Novel Name : Assassination System

Assassination System Chapter 93 Deep Schemes

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The moment his words echoed out, the gazes of the four, focused on him. The injured General' best friend, moved forward but was stopped by his friend who said, "Young man, I know my own condition and also, even the Town Mayor, a Grandmaster Physician couldn't heal me, what makes you think that you can do it on your own?" His words were logical and sensible. Dan stared right into the old man's eyes and found that his earlier words contrasted his true feelings.

He said almost to everyone who knows him that he has come to terms about his death and was ready to die. However, the fire burning within his eyes along with the hot-bloodedness that he felt from his figure, indicated that this old man. This retired General wasn't ready to kick the bucket.

Dan gave a small smile, he darted his gaze towards the old man's best friend before nodding his head and said, "I understand, I won't treat you, but I shall prescribe you something," Dan's cultivation base rotated. He compressed a thread of his Qi and sent his message flying right beside the old man's ears.

The old man's figure shook when he heard the young man's words. His smile turned amiable and an indescribable light filled his eyes. Along with his best friend, the two of them walked away as Dan and the Town Mayor stared at each other in a standstill.

"How did you get inside without being detected by my formations?" The Town Mayor frowned, the formations he placed around this room could hinder even a Divine Soul Cultivator but this young man whose cultivation was just at the Organ Tempering Realm easily surpassed it.

"Ah, those formations? I realized that they really don't detect human presence. Instead, what they detect are the fluctuations of Qi in the surrounding area and when it notices a bunch of Spiritual Qi, lumped together, it would trigger." He gave a light chuckle and casually sat down. The Town Mayor's expression flickered, indeed. The formation he placed could only detect Spiritual Qi, which means anyone that doesn't have a Spiritual Qi or a mortal could easily enter the area.

But how did he know about this? The formation I placed looks similar to any other detection type formation. Unless his knowledge about Formations is comparable to mine, it should be impossible for him to know about it. He inwardly thought. He became interested in the young man who suddenly appeared before him.

"Young man, judging from what you said earlier, it seems like you're also privy about what's going on with my comrade, right?" A critical light flashed in the old man's eyes. If Dan agreed with what he said, he may be forced to make drastic actions else he disrupts their plan.

"Relax, I'm also planning on luring those bastards out..." Dan reassured the old man and the latter's expression changed, "Really?" Dan turned towards him and nodded his head. With his gesture, a fierce wind kicked up and the old man suddenly reappeared before him.

Holding a dagger towards his neck, the old man said, "Do you really think that I would be so naive as to believe everything that you're saying?" The two gazed at each other's eyes as Dan lightly chuckled, "Of course I don't think that you would easily believe what I'm saying, but what if I can tell you that I can erase them from this place in three months? Would you believe me?"

The old man scoffed and stepped backward. Sheathing his dagger, he said, "Erase those bastards in three months? Even I, with my resources and manpower, couldn't find them in these past years much less you, whose cultivation couldn't even compare to a normal member of that Association..."

He turned around and disregarded his presence, "We're done talking, the door is behind you. Please leave." He returned back to his desk and sat behind it.

"Of course, I do not hope to destroy them by myself, but If I have you as my ally, then there's hope, right?" Dan snickered and crossed his right leg towards his left leg, his hands crossed with each other.

The old man's eyes focused on Dan and found that his heartbeat was calm, without any signs of deceit. With his experience, he understood that no matter how good of a conman, someone was. They could never completely hide all traces of their lying.

It would definitely show in the form of subtle hints. But when he probed the young man before him. He realized that the latter didn't look like he was lying. A small smile lifted on his lips as he coldly said, "Young man, I don't think that it's appropriate for you to ask me to be your sword, right?"

"Why wouldn't it be appropriate? You're much stronger than me so it should be you that is going to protect me..." Dan's expression turned weird, "Don't tell me that such a strong man like you is going to hide behind a youngster's back, whose realm is at least two realms lower than you..."

"Hahaha," The old man chuckled, "Interesting, Interesting, however, power is necessary when negotiating young man, and if you do not have the power to negotiate. You should at least show your sincerity. Show me what you can do and I can consider helping you in your matter.

"I can show you what I can do, but let me reveal what I know first so that you'll understand my sincerity, okay?" Dan stared at the old man and the latter understood that if Dan knew too much about their plans. Other than silencing him, they could only become allies. Which means that Dan would secure a much higher chance of acquiring this alliance.

