Novel Name : Assassination System

Assassination System Chapter 232 Return and Revenge 3in1

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Morning arrived and Juliet found herself staring towards an unfamiliar ceiling. Opening her murky eyes, she saw her mother, Natalie staring at her with visible worry on her countenance. She looked haggard and the bags under her eyes indicated her exhaustion.

When Juliet collapsed back then, Natalie carried Juliet on her back and walked the last thirty kilometers to the Empire of Dawn. She wanted to bring Ruth with her first but she found that the latter became crazed and unresponsive. Offering her sincere apologies, she kowtowed and left with her daughter.

"Juliet, are you okay? Are you hurting somewhere?!" Natalie took a wet towel and wiped Juliet's face and body, the warmth of the towel awakened Juliet's mind as the memories of the events at that eventful night appeared in her mind.

"I'm doing fine, Mama... Where are we? Are we in the Empire of Dawn, now?" Juliet's visual appearance looked to be at five or six years old yet the way that she formulated her words and the sparkle of wisdom within her eyes made her seem strange.

Despite all of these, Natalie didn't find it weird as she replied, "We're at the Empire of Dawn now. Thanks to you, Juliet. We managed to escape the pursuit of those bastards..." She sighed in relief and took a tray filled with steaming bowls of food, placing it on the bedside table, she urged for Juliet to eat as the two of them silently dined.

"So the reason why Mama doesn't feel suspicious about my capabilities is because this world itself is a dreamland that the Dagger Intent formulated from my memories..." Juliet concluded upon building the clues that she had. If this wasn't a dreamland, Natalie would've endlessly nagged her about what happened to her and why did she suddenly become so strong.

The Natalie in the dreamland acted indifferent towards her strength. She only had a single concern in her mind. And that was to find a safe living space for her daughter and herself.

At the end of the meal, Natalie affectionately rubbed Juliet's head and said, "Mama will be leaving for now, okay? Mama's gonna search for a good house to live so you stay here and be a good girl, okay?" She sweetly smiled and kissed Juliet's forehead.

Natalie looked completely different from what she previously looked like at the Empire of Eternal Faith. With the help of the money that her uncle gave to her, she underwent a complete makeover. Now, she thoroughly looked like a gorgeous teenager that could crane necks whenever she walked past.

Compared to her mother, Juliet was small and petite, delicate and tiny, and her body was slender and her legs thin and straight. Her hips were narrow and she thoroughly looked like a beautiful little girl. Apart from her eyes that sparkled with coldness and indifference to life which only thawed into warmth upon laying her eyes on her mother, nothing seemed out of place with the current Juliet.

Nodding her head, Juliet revealed an obedient smile as Natalie waved her goodbyes and said her farewells. Seeing her mother disappear from her window at the inn where they stayed in. Juliet hopped out of her bed and wore a white one piece dress that accentuated her small figure, making her look more adorable and amiable.

Walking out of the inn, Juliet garnered the eyes of everyone. The aunties who saw her sweetly smiled upon witnessing her cuteness while the perverted bastards licked their lips upon seeing such a white lotus. Criminals frequently gathered at the Empire of Dawn so it wasn't strange that someone with strange fetishes were present.

But before they could even whistle or catcall at her figure. Juliet swept her cold gaze at them and they felt their souls freeze as the words lodged in their throat. They couldn't even do anything other than watch her gradually disappear into a nearby alleyway.

"Bro... Did you see that earlier..."

"Yeah... I felt like I was staring at a beast instead of a beautiful little girl... That was dangerous..."

The men mumbled at each other and they all decided to forget about this strange incident, after all. It was too strange and they couldn't bother to expand their energy for something that didn't bother nor disturb them.

Continuing her journey, Juliet walked in a leisurely pace. Absorbing the scenery of the Empire of Dawn, every sounds, every smell, and every scenes of people chatting, bargaining and children laughing. Juliet absorbed everything and swore that she would treasure every second that she spent in this dreamland.

Staring at a plaque with an insignia of a hammer and anvil carved on it. Juliet walked inside and the smell of Iron along with the change of temperature struck her face.

"Welcome~" A stout middle-aged man turned around and greeted the customer. His figure stiffened when he saw an adorable little girl curiously looking around the surroundings.

"Ermmm, hey you... Did you perhaps got lost with your mother?" He asked with a curious and mellow voice, afraid that the little girl may get intimidated by his appearance.

"Are you the shop manager here?" Juliet turned to look at him and asked with a cold voice which froze the middle-aged man as he awkwardly scratched his head and replied.

"Yes, I am the Shop Manager of the Berlin Blacksmithy... May I help you with something..."

Juliet nodded her head and said, "Can you fetch me those two daggers?" She took a coin pouch inside her dress and threw it directly at the Shop Manager. Sensing the heaviness of the pouch, the Shop Manager turned pensive and he hurriedly took the two daggers while making a sidelong glance at Juliet.

"She can easily take out dozens of gold coins without even batting an eyelid? Just who is she?" The Shop Manager knew that he has no business digging into the identity of his customers. Wrapping the two daggers up, he gave it towards the little girl as Juliet received it with a smile.

