Novel Name : Young Master Damien's Pet

Young Master Damien's Pet Chapter 91 Present- Part 3

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Chapter 91 Present- Part 3

Music recommendation for this chapter to listen:Amour ex machina andRain Sound and Thunder - 2 Hours Sleep Meditation Sound. I have the habit of mixing up sounds to be able to imagine the scene. I hope you enjoy it together, maybe on laptop.


Penelope stilled her heart. Keeping it down not wanting him to know where this conversation was going. The first few seconds of the minute that passed by she didn't understand what he was trying to achieve by giving her something that was a precious family heirloom which belonged to his mother. She would have given it some thoughts but with the way he stood right in front of her face, staring into her eyes, Penny was finding it hard to think.

It wasn't that she was scared, maybe initially she was scared of this pureblooded vampire who had stabbed the person who was auctioning the slaves who were brought from the slave establishment. If there was something she had compared in tonight's celebration, it was the difference in which Damien treated her. He made her climb a tree, pluck weeds that were growing in the garden of the mansion when it was pouring with rain just like it was now.

Was he maybe...perhaps he like...? No that couldn't be true, she shook her head mentally. Penny tried to deduce his words with the deafening silence that held certain tranquility as the clouds continued to growl. And though it deafened everything around them, she had still managed to hear him call her as a 'dumb mouse'. But the more time passed with him waiting as he stared at her, her heart started to beat, increasing its pace and she hoped he wasn't able to hear it.

But Damien Quinn didn't need to rely on her heartbeat. Her face was enough for him to read the emotions that were going through one by one. First came the confusion, which followed to a deep concentration as if she were in a thought which finally came to the realization which she tried to hide but not enough from his eyes which made him grin.

Though they were inside the mansion, in the attic with the roof to protect them, Penny could feel the cold air raising goosebumps all over her skin.

Her chest resonating along with the thunderous clouds.

Penny felt slightly breathless, his face inching closer to only move away and she lowered her eyes, looking away from him. Forgotten that Damien had asked her a question. He was joking with her right? The more she thought about it the more her head hurt. It couldn't be true. Her eyes lifted up looking up at him,

"It seems you found your answer to the question. Care to share it?" he asked her above the sound of the rain.

She parted her lips to speak but no voice came out from her mouth. Her eyes had turned wide, looking at Damien who stood waiting for her, "You must have your reasons," she said trying to tiptoe from the answer he was asking. That was if what she thought was the right answer she had stumbled upon.

"You can get down from the trunk unless you plan to sit there the entire night," Penny scrambled down, placing her feet back on the wooden floorboards which felt much better than the other side of the mansion which was made of marble. If her feet healed faster, she would have been able to wear the shoes which he had bought for-something clicked in her mind. She looked at him with a suspicious look.

"What is with that suspicious look on your face, Penelope," stated Damien and she quickly looked away to only have her eyes back at Damien who took a step forward towards her.

Penny looked at the man who stood in front of her. His handsome features only emphasized itself in the dark atmosphere of the attic. The sharp jaw and nose, his defined cheekbones that looked smooth Leaning his head back, he raised his hand to ruffle over his hair which was combed neatly in a backward direction which now fell on his forehead recklessly.

"Happy with the present?" she heard him ask her. Penny had to slightly crane her neck to look at him.

Pressing her lips against each other, she spoke in a whisper, "Thank you for the chain."

"You're welcome," he then yawned, bringing up his hand to his mouth before returning it back to his side.

He then said, "Come we have somewhere to go," hearing this Penny wondered where he was planning to go. The adventures of Damien Quinn never ended, at least that is what she thought to herself.

"What about the guests?" she questioned, following him out of the attic, Damien closed the door and started to walk down the stairs.

"My family is there to entertain them. I am not needed here and have better work than this. Oh yes, I do have to meet Alexander before we leave," she followed Damien down the stairs, walking through the corridors now to hear the sound of the crowd who had gathered in and around the mansion. Offering them smiles which he didn't mean and that dropped when he walked past them.

Penny guessed that the Lord of Valeria whom Damien had introduced him to be his cousin, she guessed that their relationship was close as in these past few days, she had not seen him close to anyone. The maximum went up to his sister but that was a greet, kissing airly next to the cheek. A lot of people interacted with Damien and outwardly he appeared to be someone who was always at the center of attention.

Seeing Lord Alexander standing speaking to a woman, his eyes snapped to meet Damien's eyes. Penny stood a few distances apart, giving them the space they needed to talk as the Lord of Valeria appeared to be someone who didn't like his conversations to be heard at least that is what happened.

She wondered what went in the pureblooded vampire's head. Someone who looked as if he was always scheming and was up to no good.

"No, he didn't say anything in regards to it," she overheard Alexander speak to Damien, "You might need to send the samples by tomorrow morning at least. They need to test and make sure if that is what they think it is," Damien didn't react for two seconds until he said,

"I will get them delivered by the time of night. How long are you here?"

"In Bonelake? Maybe two days," Damien shook his head.

"In this beautiful mansion," he grinned for Lord Alexander to give a very faint smile which could hardly be distinguished to be called a smile.

"I will pass. I cannot afford sister Grace knocking on my room for no reason which might make me want to throw her to the sea."

"You can always throw her in there. A good dip in the sea might clean that brain if hers."

"Fleurence was asking me to talk to you something. Though we never got to speak what it was about," said Alexander to ask his cousin, "Any clue on what it is?"

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