileges by default; they were protected by laws. However, they weren't untouchable; these laws were only present should they seek refuge or needed assistance from the Defiant Creationist Association.

As for sects, palaces, pavilions, and clans, they had certain imposed regulations, but besides the general need to pay a small percentage of their earnings and be subjected to occasional review by the Ascendant Emperor Wei's Ascendants, there was little that they not could do. The freedom was quite liberating, as ruling starfields like the Ninestar Starfield and Trihex Starfield had heavy regulations and a strict hierarchical system that must be followed.

The entire Ninestar Starfield was an extension of the Ninestar Sainthall, ruled by their members and only their members. While the Trihex Starfield was reminiscent of a dictatorship, ruled by a single power with very little freedom and benefits afforded to non-direct descendants of the ruling organization.

The system brought many a breath of fresh air and a relaxed heart, especially the conflict-free zones and the constant protection of the common people from being unintentional casualties in large battles. The Aeternal Sky Starfield had imposed rulings on conflicts between Ascended beings at the Demi-Mortal Lord level and higher, but Starlords and Mystic Star Phase battles often slaughtered swathes of innocent lives that went largely ignored. Moreover, opportunities were often limited by nepotism.

The future of the Neo-Dawn Starfield was looking bright.


The Voidships of the various rulings organizations of the Grand Cyclic Stellar Region soon realized that these citizens weren't going to return, and those that had were mostly limited to the big fishes in small ponds that didn't wish to start over, even seeing this as an opportunity to seize greater resources back home. The Neo-Dawn Starfield was a delicious piece, but if they had to choose between competing with others or obtaining what was already before them, most would lazily choose the latter.

That said, some of the ruling organizations were undergoing intense debates regarding relocating to the Neo-Dawn Starfield given the newly established system with easily acquirable territories. More importantly, the Neo-Dawn Starfield had eighty-odd Earthly Saints, an Earthly Alchemic Saint, and Wei Wuyin!

A few folded easily; they rushed to submit their applications to pledge allegiance to Ascendant Emperor Wei. Within a week, hundreds of organizations, mostly clans ruled by a singular power, were brought over to the Neo-Dawn Starfield and allowed to obtain a free spot within a World Realm or establish their own celestial body relative to their strongest might.


The Everlore Association's vessel remained at the edge of the Neo-Dawn Starfield's border. Within her private quarters, San Yongli sat cross-legged thoughtfully; her eyes were closed as she contemplated various insights gained from the World Rune blueprints and the two True Recognition Phenomenons.

Eventually, she exhaled strongly, opening her eyes to reveal bright, beautiful eyes that resembled treasured rubies. She brushed aside loose strands of her snow-white hair from her face, "Wei Wuyin's actions are so large-scale. It's unfortunate that he started early by taking maximum advantage of his foreknowledge while I started very late."

San Yongli was convinced that Wei Wuyin was an old monster that had regressed to this timeline. There was no other logical conclusion in her mind, given that he went from the Mortal Sovereign Alchemist level to the Worldly Saint Alchemist, unless he had ample experience as an Earthly Saint Alchemist.

Wei Wuyin's divergence, which conflicted with her memory, only started after she experienced her temporal reincarnation. This was his Alchemic Clash against Qingye Ying, which, in her memory, ended as a draw and not a one-sided victory. As she thought about it, she firmly believed the Wei Wuyin of her time must have had a hard-fought battle to eke out a lucky tie.

Since then, many things have changed, such as Wei Wuyin's entrance into the Devil War Realm or the arrival of the Star-Devourer that obliterated the Everlore Starfield. "Wei Wuyin must have attracted it somehow, prompting an early interference from the Grand Cyclic Stellar Region to bring away his established forces to greater pastures. Insidious but ingenious.

"After doing so, he introduced the convention-breaking, era-accelerating Neo-Dawn Eclipse Pill into the market and slowly accumulated a reputation. Was it all for this? To establish his own kingdom?" San Yongli regretted wasting years of her past life despite her talent and backing. If she hadn't, she might have been able to quickly extract greater gains and elevate her cultivation base.

"Hm?" From her glabella, a faint golden radiance surged.

San Yongli's eyes gained a faint golden glow, mysterious and heavenly, accessing the contents of the Book of Heaven's Path. Instantly, she noticed a few names slowly vanishing from the pages. "The book is changing? Oh?! The True Elemental Emperor's name is gone..."

There were lesser-known names that had vanished, but the True Elemental Emperor was a figure she had taken fortune from on several occasions, including the soul-containing, mind-nurturing jade that was in her Sea of Consciousness. It was meant to be found by the True Elemental Emperor. While she initially didn't know what it was, she was stunned to discover an ancient soul.

"Why did the True Elemental Emperor's name vanish? Because of me?" San Yongli frowned as she recalled the likely candidate. According to the past events lining up with the Book of Heaven's Path's fortunes, it should be Lin Ming, the Archaic Chosen of the True Element Sect.

"Why are you so intense?" The woman's voice resounded in her mind, causing San Yongli to take a breath.

