Novel Name : Assassination System

Assassination System Chapter 237 Both Sides Raises their Flags

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"Isn't that the Golden-Clawed Guards of the Imperial Clan?! What are they doing here, are they going to start a war against us?!"

"Oh shit! It's the Golden-Clawed Guards, everyone retreat! Those with cultivation lower than the Divine Soul Realm must retreat at all costs!"

"Get the fuck away from the Southern Gate, inform the Elders about what's going on here!"

The Golden-Clawed Guards summoned their entire cultivation base and wrecked havoc inside the Paradyne Academy. Buildings crashed and disciples who ran too late were cut down into minced meat. Blood drenched the ground and the smell of rust circulated in the air.

"It's the Imperial Clan! The Imperial Clan is killing everyone!" The disciples at the distance saw the scene of carnage and suppressed the urge to vomit. Though they frequently killed, they never once slaughtered humans in such scale. In this case, this couldn't even be called a slaughter. It was more like a genocide.

Resplendent beams of rainbow lights flew towards the distance. Their speed didn't resemble average disciples for they ran as desperately as they can away from the Golden-Clawed Guards.

"Strike them down..." Danilo coldly ordered and a Golden-Clawed Guard stretched his hand towards the skies and an illusionary palm made from Spiritual Energy descended and crashed unto the figures of the desperate disciples. Blood gushed madly like broken dam and when the palm slapped on the ground, they were turned into meat pastes.

"Rush forwards, first squad guard the left flank, second squad at the right flank, and third squad at the back. Remaining members shall follow me!" Danilo calmly commanded and the Golden-Clawed Guards complied with a cold shout of affirmation.

The Southern Gate housed the Commerce Block of the Paradyne Academy and most people that lived there were commoners that had nothing to do with the Academy so they were spared. But those wearing the robes of the Academy on the other hand, suffered the most as they died miserable deaths.

"Who dares to attack the Paradyne Academy?" A surge of Spiritual Energy appeared along with a might that suppressed a Golden-Clawed Guard from killing a disciple. The disciples stood in shock for a moment before running towards the opposite direction.

"Master Mein!" At the distance stood an old man clad with the robes of the Paradyne Academy. Noticing Danilo's presence, the old man scoffed and said.

"Danilo Duterte? The current Emperor of the Empire? Do you really think that just because you possess such a prestigious title that you could do whatever you want? In the end, strength matters and without it, everything that you do is completely useless!" Mein summoned his entire cultivation base and a tempest formed around his body.

Every Elders within the Paradyne Academy had high comprehensions regarding the laws of Incinerating Fire. His body blazed and shone with a brilliance comparable to the sun. The ground where he stepped on melted like mercury as Mein pushed his palm outwards and said.

"Great Incineration!"

A volley of flames burst forth into a cone before his figure, rushing towards the Golden-Clawed Guards and Danilo, the flames alone contained heat that could melt steel. Paired with the Spiritual Energy infused within the attack, one could predict that those under the Divine Soul Realm couldn't possibly survive.

Danilo and the Golden-Clawed Guards stared at the incoming flames as the scenery around them turned scarlet. Knitting his eyebrows, he unsheathed his sword and sword lights flashed as the volley of flames were dissected into five different parts.

"Five Slashes of Light..." Danilo mumbled as he sheathed his sword. The dissected volley of flames dissipated into nothingness just before it could reach his face.

Despite the absolute difference in strength to the extent that his attacks were easily dissipated. Mein still remained indifferent and composed. Compressed between his palms was a concentrated ball of flames, compressed to the limits until they reached the size of a soccer ball.

"I'm not done, yet!" Mein grunted and pushed the beam of flames towards Danilo's direction.

Purifying Flame of Incineration!

The Golden-Clawed Guards were about to move and defend their Emperor when Danilo stopped them with his hands.

"None shall interfere, the humiliation that I suffered back then, shall be paid today in full!" Danilo roared out and unsheathed his sword, five arcs of sword lights manifested and the beam of flame couldn't even reach him as they exploded into a wall of flame that covered Mein from behind.

Mein who saw what happened immediately manipulated his attack to form a wall that would provide cover for them. Carrying the disciple earlier on his shoulders. Mein stepped on the ground and flew towards the distance. The Golden-Clawed Guards moved to pursuit but Danilo stopped them.

"Let them run away, running away is the proof that they're the prey..." Danilo declared and the Golden-Clawed Guards couldn't help but gulp a mouthful of saliva when they saw the coldness on his dignified face. They knew that Danilo was a ruthless ruler but it was the first time that they saw their Emperor acting so cold and apathetic.

Nodding their heads, each and everyone of them finally understood the implications and consequences of Rodger's death. Hardening their resolves, they steeled their hearts and marched onwards, Towards the direction of the Outer Disciples Region.

