Novel Name : Paragon Of Sin

Paragon Of Sin Chapter 1456 1450: CKC, Cultivate. Cultivate! CULTIVATE!

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Chapter 1456 Chapter 1450: CKC, Cultivate. Cultivate! CULTIVATE!

While they were working together, the world was as insane as they were. The cultivators present, even the Overseers such as Wang Yutian and San Luoyang, were being thrown every which way without being able to resist. They were like leaves in a hectic storm regardless of their location.

The Ascendants were no exception. However, whenever they landed, it was with skill and focus. And at times, the Ascendants would meet each other on their paths, and precisely impact each other, stabilizing themselves temporarily. Some of the Ascendants stayed tethered to the regions, attached to gigantic trees, embedded into volcanic or mountainous surfaces, or holding onto islands.

The region wasn't affected, just the cultivators.

This showcased the level of training that these Ascendants had. Their calmness in facing this unexpected event showed that Wei Wuyin put them under strenuous regiments of unpredictable changes.

However, when the duo of Wu and Yin began to act, the surface of the world began to disintegrate, transforming into motes of colorful light. These motes of light flew upwards and were absorbed by the colorful Solar Stars above as if the world itself was offering them its energy.

"What's happening?!""The world's disappearing!!"

At first, the Chosen were shaken to their core after seeing five Solar Stars that emitted True Light appear from rips in the fabric of space, and now they were watching as the world began to slowly break down.

"It's not only the Everlands! It's the-Gugh!!" A Chosen cried as they slammed violently into the sea. A heavy splash and they vanished into the depths of the sea. The water levels however were shrinking considerably by the millisecond. The rest of the regions were also being affected and a few of the Ascendants lost their hold and were sent streaking through the air.

Above the sky, around the Solar Stars, fixed space began to break down as chaotic space could be seen in the far-off distance. The mass of chaos was utterly disorientating and a few Chosen from the Sealed Region had to close their eyes in agony. However, even chaotic spatial light was being drawn into the Solar Stars as countless motes.

The sight was incredible to witness. It was as if the five Solar Stars were absorbing the world itself. The Chosen grew scared as they looked at themselves, unable to project any protective wards due to the suppression. Would they be absorbed too?!

Fortunately, besides being flung about like living bags of sand, the cultivators throughout were entirely unaffected. The Myriad regions and their essence and energies, however, were completely affected!

Within two seconds, over twenty percent of the world was absorbed and the rips in the fabric of space were enlarging. Already, they were over a dozen times their original sizes! The rate of absorption only increased. By the third second, over fifty percent was absorbed and the cultivators were panicky as some of them were flung out beyond the atmospheric layer!

They were terrified!

"What's those things?!" Tambu Ma had grabbed Tula Yi tightly in his embrace alongside everyone else, and she had shouted in shock while pointing with her finger. Tambu Ma was stressed. He had to exert great effort to grab his fellow titans. Fortunately, he was originally larger than them all and could grow at will due to his Earthly Saint cultivation base, granting him a permanent Demi-Mystic State. He was already holding more than just titans, and even a few hundred humans and celestials of various origins were holding onto his thighs, shins, and toes with all their might.

Unlike the vanishing world, cultivators weren't affected, so Tambu Ma's enlarged body which reached nearly three hundred feet was perfect. He wanted to shrug them off. But a few of the Ascendants were there, including slightly enlarged eighty-foot Da Shan who was on his shoulder while holding a few others. He didn't have the heart or courage to do so.

As for what Tula Yi pointed out, she was gesturing toward the crystalline flags that were far larger than their original size. They were no longer just ten times their original size but were roughly a thousand times larger. Just this was enough to measure the change to the array! Moreover, the aura of laws was fluctuating endlessly from them, making them extremely noticeable.

A few cultivators tried to touch the flags, but they were instantly rebuffed by an invisible barrier. Some of them lost consciousness upon impact and still hadn't regained it!

Array flags?!

Tambu Ma was taken aback. He glanced around and began to notice thousands upon thousands of these flags. His heart nearly skipped a beat with fear. What was happening?

After the fourth second, over ninety percent of the world was absorbed. Moreover, the thirty-three differently colored lights on the five Solar Stars began to become increasingly resplendent. Additionally, they seemed to grow in size! Within a flash, they were already titan-sized Solar Stars!

"WHAT IS HE DOING?!?!" The Overseer howled with rage as she was sent every which way in the subrealm station. She was an illustrious Worldly Saint, renowned and powerful enough to be elected as the Overseer of the Evercrown Ceremony! When had she ever felt so helpless?! Her Worldly Saint cultivation base was being violently suppressed.

"This feels familiar! Is this the Sealing Array of the Ancient Sealed Region?!" Her question was asked to Wang Yutian who was laughing with a carefree expression as he zipped past her. He simply smiled in response. As a Spiritform, he was one of the rare few unaffected by the suppressive effects. The old spirit was simply allowing himself to be tossed about cause it was fun. As for what Wei Wuyin was doing? He didn't care. It's not as if he could stop him, right?