Curiously, she asked: "Do you know of anyone by the name of Lin Ming?"

"Lin who?" The woman was taken aback.

San Yongli was going to simply dismiss her curiosity as asking the woman about someone she was ignorant about was a pointless endeavor, but then a spark of inspiration slammed her. "Do you have any ties with the True Element Sect? Or perhaps the Jade Element Sect?"

"True Element Sect? Jade Element Sect? What nonsense are you talking about?" The woman grew slightly annoyed at the random questions she was ignorant about. Why would she know about these organizations in a restricted region like this?

San Yongli expected as much. She heaved a soft sigh of resignation and tried to regain her cultivation state. The True Elemental Emperor was just one of many Emperor-level names, so she wasn't bothered about losing it. The incident of names vanishing or changing as they either ascended to great fortunes was continuous, likely a result of her and Wei Wuyin's actions of changing the previous timeline.

This only caught her eye and attention because it was the first Emperor-level character to vanish from the book entirely.

"Oh? Hm." After a while, the woman exclaimed thoughtfully. "Jade Element Sect? While I don't know about that, I am familiar with the Paramount Jade Sect and the Lin Clan of the Exalted Republic."

San Yongli's cultivation state was instantly broken. Her interest grew explosively, especially at the mention of the Exalted Republic. She had only read obscure references of such a place existing in the World Beyond. How could she not be interested?

The woman didn't need any additional inquiries as she recounted her knowledge, "The Paramount Jade Sect was a Titan-led force, ruled by a terrifying Spiritualist at the Earthly Saint level. They were loyal to the Grand Cyclic Titanic Emperor. That Spiritualist likely died after that 'event', especially since the stellar regions surrounding the Grand Cyclic Stellar Region were ground zero for the 'event'.

"As for the Lin Clan, it is a prominent Overlord Clan of the Exalted Republic. From what I remember, the Mystic Overlord that ruled over the clan was obliterated during that 'event' in body and soul; they were originally a part of the primary investigation unit. Most of the investigation unit died that day, however. I wonder how they're doing after so many years..." A melancholic emotion leaked from the woman's voice, including a longing that reverberated throughout her tone. It was as if she was recalling a fond memory of a lover.

"Lin Clan are of the Titan Race?" San Yongli lifted her brow.

"Ugh! No. I keep forgetting your backwater ignorance," the woman's mood seemed to have been spoiled as she angrily pointed out. San Yongli stayed quiet despite her displeasure, not wanting to antagonize the woman lest she would no longer provide information.

"The Exalted Republic is a human-led Galactic Empire-the Lin Clan are all humans," The woman corrected snappily.

"Oh," San Yongli calmly acknowledged. Did this mean that the Lin Clan of the Jade Element Sect was connected to the Overlord Clan of the Exalted Republic?

The woman continued, "The Lin Clan were specialists in Wind-Attributed Cultivation, as they all had a strange affinity to it linked to their bloodline. Their Ancestor, the Mystic Overlord, was someone that grasped the Law of Wind. They were terrifying in the Exalted Republic, and even the Ascended Sovereign Stormheaven respected them. I guess that's why they were trusted to be the first investigative party. Haaa..."

Ascended Sovereign Stormheaven?! San Yongli's eyes brightened considerably from the mention of an Ascended Sovereign. Every single recording about them was extremely shoddy and unclear. This was the first time she had heard any of their names, and it provoked a strange, irresistible feeling in her heart. The urge to speak swelled within her heart.

"Ascended Sovereign Stor-"

"Oh! Shit!" The woman suddenly exclaimed in a frenzied panic. "Don't say the name!!" She hurriedly interrupted San Yongli by sending a jolt to her Sea of Consciousness.

San Yongli instantly spasmed in a brief seizure, collapsing weakly to the floor, cold sweat covered her body from head to toe, and her breathing was extremely heavy and shallow. Her trance ended, and she felt terrified in her heart.

"Wha-what did you do?!" San Yongli questioned angrily, her breathing growing increasingly frail.

"Saved your life," the woman replied softly with guilt in her voice. "No need to thank me," she snorted coldly after feeling San Yongli's animosity.

"What about?" She tried to regain her breath but found it extremely difficult to do.

"Names and titles can be bestowed and often possess power; you'll understand when your cultivation reaches the Heavenly Saint Phase if you're fortunate enough. Just don't speak any of the Ascended Sovereigns' names casually if you learn them in the future. Understand? From now on, you can refer to the Ascended Sovereign as the Exalted Sovereign but never use their title unless you've entered the Mystic Ascendant Realm. Even then, it's best to hold off until you become a Worldly Saint." The woman explained, the guilt was still present, so she made sure to layer the warnings.

"..." San Yongli had never felt so exhausted in her two lives. She plopped to the ground and simply nodded. Whatever just happened, she didn't want to experience that again. However, this made her realize her weakness once again. Just a half-spoken title was enough to render her in this state!

Despite her feelings, she stared at the ceiling as the desire to see more of the world grew explosively in her soul.


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