Novel Name : Assassination System

Assassination System Chapter 261 Start of Selection

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Everyday since the establishment of the Paradyne Academy. There has been not a day where activity wasn't present. May it be commoners and cultivators, each and everyone of them brought life to the Academy, and without them, the Academy wouldn't become into a bustling center of commerce.

Right now at the Core disciples region, there were at least several thousands more people present within the normally highly-secure region of the Paradyne Academy. They gathered here for the sake of witnessing a once in a century event, the Disciples Selection of the Mystic Realm of the Undead.

Gathered across a square that spanned at least a kilometer were the one thousand Core disciples of the Paradyne Academy. They didn't normally recruit these much disciples but to fan flames to the fire, they decided to recruit more than they used to.

Standing amidst the crowd were the three figures of Dan, Natalie and Grace who kept on jumping up and down, intent and curious on seeing everything around them to no avail.

Even though they could easily see whatever they wanna see using their Divine Sense, releasing one's Divine Sense with other cultivators at the same Realm was frowned upon and so, they opted not to do it.

What they were looking for was the figure of a young woman whom Dan had never met ever since that event at the Desert Wilderness Bazaar. Natalie and Grace also looked forward to seeing her. After all, when they returned back to the Academy, they had also never saw her again.

Unfortunately, even with their heightened senses. The three of them couldn't spot her figure amidst all of this commotion.

"Damn, there are too many people in here... There's no way that we could find her in this state. Let's try again later after the Headmaster announces the start of the Selection Process, maybe at that time she'll pop out like a pimple."

Dan lightly laughed and looked leisurely as ever. He stretched his hand out and captured the shoulders of his wives, bringing them closer into his chest as he enjoyed the envious and resentful gazes of the men around him.

"Dan, you sure do like trouble, ah... Look at how many people are looking at us right now, with beauties left and right, I'm afraid that you'll become the focus of everyone once the selection process starts..." Vincent sighed and poked fun at Dan who merely shrugged and said.

"In that case, let them come. If they dare to fight me, then I shall turn them into whetstones for my own development, I haven't had a good fight for ages, I would welcome any arrogant young master that comes into my way..."

Just as he ended his sentence, a sharp pain assaulted his waist and he couldn't help but scrunch forwards in pain. Making a sidelong glance at Natalie whose cheeks were puffed from annoyance, he could only bitterly smile when he found out that Grace had the same expression.

It has to be known that Dan looked dashing and valiant, with his cultivation and tempered physique. His body underwent a qualitative change. His eyes looked as sharp as swords, his eyes sparkled with deep lights comparable to the abyss while his figure stood stoic and unyielding like a mountain.

Women preferred stronger men and seeing Dan's display of his ability made them interested about him. But when they saw the two beauties stuck and snuggled into his chest, their competitive spirit surged and they stared daggers at both Natalie and Grace who felt so uncomfortable that they had to warn Dan to restrain himself.

"Hahaha, what use is wealth if one doesn't show it off?" Dan merely chuckled at the sight of the two women's puffed cheeks. Vincent who stood at the side as a third wheel shook his head and blurted out in the air, "This is the reason why I don't go into relationships... It's the same as asking for trouble..."

Ah! What a headache, we had planned on going low-key, but look at this guy showing off his wives... Vincent furtively glared at Dan who kept the small smile on his face. Natalie and Grace pushed themselves deeper into his chest like declaring their authority. Their faces revealed coy smiles, but their eyes shone in tacit understanding.

Dan purposely aggravated the envy and sense of self-fulfillment within the hearts of these young heroes and beauties. It was normal to sought for treasures and beauties that caught their eyes, someone without a stone-cold heart couldn't possibly suppress the desires within their hearts for these two women beside Dan.

At the sametime, the jealousy that they felt towards Dan soared through the roof, they would do everything that they want to steal those women away from him! If not willingly, then forcefully!

After all, women aren't really that important in the path of cultivation, if these women weren't sensible and didn't follow them willingly, they could just use them as furnaces.

Some Core Disciples stared at Dan's direction and coldly scoffed. What use was women if they cannot fend for themselves? Crossing their arms together, they proceeded to ignore him and returned their stares at the direction of the highest mountain peak within the Paradyne Academy.

The Selection for the Mystic Realm of the Undead was an event that occured once in a blue moon. Obviously, the Elders wouldn't cheap out on the decorations for such an event. No matter where you looked at, you would find luxurious red and orange designs of intertwined dragons and phoenixes.

The commoners wore orange tunics while every disciple that spectated apart from the Core Disciples that were here to participate wore red robes decorated with the same design that you could find as far as you can see within the Paradyne Academy.

Suddenly, the atmosphere changed. Everyone's eyes focused at the top of the mountain peak and a brillant light manifested that briefly robbed their sense of sight. As their eyesight returned, everyone saw the figure of a middle-aged man standing on a perfectly rectangle block of marble.

"Woaaah... It's been such a long time since we saw her before she went into secluded meditation...."

"Look at that style, and look at that sharp resting demeanor, even staring right into her face makes a chill run up my spine."

"Even without releasing her aura, she could actually intimidate those at the same cultivation as her... It seems like we got ourselves a fierce competitor."

"Nevertheless, even if she truly became that strong. It doesn't mean that we don't have what it means to defeat her. After all, we are of the same cultivation as her and I don't think that she has the experience that we had, when she experienced such as a sheltered life."