If this was the real world, as someone who lived a miserable childhood. Juliet valued money more than anyone else so spending so much money in one transaction would make her heart bleed.

But since this was a dreamland, she knew that she could do everything that she wanted, that also includes spending like a prodigal young master. Walking out of the Berlin Blacksmithy, Juliet strapped the two daggers on her upper thigh and walked towards the west.

Arriving at the western gate, Juliet used all of her remaining gold coins to join a high-speed caravan going to the Empire of Eternal Faith. Those that saw her prodigal spending shook their heads in disappointment but since it was her money, why would they care about it so needlessly?

The caravan continued on for several days and since the caravan was protected by at least three squads of mercenaries. No bandit group dared to attack them and their journey went better than they expected.

After arriving at the Empire of Eternal Faith. Juliet walked straight towards the Luzon Clan Residence and when she arrived at its towering gates, a small smile lifted on her face. Sweeping her line of sight throughout the entire area, she captured everything that she could around her before taking a deep breath.

Summoning the Dagger Intent, an intangible, oppressive power enshrouded Juliet's body as she transformed right there and now into an Empress that controlled everything under the heavens.

Black clouds manifested in the skies and lightning rumbled. The alarming and bizarre appearance of this suffocating might and the ominous clouds that rolled over the skies attracted the attention of everyone within the Empire of Eternal Faith.

Staring at the skies, they could see that the clouds encompassed the entire Empire. But the skies were clear beyond its borders. Only the Empire of Eternal Faith was subjected to such an overpowering and overwhelming force that made them lose their souls.

"Are these Tribulation Clouds signifying the ascension to the Realm of Divine Emperors? Impossible, these clouds are clearly stronger than that!" A deep voice reverberated inside the Luzon Clan, his voice transformed into waves that fought against the suffocating, all-encompassing aura.

"Guah!" The sound of blood splattering echoed within the depths of a towering pavilion, those who heard his cry of pain turned frantic as they hurriedly supported that figure who was none other than the newly-ascended Patriarch of the Luzon Clan.

Walking of the pavilion, they all stared at the skies and realized that the black clouds started rolling inwards, from ten thousand miles wide, it became five thousand miles wide until it became the right size for the Luzon Clan. The world inside the Luzon Clan Residence was gloomy and dark yet sunlight still shone just beyond the borders of their gates.

"Just what is going on? Is a Divine Emperor attacking us?!" The man clad in purple robes known as Mario Luzon roared, he didn't understand why such a strong personage actually took the effort to attack their small clan.

The black storm clouds that hung in the skies contracted to a thousand miles from its previous size of ten thousand miles. Nevertheless, the oppressive aura that it emanated still consistently ruled over the lands of the Luzon Clan as literally all disciples prostrated to the ground and asked for forgiveness.

Under the might of such an expert, struggle was useless. With a single thought, their lives could be extinguished so why would they still struggle? Throwing everything that they had away, even the Elders and guards kowtowed and solemnly asked for forgiveness in hopes that their lives would be spared.

Juliet unsheathed the two daggers strapped on each of her thighs and walked before the towering dual-entry gate of the Luzon Clan. Lifting her right hand, she swiped right at the gate and it crumbled into dust amidst a deafening boom.

Those who heard the explosion all turned their heads at the crumbled gates and there, amidst the dust was a petite figure clad in a pure white one piece. Her footsteps were slow and light, yet those who saw her moving seamlessly amidst this all-encompassing pressure made them realize that she was the source of this pressure.

"Y-Y-You... You're that bitch, Natalie's daughter!" An Elder recognized Juliet's visage as he blurted out loud. When his voice traveled into Juliet's ears. She made a sidelong glance at him and swiped with her dagger.

Without any suspense and under the disbelieving gazes of anyone, the Elder who spoke such blasphemous words found himself flying into the air as blood madly spurted out of his body. His vision swam and madly rotated and when he landed on the ground, he saw his headless body still standing firm and frozen like a statue.


No one knew who started it but Juliet's actions of instantly killing an Elder figure of the Luzon Clan made the disciples cry out loud in panic, anguish, despair and hopelessness. The ten thousand disciples of the Luzon Clan ran like madmen towards the outside world.

But just as they stretched their hand out and moved outside the Luzon Clan Residence, they found that a translucent barrier blocked their way and no matter what they did, they were unable to move away from the residence.

Some who still had courage in their hearts summoned their entire cultivation bases and simultaneously attacked the barrier to no avail. Those with weaker hearts slammed their hands on the barrier until they were mangled and bloodied, while those with low cultivation and weaker hearts could do nothing but cry on the ground.

Juliet continued walking towards the highest and towering pavilion of the Luzon Clan without an ounce of emotions on her face. She remained indifferent, her eyes merely depicted coldness that could freeze the hearts of anyone that dared to look at her directly.