Wang Yutian's laughter grated the Overseer's ears. She growled in anger. The anxiety in her heart compounded as she felt the presence of a sealing strength impose itself on her soul, slowly sifting through as if to inspect her origins and cultivation. She was terrified. If this was the Ancient Sealed Region's Sealing Array, there was a strong possibility that she could be snuffed out right then and there! And yet this spirit bastard was laughing!

She wasn't the only one who felt this stifling sealing aura pervade them. The Chosen of both worlds felt it in their souls. For some, it briefly swept across them, verified who they were, and moved on. For others, it lingered like a dangling executioner's blade. Faces paled at the feeling.

The unique realm that the Chosen King Competition was held in was connected to different realms of space, from the Stellar Nest to the Sealed Regions to the Endless Voyage Realm and even to the World Beyond, and this was the result of those borders that had once segregated them, only acting as a highway connection, breaking down at a considerably fast pace. The realm itself had several main realms and subrealms, each with its own purpose. The main realms were managed by an Overseer while the subrealms were used as housing areas, storage containers, transportation tunnels, Overseer stations, and much more.

At this moment, the Everpath, Everstage, the Everlands, and the other two Main Realms were breaking down, extracted by the array to become pure energy drawn irresistibly towards the five Solar Stars. The subrealms were no different. There were storage containers that had an unfathomable amount of materials meant for concoctions, Evil Sentinel and Overseer cultivation, and periodic realm nurturing. These items were shockingly provided by default by the Ascended Sovereigns' organizations.

Of course, they were mostly the result of tributes given by forces beneath them, gathered and placed here as a deposit for the Chosen King Competition. All of these could be considered as funds, and yet every last piece of these funds was being disassembled on a fundamental level, stripped to their purest form of energies and essence, and sucked into the five Solar Stars.

Within the ninth second, the Solar Stars expanded to reach Colossal levels! The radiance was overbearing! Shockingly, the stars' solar heat and gravitational force were restrained and no one, despite being sent out of the atmospheric layer, was not burnt to a crisp or pulled into its orbit and drawn to them.

Instead, those who were out of the atmospheric layer that was slowly teetering on the edge of collapse floated slowly about. They couldn't fly or exert any control of the world's ambient mana, so they were like a leaf in gentle wind that landed upon a water surface, simply gliding along the current's flow.

These individuals were quite lucky as they got to see the expansion of the Solar Stars. It was an incredibly beautiful sight. The thirty-three radiating colors and true light were soul-inspiring as they basked within them.

By the eleventh second, the main realms had collapsed entirely. There were no longer any Everlands below. All the regions had dissipated into motes of light, feeding the stars all around. The Everstage where the Everclash was held was gone. The Everpath with its many walls vanished. The chaotic spatial light no longer appeared. Suddenly, there was no earth to see. Only a blank vast landscape of darkness and motes of fluttering light entering the Solar Stars. The entirety of fixed space no longer existed in this area. The only constant was stable space. It was without color and form, simply allowing the cultivators to exist within and remain stable in existence and presence.

The blackness around was not the Dark Void as the presence of chaos mana did not exist. There was no air, no liquid, no gas, no sound, absolutely nothing but stable space. The cultivators all waited silently, some extremely calm and others with hearts pounding faster than they ever had before!

The five Solar Stars acted as the sole beacon to tell others that they existed. And they had already reached sizes beyond the colossal, becoming Supermassive!

Surrounding these Supermassive Solar Stars of thirty-three colors and true light were numerous tiny, insignificant figures. They were the array flags and Chosen of two worlds!

"Wow," Yi Yun mouthed as he was held in Yi Xuehan's arms. The awe in his eyes solidified into an unforgettable memory.

San Yongli was floating as well, her eyes wide with shock and astonishment. Was this Tian Yinwu's plan all along? Incredible!

Xiao Yanyue was tethered to San Yongli by a golden rope, and she was holding it tightly. But her expression was similarly filled with amazement and disbelief. The degree of which suppressed her fear.

There was a moment of pure silence that occurred throughout the world allowing them to appreciate the utmost beauty of this scene without any distraction. It was as if nothing but these stars existed!

In this portion of space, excluding the cultivators and flags, that was truly the case!

Fortunately, these cultivators all cultivated the four basic elements, so they could sustain themselves without any air or liquid, regardless if they were mortals or not, and since they didn't have to deal with chaos mana, they were unharmed and mostly unaffected. Although, none of them could exert an ounce of their cultivation base in an outward manner.

Tian Yinwu's body had deflated back to normal and his bloodshot eyes filled with madness slowly dissipated as he breathed out a breath of satisfaction. This was more than enough. He was about to circulate the array to execute the final portion, but he suddenly felt a faint fluctuation. Looking up, he saw Wei Wuyin without any concealment.

