Novel Name : Paragon Of Sin

Paragon Of Sin Chapter 898: Endless Prosperity,Law lnvoked &New Rule!

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Chapter 898: Endless Prosperity,Law lnvoked &New Rule!

"I, Huoyan Liulan, represent the Hexaflame Starfield's Huoyan Clan to offer a branch establishment contract with the Golden Life Pavilion, included with full territorial privileges and spatial transference rights."

"...!" Several Golden Councilmen gasped slightly, with Yangzi Yanshi exhibiting a dumbfounded expression. A branch establishment contract? Full territorial privileges? Spatial transference rights?!

This was no different than allowing the Golden Life Pavilion to fully operate in the Hexaflame Starfield! A fourth branch would be created as a result. Their operations in that starfield would no longer be limited, exports and imports unrestricted!

It was no different than the greatest form of expansion. But it was outright impossible to achieve, because most starfields refused to allow the Golden Life Pavilion to function so thoroughly in their territory given the Aeternal Sky Starfield's leading position and the lingering presence of the Tian Clan, the strongest clan in the Stellar Region.

There wasn't a guarantee that the Imperial Clan wouldn't push some schemes through, act against the Golden Life Pavilion or the Hexaflame Starfield through this connection. This was unprecedented!

Yet it was also the greatest goal of the Golden Life Pavilion! This was merely the beginning, and lesser starfields would definitely be open to establishing a contract if the Hexaflame Starfield venture bore incredible benefits for the forces there.

Shuang Xi stared at Ma Zheng, saying merely a single word: "Incredible." This was a contract that no one had been able to accomplish without severe concessions that couldn't be made due to oaths and the possible threats to the Golden Life Pavilion's livelihood. Thus far, the Golden Life Pavilion only partially operated in other starfields, but they operated mostly in the Aeternal Sky Starfield and limited exports and imports to certain forces.

Most importantly, this would grant them a very simple yet exceptional benefit: Void Land. The Dark Void might seem limitless, but like a planet, there was only so much fertile space for growth of materials. This was limited and defined by the reach of the Solar Stars of that Starfield. The Solar Stars emissions were essence and light, allowing light and growth.

If they could purchase Void Land in the Hexaflame Starfield, they could create a second Endless Prosperity Domain! While it might seem like they had 81 World Realms, the vast majority of their profits come from the planets and Prosperous Moons in the Dark Void. While World Realms were amazing, many lacked genuine Mystic Radiance Belts and Solar Stars of appropriate size and quality.

The Hexaflame had six flaming Solar Stars that would certainly generate tremendous materials, leading to additional profits and higher quantity of products. This would unmistakably increase their earnings by an insane amount with time!

Sheng Jizi slowly moved his serene gaze from Ma Zheng to Ma Sujiang who wore a neutral expression, hiding slightly behind that masked figure. He returned his focus to Ma Zheng, smiling amusingly: "Must've been in the works for a long time. Wonder how she feels to be used as a chess piece since her birth. No, before she was even born."

His words awakened many from their shock, looking towards Ma Sujiang who bore a remarkable resemblance to Huoyan Liulan. They realized the connection, looking at Ma Zheng a little strangely.

It was true it wasn't possible for the Hexaflame Starfield to take this step unless they had certain assurances of their power within the organization. The oaths heavily prevented this, but Ma Sujiang was a bonafide citizen of the Aeternal Sky Starfield and was an assistant manager of the Golden Life Pavilion.

She was capable of leading the branch in the Hexaflame Starfield as its new Branch Manager with no conflicts, avoiding every carefully curtailed oath made. Cunning yet devious. Well planned and well executed.

Shockingly, Ma Sujiang was unbothered by this revelation. She was clearly aware of the circumstances of her birth. She was the result of an Earthly Saint and a Demi-Mortal Lord, a noble birth that very, very, very few could relate to. Her cultivation was supported solely by Ma Zheng, but she would eventually have the support of both the Hexaflame Starfield and Golden Life Pavilion.

Ma Sujiang might've been a product of this deal, a long-standing plot and scheme to regain the Golden Life Pavilion and expand into another starfield, but she felt her father's love and care. That was indisputable. If she didn't feel that, she wouldn't have cryingly begged Wei Wuyin to save him, or losing thousands of years of lifeforce for him.

