Novel Name : Young Master Damien's Pet

Young Master Damien's Pet Chapter 107 The lie told- Part 2

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Chapter 107 The lie told- Part 2

"Why didn't you continue your work in the theater? Not everyone has a talent. It is true that you aren't a good actor like me but you were decent. Why leave something you liked?" he inquired, heading inside the streets where they received looks by her fellow villagers. A lot of them appeared to look shocked. Though one could debate it was because of Damien as he brought out that reacting from people. Especially from humans.

"People here aren't used to vampires entering. They don't take it too kindly," Penny gave him a heads-up.

"I don't take kindly of them not taking kindly of me when I haven't done anything...yet. But it is never too late for it. Though I doubt right now that they are looking at me. Look closer," upon his word, she did just that to notice it wasn't him but her, "How much do you bet that your relatives turned you to something dead or turned to which is why you are receiving such warm looks. No offense Penny and when I say this I don't mean to include you but humans are very narrowminded. Jumping quickly into conclusions without any base."

"Not everyone is like that," Penny defended her former being.

"Of course, there are a few sane ones but they get overpowered by the fools. You don't believe me? I will shout here calling you a witch and people will come and burn you. Poof," he told it in a calm tone which made her give him a stink eye, "I am just joking. But you know as well as I that how people in general are. I think it would be absolutely wonderful to go to meet your relatives. I can hardly wait to know what lies they fed about your disappearance," he clapped his hand while looking at the village people who had paused with whatever they were doing. Some whispered to each other, looking at both of them until Damien. One smile was enough to send them scattering away after he showed his fangs.

Noticing them moving away and some going inside their house, Penny asked in doubt, "Master Damien, did you do something?"

"I was only exchanging greetings but the peasants here sure are disrespectful. Maybe once we are done visiting your uncle and aunt I can exercise some things here," a constant smile stayed on his face, "Is that your aunt?" he asked tipping his chin in a certain direction.

Penny who had been having her eyes on the villagers had failed to notice that her aunt stood with a basket on her hip. The woman appeared to be in shock.

It had been days since she saw her aunt, the same aunt who had brought her home after her death. Many questions came to bubble in her mind but none came to pass through her lips. When she finally stood in front of her aunt, she saw the expression of shock at first which was covered suddenly by worry.

"Aunt Delilah," Penny spoke first. She didn't know if she was hurt or angry. For her own blood relative to do something unfathomable like throwing her to a place which was filled with darkness, had they not thought about it? Had it not crossed their mind even once?

"Oh my God..." was the first response that came out of her mouth. Recovering from the surprise visit Penny had given at their door, "Oh Penny, where were you all these days?" asked the woman. Damien hearing this didn't bother to hide at the stupidity of the woman. He rolled his eyes, bringing up his hand to look at his nails wondering if today was the day to make put his sharpened nails to use.

At first, Damien felt Penny falling into a pit of emotions as her heart skipped a beat but Penny was much forward and in the hold of her emotions when she said, "Where is uncle?"

"He went out to sell the goods in the market, he should be on his way-"

"Goods? Or is it another girl like me?" asked Penny.

Penny couldn't hold back her emotions. She was angry for what they had done. Selling her like an object and not considering her emotions and feelings.

"W-what?" stuttered her aunt, "What are you saying?"

Penny looked down at the ground, "I hope you don't mind me stepping inside," not waiting for permission she walked into the house. Looking at the objects which had been replaced to something better as if the house had been renovated, "Seems like uncle and you hit a jackpot. Was it silver coins?"

"I don't know what you're saying, Penny. Why don't you sit down? We searched for you but never knew where you went."

"Did you really search for me?" asked Penny mindlessly as she stared at the new objects which weren't here the last time she lived in this house.

"O-of course we did. You are my niece. It would be so wrong not to-"

"Another lie from that mouth of yours and I will have it torn out of your mouth," Damien sighed taking away his attention from his hand to look down at the woman who was short in stature. His words sharp enough to stop talking while also holding her breath as if a single movement from her would set off the vampire.

As if on time her husband came back with a side bag while holding it protectively. The man had found it to be odd that some of the villagers were looking at him but he was too happy to have made revenue from the vegetables he sold to realize what was up. Not that he would have known. When he noticed Penny in the room, his eyes went wide in shock. The elderly couple couldn't believe that she had returned. It was clearly mentioned that they wouldn't be seeing her again but that wasn't the problem. They couldn't believe that she was actually doing much better than they thought. Fancy clothes, her hair done, with shoes on her feet that appeared to be made from expensive leather.

Taking a look at the man, Damien said, "Well, it's good you are here. Penelope and I were only passing by and wanted to say hi to you," smiled the pureblooded vampire as if he meant no harm to anyone, "Won't you greet your niece whom you sold to the slave establishment, Mr. Linton?" asked Damien not bein subtle at all about it.

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