When their eyes landed on the beauty that stood beside Mathias. Some expressed their admiration, while some expressed their sadness in facing such a strong competitor, while some merely shook their heads and expressed their honest and rational thoughts.

Dan heard these conversations and he nodded his head in understanding. Particularly, at the fourth phrase that he heard. Even though Charlotte has indeed grown stronger these past several months.

That didn't mean that they also didn't grow stronger along with her. When it comes to practical experience, Dan was confident that he overshadowed her.

Since the Selection Process for the Mystic Realm of the Undead happened once every two generations. None of the current Core Disciples actually knew how it worked and what they were gonna do to display their skills and overcome other geniuses in their time. Of course, those that were truly strong maintained their calm and only stared coldly at the others.

"Greetings, everyone." A deafening roar reverberated amidst Mathias's voice as those who were whispering instantly turned silent, while those that were excessively moving stood stiff like frozen statues. Those that were intentionally releasing some of their auras to intimidate their competitors immediately retracted it and acted like nothing happened.

"I know that each and everyone of you, Core disciples are excited to acquire the chance to enter one of the most coveted independent space within the Continent of Dawn. The Mystic Realm of the Undead." Mathias's voice was amiable and extremely gentle to the ear. It was as if he was singing a lullaby instead of announcing something.

"The independent space that housed the Mystic Realm of the Undead has been a mystery to the powerhouses within the continent. Even me, doesn't have the capability to thoroughly understand it. And we're completely sure that it is created by someone at the realm of the Divine Emperor or even beyond it!" When the last part of his sentence fell, his voice turned grave and those who heard what he said all stared at him wide-eyed.

What concept was a Divine Emperor Realm cultivator? Even Mathias who tried innumerable times to overcome the barrier between the Divine Ascendance Realm and the Divine Emperor Realm couldn't even take a half-step into that mysterious realm. For these geniuses, achieving such a realm within their lifetime was a mere pipedream.

Within these bunch of disciples. Only Dan maintained his calm. Both of his wives and even Vincent who now possessed a firm daoheart couldn't help but tremble upon hearing such words from the Headmaster.

"However, even though the independent space that housed the Mystic Realm of the Undead was an incomparably stable space. It still cannot withstand the test of time. After several millions of years. It has finally showed signs of collapse and space storms enveloped its location, making it hard for us to open it through bruteforce."

Mathias sighed, it seems like the fact that even Divine Emperors couldn't stand the test of time perturbed him. Taking a deep breath. His eyes that shone in a sharp glint momentarily scanned the disciples before he said,=.

"As a result of this difficulty, we are not able to send all disciples that we want to send inside the Mystic Realm of the Undead. Part of the cause is that it is too risky and expensive to send every disciples that wants to join inside, and another part of the reason is that the dangers within that Mystic Realm are far too dangerous..."

Mathias's tone turned solemn and he emphasized the word, "dangerous". It was the first time that these Core disciples who thought of Mathias as some kind of a God, say that something is incredibly dangerous with that expression on his face. Evidently, everyone was intimidated.

"Hmmph, just a small danger is enough to intimidate you guys? Such weak hearts, if not for treasures supporting your cultivation making you soar high despite your mediocre talent and heart. You guys would've been worse than Outer Disciples..." Dan purposely provoked all the disciples around him.

The crowd exploded into a clamor as some of the disciples couldn't suppress themselves and tried their best to reach Dan and punch his face. Natalie and Grace pinched his waist and Dan bitterly smiled towards their actions. Vincent was astonished at Dan's outrageousness but wasn't surprised.

Within the crowd, two women whose beauty could absolutely compare to Natalie and Grace stood together with cold expressions on their faces. If one looked closely, they would find that the normally lecherous male disciples acted amiable and respectful before them.

It was because of the fact that these two women were the strongest of all Core Disciples! One possessed the comprehension of the Sword Intent and high comprehension of the Laws of Fire, while the other. Who looked quite serene and ethereal amidst the crowd, possessed the highest understanding when it comes to the most mysterious law in existence, the Law of Space.

Both were sworn sister and experienced countless life and death battles together! Annie Thompson and Alexandra!

Annie clad in red robes that had a waistband on her waist that kept her sword attached to her waist, frowned when she heard Dan's words. Those at the Divine Soul Realm possessed strong senses that could detect everything around them if their wished, paired with the fact that everyone was completely silent, they could hear him even if they didn't try.

"Hmmph, the holder of an Honorary Disciples token is actually just a brash brat that doesn't know the immensity of Heaven and Earth! How outrageous! Just when did the Honorary Disciple's Token became a cabbage that could be given to beggars?" Annie Thompson coldly snorted and Alexandra who stood beside her made a sidelong glance at Dan and also knitted her eyebrows when she saw the two women snuggled into his chest.

"Calm down, Annie. No matter what, this Selection Process for the Mystic Realm will reveal everything about that man, particularly those two women stuck in his chest. My instinct is saying that there's something off about them..." Alexandra whispered at Annie and the latter was astonished for a moment before turning silent.

No matter what, whether the Paradyne Academy made the right decision to bestow their Honorary Disciple Tokens towards the three of them, it will all be known once the Selection Process starts! Coldly snorting, Annie turned and looked at the Headmaster.

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