As for this mother of hers, she barely felt anything except some familial respect.

"Ma Sujiang life is her own; if she was unwilling, I certainly would've found another way." Ma Zheng said softly, showing a little of his heartfelt emotions for this exceptional daughter that refused to let him die. Even if he died, she would still be able to take the Ma Clan and migrate to the Hexaflame Starfield to avoid being schemed against.

An escape route for his beloved daughter.

"I see," Sheng Jizi no longer tried to unsettle the relationship between the two. As for Huoyan Liulan, she had a neutral expression. She had given birth to Ma Sujiang, but it was all for this purpose. If it wasn't for Ma Sujiang's talent and accomplishment of becoming an Ascended being, she wouldn't have cared for a short-lived child.

How many children have she conceived and lost to the cruelty of cultivation? How can a mother have 30,000 years of life, must procreate within a certain timeframe lest she loses her ability to do so, and have children that either fail their Ascension or never make it close. At a certain point, a person's heart hardens.

Some might see her as cold, cruel, and uncaring, but she was merely someone hurt by the reality of a long life and difficulties of cultivation. Those at the Astral Core Realm, at best, lived 2,000 years or so. She lived over fifteen times that.

If one were to explain a comparison from a mortal's perspective, then a mother of twenty years old has a child, and when she becomes twenty-four, their child was at the end of their lifespan, pathetically clinging on in the midst of their greatest failure in life.

That…was cruel.

Doesn't mean she neglected connecting with Ma Sujiang when she could, otherwise they wouldn't have had similar mannerisms. She was a mother.

Ma Zheng felt the sullen atmosphere growing. He continued, "I ask, in this Golden Meeting, before all the members of the Organization's Central Leadership, is this Hexa-Branch Establishment Contract sufficient for my challenge?" The second criteria needed to be approved by the majority, hence the reason a Golden Meeting was absolutely essential!

Sheng Jizi softly laughed, "As if they'll say no to this." If they said no, the contract must be rejected. Clearly, this would hurt ALL of their profits and benefits. Moreover, if they agreed, even if the challenge ended in failure, the contract would've been completed prior and set. There was no going back.

The organization benefited either way.

It was a flawless design, supported by Mythical Oaths. The creator of the Law of Endless Prosperity surely anticipated the ambition and competition within the organization, capitalizing to always make the organization benefit regardless.

If it was anything else, Sheng Jizi could've used his influence and allied members to devastate a majority vote. All of Ma Zheng's schemes would crumble in his mouth then and there. But no one here, not even himself, would reject this. It would be absolutely fucking foolish.

Sheng Jizi felt an urge to clap in applause, so did Shuang Xi, Shui Yu, and Sun Li. Ma Zheng's move was unmatched.

Sun Li smiled, 'How could the creator of the Law of Endless Prosperity not know how to capitalize on it?' She was there when Ma Zheng wrote this rule. She felt no one would accept this law, destroying it if the seat changed, but no one did.

For this exact reason.

There's been many challenges over the organization's life, and every deal from the challengers had also benefited the pavilion greatly. Their complex schemes and exerted energy funneled into the organization's continued success.

Sheng Jizi took the lead, "All those who believe this deal is insufficient to support the challenge, raise your hand."

Not a single person moved. Ban Ma looked at Sheng Jizi, seemingly looking to see if he should reject or not. This caused Sheng Jizi to faintly smile, but he didn't raise his hand and neither did this interim Third Branch Manager.

"Then the deal is accepted," Sheng Jizi looked at Huoyan Liulan as she brought out the pre-listed details of the contract and the oaths that must be sworn by the leadership. She represented the entire Hexaflame Starfield, and all those in power would be affected by the oath as they knowingly accepted her right to act on their behalf in this matter. A level of trust that was incredible. Her status in the Hexaflame Starfield was clearly exceptional.

As expected, Ma Zheng was so prepared that the oaths and details were perfectly outlined, and they were sworn after a few minutes. Sheng Jizi didn't count on the isolation bubble to pop, because the challenge meant the challenger could not be assaulted by any member of the Golden Life Pavilion, upheld by a Mythical Oath.

This would be pushed to its completion, regardless of the outcome.