Arriving half-way at the Patriarch's Pavilion, Juliet lifted her head and saw a bunch of Elders with their cultivation bases rotated to the maximum. Nevertheless, under the suppression of the Dagger Intent, they couldn't bring out their true power, and with a single swipe from Juliet's dagger, each and everyone of them uneventfully died with their heads rolling down the stairs.

Only the Patriarch of the Luzon Clan was left, even his newly-appointed Grand Elder was killed as Juliet stared right into his eyes and said,

"You will live and witness how I'll slaughter your clansmen..." She whispered into the air before turning around and within a blink of an eye, reappeared above the skies were the disciples gathered. Murderous intent flashing through her eyes, she landed and started her slaughter.

Miserable shrieks after miserable shrieks along with furious begging and the dull thuds of banged foreheads reverberated throughout the entire Luzon Clan Residence. women, children and not even livestock were spared from Juliet's slaughter.

"I've come to save you, brother!" A dignified voice echoed from the outside world along with the appearance of a middle-aged man that forcefully broke the Dagger Intent's barrier. Startled, Juliet saw that it was the current Emperor of the Empire of Eternal Faith!

Clad in the golden and red robes along with an insignia of a soaring dragon. Danilo Duterte, the Emperor of the Empire of Eternal Faith arrived and took Mario Luzon's side. However, staring at Juliet's figure, he said.

"Someone as young as you shouldn't possibly be a Divine Emperor, If me and my advisers were right, you must've used a grand formation to form this restrictive and isolating space, right?" Danilo Duterte misunderstood the source of Juliet's strength, since it was really too unbelievable that someone with the skeletal age as her could have such power.

"It's up to you whether what you want to believe, I just came here for the Luzon Clan's annihilation and the completion of my revenge. If you, the Emperor would stand on my way, then I would have no other choice but to dispose of you first..." Juliet prepared her daggers and Danilo Duterte summoned his golden sword that accompanied him throughout his entire life.

It was the [Sword of Absolute Extinction] The strongest and prized Artifact of the Empire of Eternal Faith. Unsheathing it at this moment meant that he respected Juliet's capabilities.

"I will be using the Sword of Absolute Extinction after such a long time, just for you... Little Girl, be honored..." He said with a conceited smirk before dashing towards Juliet with his sword lifted towards the skies and shining in an undeniable brilliance.

Juliet coldly smiled, inside this dreamland, she was the absolute sovereign so there was no way that the Emperor who was dozens of times stronger than the real Juliet could withstand a single exchange against her.

Lifting her dagger above her head, sparks flew as she seamlessly received Danilo's attack to the latter's surprise and shock. Turning pale with horror, he realized that no matter how much force he used, he couldn't seem to budge Juliet's dagger.

But just as the idea of retreating came to his mind, Juliet suddenly disappeared before him as a sharp pain assaulted his waist.

"Ah..." Danilo Duterte's eyes bulged outwards, He had never thought that his power that he cultivated for several hundreds of years was actually so insignificant and inadequate in front of this little girl, who was younger than him by dozens of decades.

In that moment, he felt his cultivation leaving his body along with his vitality as his figure started drying out from the inside.

"Just who are you..."

Danilo muttered these words with much difficulty and at this time, he looked like a wasted skeleton, as his Spiritual Energy constantly leaked out into the air.

For Juliet, someone as despicable as Danilo should never be spared, she may not be able to do this in reality but in this dreamland, she could simulate his suffering and end, tempering her Dagger Intent in return.

Witnessing his comrade in arms dying so miserably under Juliet's hands. Mario Luzon understood that escape was futile. Taking a deep breath, he gnashed his teeth and said with bitterness surging within his heart.

"I understand. With your strength, there's no way that I could escape, but at the least, before you end my life. Can you at least tell me why you annihilated my clan?"

Juliet who was about to end Mario Luzon's life stopped. Staring right into his eyes, Juliet's cold eyes sparkled with relief as she said with a whisper.

"It's revenge for what this clan did to my mother... Even if this space is just a simulation, at the least, I managed to avenge her with my own hands..." Her indifferent face finally showed some emotions and it was a smile that deeply engraved itself into Mario Luzon's soul as Juliet swiped with her daggers, separating his head from his shoulders.

A dull thud resonated as Mario Luzon's headless body tumbled on the ground. The black clouds that rolled above the skies turned clear as the Dagger Intent's voice whispered into Juliet's mind.

"Are you satisfied? Now that you finally avenged your mother with your own hands and showed me how ruthless yet kind you could become, I'm even more convinced that you truly deserved my Intent..." It honestly praised and Juliet nodded her head.

"Yeah, I am satisfied now. Zieve, Papa and Mama should be really worried about me now. Daggy, return me to my body..." Juliet lightly smiled in satisfaction and the Dagger Intent couldn't help but feel quite awkward to Juliet's way of addressing it.

"Ermmm, Can you now call me Daggy? It sounds quite weird and childish..." It requested and Juliet chuckled.

"Copy, Daggy... Just send me back already..." Juliet replied and one could hear the Dagger Intent's sighs as the scene around Juliet rapidly distorted.

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