The old man spoke up, but Dan hurriedly interrupted him as he said, "First, the fire that happened at the Police Barracks should have something in relation to that Association, right?" The old man's figure shook as Dan continued his speech, "Also, when I first came here, I actually met with that General as an Adventurer that gathered his required herbs for him."

"When I arrived at that time, I realized that his son, Ricky, seems to discourage him to take any medical treatment. His son is blatantly saying that he wants his father to die. But for what reason? Other than acquiring his inheritance, I don't think there's more reason behind his actions..."

"A son that is so evil that he actually wants his father to die only means one thing! And that is his mind was definitely corrupted or his resentment towards his father is so deep that he wanted him to die as soon as possible!"

The old man heaved a sigh, "That young man, Ricky is actually a sweet and caring person which greatly dotes upon his father. However, when his lover died under strange circumstances. He suddenly changed into a villain and took control of most of his father's stores and establishments."

"His father noticed this but didn't pay any heed to it. After all, he was about to die." The old man lifted his head, "However, one day, that old geezer used his strength for the last time so that he could stalk his son. And what did he find? He found that his son has been keeping close contact with that Association and their goal was to slowly take control of this Town using Ricky's influence after obtaining his inheritance!"

The old man's words sent a thunderbolt reverberating inside Dan's mind,

"So they're going to turn Ricky into a puppet leader?"

The old man nodded his head, "Yeah, after that old geezer confessed to me everything I intensified my efforts in tracking down their base so that I could end them prematurely. How could I let those bastards who walk on the demonic path, govern this Town of mine?"

Dan gave a wry smile, 'And you're cooperating with a so-called demonic cultivator, you know?' He contemplated what would happen to this old man if he ever found out that he cooperated with a demonic cultivator.

"Since you told me about these already, I suppose our cooperation has started?" Dan's lips lifted a smile, with the help of such an influence. He could just send some information and have them search the area. Dan didn't believe that they wouldn't discover those bastards' base with his help.

The old man sighed, moved towards him and said, "Yeah it has started but before I could let you leave, I want you to swear an oath with your cultivation as the stake that you won't tell anyone that happened in her and that you won't utilize a loophole of this oath so that you could tell anyone about our conversation earlier, understand?"

"Also, take this Jade Token, this may help you in your investigation," The old man handed over an Authority Token, the one who holds that token would achieve a level of authority that was only below to him. Meaning, Dan could do whatever he wants to do inside the Merchant Town of Kalur without thinking about the ramifications.

Dan lightly chuckled towards the old man's cautiousness. But he knew that the latter's cautiousness made him the leader of this vibrant, yet dangerous Town of Kalur. After swearing his oath, Dan borrowed a thousand gold coins and promised to him an information in the fastest time possible.

Jacob and Sandra saw his come out of the room and asked about the gold coins. They became elate when they knew that Dan managed to obtain some money as the group returned back to their Inn. Dan wrote some training regiment that he remembered from his previous life but he never utilized because of his lazy ass and gave it to the two.

After guiding them for a while, the two excitedly worked out inside the Inn with sweat building on their bodies. With this, Dan was assured that their foundation would be as firm as concrete. "I'll give them a cultivation method when I return back to the Empire..." He thought to himself as he walked out of the Inn and headed for the direction of the General's Residence.

The residence of the General was heavily protected with numerous armed guards patrolling around the area. But under Stealth's effects, it could be considered as nothing as Dan sneaked past their defenses and entered the room where the old man stayed.

Inside that room, the old man could be seen with his best friend, talking to each other with sly smiles on their faces, "We don't have much time left, brother, the hands of those bastards are closing in..."

"Yeah, I also know about that, the Tetsui Clan and the Triass Clan are starting to become restless. The Town Mayor has also noticed these movements..."

"Tell the Town Mayor that I'll commence the plan, today." The Old General said and his best friend nodded his head before disappearing towards the exit. Inside the room, the old man took a dagger from his Spatial Device Storage and sliced his wrist.

Blood dripped on the bed, staining the sheets in a crimson color. Dan knitted his eyebrows, what is the old man's plans? He contemplated. The Old General laid on the bed, before taking a bottle full of a pepper-like ingredient. Dan's expression widened when he realized the identity of that pepper-like powder. Storming outside of the room, he hurriedly departed from the General's Residence as a deafening roar resonated and decimated the entire room of the Old General.