With past contributions settled, future contributions settled, the last criteria was the most difficult: Means.

This was a world of cultivation and strength was extremely important. Whether its rallying strength, wealth, or personal might, means was crucial to determining if a person can claim a seat in the organization.

Moreover, this wasn't a managerial seat, but the Pavilion Master seat! This seat had an additional condition that was quite brutal, and it was the last obstacle for Ma Zheng to reclaim what he had built all those years ago, returning the Ma Clan to the leadership position that they once were!

Shui Yu was intrigued with the last criteria. As a Grand Mortal Sovereign Alchemist, he had Alchemic Knights and the rallying strength to summon forth Earthly Saints. Of course, the price to do so would be absolutely heavy, but it was within his means.

Shuang Xi was a talented architect, but her wealth and rallying strength greatly paled in comparison to alchemist. While she could use her accumulated wealth to summon an Earthly Saint, she might clean herself out doing so. They weren't cheap beings.

It was already extremely rare that Venerable Spiritwalker had conned Han Yuhei into helping her refine Mystic Origin Liquid to ascend beyond the Soul of Mysticism Phase, entering the Demi-Mortal Lord Phase. It was very, very hard to get one of these great beings to move.

That said, Sheng Jizi was an Earthly Saint himself. His personal might was undisputed, but he certainly had friends he could call upon in his cultivation realm. This was going to be a difficult challenge for Ma Zheng, especially since challenging the Pavilion Master meant an added difficulty!


Sheng Jizi explained to the Golden Council, "As per the Law of Endless Prosperity, Ma Zheng has the right to designate three champions to fight on his behalf. Their cultivation levels can be of any stage equal or beneath the challenged seat's cultivation base."

Sheng Jizi's posture straightened, granting him an overwhelming demeanor and suppressive air. His eyes illuminated with a distinct, mystical brilliance and his Mystic Aura flared. The room was flooded by his aura, revealing a strong, dense Mystic Intent. Sheng Jizi calmy gazed at Ma Zheng.

"So, what surprises do you have?"

Ma Zheng had made many concessions to retain his position, quietly lurking and diligently working as he suffered loss after loss while trying to stay afloat. There was no way Ma Zheng could match Sheng Jizi in wealth. Furthermore, the champions selected CAN NOT be a Manager or Golden Councilmen, eliminating Sun Li, the First Branch Manager as a champion.

This tested their means to the limit. The stronger the seat, the harder it was to overtake their position.

Ma Zheng was completely calm despite the odds against him. He gestured to Huoyan Liulan. She was one of the strongest fighters in the Hexaflame Starfield, and she was bound to claim a win with ease. With Wu Yu, he wouldn't have to fight. It was as he thought before, when Wei Wuyin arrived, all things would be easier than he anticipated.

"I, Ma Zheng, select Huo-"

"As Pavilion Master, I invoke a Golden Vote for a Transient Council Member." Sheng Jizi interrupted. Ma Zheng stumbled over his words slightly, staring at Sheng Jizi.

Ma Zheng was confused, "Transient Council Member?"

Sheng Jizi revealed his pearly white teeth, grinning a little as he explained: "I apologize, you aren't aware of this new rule due to our retirement. The four Managers of the Golden Life Pavilion had unanimously agreed upon a new rule: Transient Council Member Seat. A temporary member of the Golden Council added solely for the sake of a deal to ensure all details will go smoothly, if it's within the interests of ALL the Central Leadership. However, if it's rejected, the deal will be deemed as untrustworthy despite all previously established oaths, and the contract shall be prematurely ended."

The eyes of Huoyan Liulan contracted. Sheng Jizi was trying to…

The others were startled. They had voted in this rule because it felt as a matter of course, a way to benefit partners in the future, and they all saw the benefit in doing so. Those placed in this seat don't have much power, only relating to the deal itself. Furthermore, it was an excellent loophole to escape from a deal going sideways.

"To all those who agree to accept Huoyan Liulan as a Transient Council Member for one month, raise your hands!" Sheng Jizi announced with his smug grin that bore his sly nature.

The Golden Councilmen and Branch Managers all looked to Ma Zheng. They couldn't refuse, regardless of who they supported.

Ma Zheng's eyes dangerously narrowed.

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