"What are you-" Before he could finish mouthing words that couldn't be heard in the vacuum of this space, Wei Wuyin reached forward with his hand. Not once. Not twice. But four times!

Each time he did, the Solar Stars expanded explosively! If they could hear sound, no doubt it would be as thunderous as an angry heavens!

The first time, they reached the upper-limits of the Supermassive size!

Tian Yinwu was incredibly baffled. Where was he pulling energy from? He could still see that the array was operating at full force, drawing upon the energies and essences of the realms and bringing them to the Solar Stars for rapid refinement into their purest forms.

The second time, the five stars exploded into the Absolute category! While it was only at the most minimal extent of its size, it was utterly massive. The cultivators were pushed away gently, maintaining a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles of distance from the edge of the Solar Stars!

IT WAS GROWING! The cultivators all felt it.

The third time, the five stars pulsed as they reached the middle-limits of the Absolute category!

Despite pulling a fourth time, Wei Wuyin was unable to pull out any additional energy or expand their size. He frowned.

Tian Yinwu instantly realized what Wei Wuyin was doing! The absolute madman!

His once peaceful eyes began to glow with madness again! Pure, unrestrained madness!

Wei Wuyin tried to pull a fifth and a sixth time but nothing changed. The frown on his face grew increasingly prominent and dignified.

Tian Yinwu felt stifled as the lack of sound and suppression in the air from the leaking of the Sealing Array prevented all spiritual transmission and verbal communication. He had to get Wei Wuyin's attention! But how?!

He mouthed what he wanted to say, but Wei Wuyin wasn't paying attention. After a lot of struggle, his eyes brightened. Suddenly, he stabbed himself with his hand in the upper-left chest, piercing through his body, and causing him to spew blood! The blood was filled with the eternal majestic aura of the Tian Clan!

Wei Wuyin instantly felt the faintest of a familiar fluctuation and looked toward Tian Yinwu who had harmed himself.

Tian Yinwu's eyes shone with happiness. He mouthed: "Beneath!"

In his mind, Wei Wuyin should understand instantly.

And fortunately...he did!

With a flash of realization, Wei Wuyin directed the array's power to beneath the Stellar Nest. This was incredibly risky to do, and would likely destabilize the Stellar Nest, yet it was also where the purest of solar energy was located. As for who it'd offend, Wei Wuyin didn't care about that!

A seventh pull! With the direction of the Seventh Prince, allowed the Solar Stars to rapidly expand once again, going from the upper-limits of the Absolute category and then to the peak-limits!

Wei Wuyin thought about it and didn't try to push it to the Defiant. There was no more energy to draw from anyhow.

Tian Yinwu cheered from his soul. Then, he took control of the array once again, and then executed a single hand-seal!

Wei Wuyin's eyes brightened. Unlike Tian Yinwu, Wei Wuyin had an imprint of the Sealing Array, so he wasn't restrained by its aura.

With a mental wave, he sent out: "By my orders. Listen! Cultivate. Cultivate! CULTIVATE!"

Tian Yinwu then unleashed the array's final effect! The five Solar Stars suddenly began to rapidly exhaust themselves as solar light of true light infused with thirty-three different types of profound and pure energies jetted in every direction!

Tian Yinwu circulated his cultivation method and the energies and essences most suitable for him were drawn out as over a dozen colors of radiance jetted toward him from all over! Within a moment, he was engulfed by a cocoon of light that was constantly being poured into by solar radiance!

He wasn't the only one!

Su Mei!

Na Xinyi!

Wu Baozhai!

Xue Yifei!

Lin Ziyan!

And San Yongli!!!

All the Ascendants were already engulfed by multicolored cocoons! They were rapidly refining the purest energies and essences they've ever felt! There was no need to put any additional effort into ensuring the energies and essences were pure or could be refined. They only drew the energies most suitable for them! This allowed them to cultivate with the effectiveness of quadrupling the results with a thousandth of the effort!!

This was an opportunity that would never come again!!!

Shui Fengbao shouted silently with hyped excitement as he felt his Star Seed rapidly grow, reaching the intrinsic structure to manifest as a titan-sized Solar Star without any additional effort! Next to him was Mae Min-Ji! She realized what he was doing and hastily followed, circulating her cultivation method, and causing a thick cocoon of energies to envelop her. Despite being an Ascended being, she was shaken by the purity and quality of these energies and essences. They had both astral and mystic qualities.

Wei Wuyin was about to join in when he felt a familiar feeling at the back of his head. He looked and discovered that the karmic accumulation that the Heavenly Daos was gathering was at its end.

It was about to happen!


[Author's Note: I contemplated doing a long, long list of names. Decided to just do the Valkyrie MVPs and our Reincarnated San gurl.


Lol. Anyways, the volume is ending very soon! What a ride it's been so far. Let's do this!]

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