Above the airspace of the Paradyne Academy. Mein suppressed the violent heaving of his chest by taking deep breaths one after another. He acted tough earlier but facing the might of Danilo clad with the prized treasures of the Empire and with a cultivation at the Divine Ascendance Realm.

Mein knew that he had no chance of defeating Danilo in his current state. The only one that could possibly defeat him was the Headmaster of the Academy, Mathias Paradyne himself.

Arriving at the Outer Disciples Region, the disciples who heard the earlier warning had already evacuated away so when the Golden-Clawed Guards and Danilo arrived. All they saw was a vast plain filled with empty houses.

"Bombard it away, make sure that no houses are left standing..." Danilo commanded and the twelve Golden-Clawed Guards flew towards the skies. Their peak Divine Soul cultivation transformed the vast plain into a place of destruction and oblivion where life couldn't possibly exist.

At the Inner Disciples Region on the other hand, droves of disciples gathered with uneasiness and apprehension visible on their faces. After hearing that the Golden-Clawed Guards and the Emperor of the Empire of Eternal Faith himself came for war. They all understood that there's no way that they could influence the battlefield with their measly strength.

"Everyone calm down, let us all evacuate in an orderly manner! Remember only disciples of the Paradyne Academy can go inside the Core Disciples Region! As for commoners we're gonna have to ask you to stay here with your family and belongings!" An Inner Disciple shouted. His voice rang loud and clear and boomed like muffled thunder.

The disciples' expression brightened while the commoners who heard his announcement revealed displeased and hopelessness on their faces. In times like this, cultivators were prioritized for their strength while they were abandoned out here to die.

One of the commoners who couldn't hold his resentment, shouted: "How despicable of you guys to leave us commoners here to die! Are you really that selfish! We're still of the same species! Don't you have compassion!"

The disciples who heard his voice turned stone cold and the atmosphere in the area turned chilly. The guy who shouted earlier stiffened and realized the consequences of his actions. With trembling knees, he bowed his head down and silently retreated lest he provoked the anger of these dragons.

"The commoners need not to worry about their well-being. It is stated under the Genesis Convention that in wars between cultivators, commoners shouldn't be harmed. I don't think that the Imperial Clan will go against the Convention so each and everyone of you guys will be safer than us..." The Inner Disciple consoled the still unconvinced commoners.

But what could they do? They were merely mortals that had no power nor influence over the battlefield. Silently retreating to their homes, some mortals that had money brought some Human Ranked Talismans and Artifacts that could hopefully save them from the debris of the inevitable battle.

Inside the Outer Disciples Region, thousands of Disciples lined up with their expressions solemn and pensive. Despite the huge numbers of people that gathered in this region. The vast plain was eerily quiet. None dared to speak as Mathias Paradyne made his entrance up above the skies.

"Everyone hear my command!" Mathias softly whispered yet his mumble rang out like thunder that silenced and stiffened everyone that dared to move nor speak under his presence. With all eyes on him. Mathias nodded his head in satisfaction and continued.

"The Imperial Clan who has always been our greatest enemy has finally reached a boiling point in their temper and launched a preemptive attack against us... Danilo Duterte, the current Emperor and his Golden-Clawed Guards personally came to the Southern Gates and slaughtered at least a hundred Outer Disciples from the Academy."

Each and every disciple including the Elders who remained ignorant about the scale of the Imperial Clan's attack stared with widened eyes at their Headmaster. They expected some damages but the number of casualties wasn't something that they expected.

Clenching their fists, emotions awashed these disciples including the Elders. Each and every disciple no matter what rank nor prowess they had was someone whom they treated as their brothers. The resentment that they had in their hearts intensified.

Staring at Mathias, the latter could see the burning intent of battle and slaughter within his disciples' eyes as he nodded his head and continued with a shaking voice.

"Since time immemorial, the Paradyne Academy has considered every disciple as a family member. Seeing one of our own dying, my heart can't help but clench and tremble in sorrow and hatred..."

"Unfortunately, the enemy is strong, stronger that not just anyone can possibly handle them... That's why I will have to ask every disciple to retreat and stay calm and at all times. That's the only way that you can help us Elders in the upcoming battle..."

Unsheathing his sword, Mathias pointed towards the Southern Gate and declared.

"The enemies are fast approaching and I can't afford to waste our time like this. As the Headmaster of the Paradyne Academy, I ask for your best wishes and hope that I can be successful in repelling or cutting our enemies down..."

Mathias swept his gaze across the Elders and nodded.

"Elders, follow my lead, we shall go to the battlefield!" He declared and along with the dozens of Elders of the Paradyne Academy. Their figures transformed into resplendent rainbow beams that flew towards the direction of their enemies.

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