Inside the Town Mayor's residence. The Town Mayor's expression looked somewhat somber as he stared at his comrade, "So he wants to commence the plan, today? It seems like the movements of the clans of these two confidants of mine are starting to become more rigorous, as if they do not consider my existence..." A terrifying aura enveloped the Town Mayor. Black gashes appeared in the air and his expression turned fierce.

The Black gashes that materialized in the air indicated that his aura alone could tear the space and even destroy it under his will. Which means, he reached the realm of Space Manipulation. Signifying that his cultivation was at the Divine Ascendance Realm.

The Leader of the Night Ranger Association's Branch in this Empire had a cultivation of a peak Divine Soul Realm according to Mathias and Takemikazuchi's findings. Which means if the old man managed to find the location of their headquarters. He could just teleport there and annihilate them all.

Unfortunately, even with the old man's spatial ability. He couldn't find any traces of those bastards and had to tirelessly work without any fruits for several years until the General of the Empire returned back to his homeland. From there on, the two worked together as one and finally found some pieces of clues.

The Tetsui Clan and the Triass Clan were involved in that Association. However, since he still doesn't have any concrete evidence he couldn't make a move. Now, with the commencement of their plan. He would take a good look towards the two clan's movements and observe them from afar. Like how a mantis stalks the cicada.

News of the General's death rapidly spread in the entire Merchant Town of Kalur. Everyone who liked the General, especially his way of governance and fierceness in the battlefield turned somber and grieved along with his remaining family members, Charles and Ricky.

The three clans including the Tetsui, Triass and the Town Mayor's Clan offered their condolence and consoled the living members of the old man's family. Ricky accepted all the gifts with an indescribable smile on his face as he darted his gaze towards his brother, "Father favored you at first because of how talented you are in the path of Martial Arts. But in the end, he still bestowed upon me most of his inheritance. That goes to show how much of a trash, you became. Brother..."

The blonde-haired young man whose appearance looked older than Ricky only gave a small smile in response before turning around to leave. After his father's so-called death. How could he bear to stay inside a residence full of snakes?

Charles shook his head in regret, "This foolish and greedy brother of mine. You really went too far this time..." He walked towards a certain residence and never looked back.

After this, Ricky announced that the Triass and the Tetsui Clan has formed an alliance, wherein they would merge their territories into one. Their declaration made it so that they would achieve a much better control of the entire Town than the Town Mayor who only controls a fourth of the City.

"So they have already made their move?" The Town Mayor gave a small smile,

"Yeah, it seems like this son of mine remained adamant of his decision," The Old General who was supposed to be dead was calmly drinking some wine with the Town Mayor. His expression looked pale with his eyebrows knitted together in a frown.

"Are you sure about continuing this? Your son will definitely die here, you know?" The Town Mayor warned and the Old General said, "From the time that he sided with those bastards, I stopped treating him as my own son, his life and death doesn't matter to me anymore..."

He shook his head and the pair of friends continued their banter.

Meanwhile, back at Dan's rented Inn, the three prepared themselves as they walked out of the Inn and headed for the direction of the Tetsui Clan. Dan had predicted that the parents of these two children would definitely ask the Tetsui Clan for assistance. After all, they governed the Northern Region of Kalur, including the Extreme Northern Side.

Arriving at the Northern Region of the Merchant Town of Kalur, Dan walked before the Tetsui Residence and found Vanessa whose expression looked wretched. Her eyes swollen, apparently from crying as she said, "Sir, you must help me find justice! Someone with a noble surname of Ligma has kidnapped my daughter!"

Another family also spoke from the side, "Sir, please help us! That noble also kidnapped my son, Jacob!" The Elder of the Tetsui Clan who usually handled these matters coughed, "Both families need not worry about this matter. Since you're under the governance of our Clan, we will definitely find justice."

His expression amiable and tender as he glanced at the two families and said, "But first, we shall ask the City Hall for the copy of the City's Registrar so we could track down the origin of this noble surname, Ligma."

"We're grateful for your grace, Sir!" The two families bowed down in deep respect and gratefulness. Vanessa inwardly sneered, "Since that bastard of a noble actually dared to renege on his promise, I can only sue him so that I can exhort more from him..." She couldn't help but shiver at the thought of a noble begging her to retract her complaint.

Dan's expression looked frosty, he disregarded the presence of the guards around him and walked inside the residence before shouting, "I'm the one that they are looking for! You need not worry about going towards the City Hall!"

His words reverberated across the area as the members of the two families, along with the Elder darted their gaze towards Dan whose lips, lifted into a sly smile.

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