Novel Name : Young Master Damien's Pet

Young Master Damien's Pet Chapter 560 The part it ends- Part 3

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Chapter 560 The part it ends- Part 3

Out of anger, the witch raised her hand and swished it in the air that had the three of them being thrown to the closest wall with a thud.

"How dare you!" the woman shouted in anger, her head snapping to look at them and using her spells to twist their bodies that made them groan and flinch in pain, "Why so angry?" she asked, her voice falling down as if she had lost it looking at Alexander, "It seems like you found out about your mother," she tched over and over again shaking her head.

"You know," said Mrs. Artemis, "I enjoyed every moment when your mother was burnt in the village. I was there that day in the market, after all, I had to run the show of having the stupid brainless humans riot at her. Oh, wait weren't you there?" she asked, meeting Alexander's eyes.

"She was a kind woman who did nothing to you-"

Mrs. Artemis nodded her head, "You are right, she didn't do anything to me," saying this she sat down in front of him, crouching her body to say, "I was only following orders. Do you want to know who asked? It was one of those councilmen who is now dead. Hmm, I am not getting his name but anyways...I enjoyed seeing her burn you know why? She reminded me of my bloody little sister. The righteous made my blood boil. Her habit of being nosey is what got her into trouble. You both are their children, the apple doesn't fall too far away from the tree."

"If I am not wrong don't you belong to the very same tree?" Damien questioned to receive a glare from the older witch.

"You're another nosey man, Mr. Quinn. Sadly the girl is not here and has escaped but I am sure her mother will look after her. All I need to do is complete the ritual and sacrifice you all in it," for some reason they couldn't get up that made them realize that the spell that had been placed on them was something powerful. With their hand still loose and free, Damien who had picked up a heap of dust in his hand, he raised it to blow it right into the woman's eyes.

"Argh!!" the woman stumbled behind with the unexpected dust being filled in her eyes. With her concentration, the spell broke and Damien moved quick enough to kick her without bothering to think that she was a woman. With another hit, the woman fell flat on the ground.

Alexander pointed his gun back at her to hear her say, "Didn't you hear what I said?" blood spewed out of her mouth, "If you kill me you will be taking away the lives of hundreds along with me. Do you want to do that?"

"You're being selfish," Caitlin said looking down upon the woman on the ground, "Do you know how many lives have been taken away because of what you did? You went so far as to kill the Carrington who owned this house-"

"They deserved it! All of them did. Humans are foolish and pompous, thinking they are better than the rest. Once this is all done, the black witches will raise like the past and take back what is rightfully theirs," the woman spat out.

The lord of Valeria didn't believe there was any use for the woman. Anger coursed through his veins at the thought and recollection of how his beloved mother had died in front of him, her body going up in flames while the humans rejoiced and some who didn't bother to stop it.

How could he forget that day that had twisted his very fate along with the others?

"It shouldn't matter. I am sorry Caitlin but I will be taking her with my own hands," said Alexander, his eyes turned darker. Mrs. Artemis seeing the pureblooded vampire pulling the cork of the gun, her eyes went wide as if he would think about the people in the village, after all, he was the late lady's son of Valeria.

"You don't care about the people?! What are you doing?" Mrs. Artemis appeared to panic, her eyes filling with panic now.

"I might be my mother's son but I am not her," and Alexander pulled the trigger before she could try anything else. The gunshot made a sound that echoed through the entire quiet house. Even Penny who was outside the house waiting for them anxiously heard the gunshot, her head turning with her eyes looking up as she wondered if it had ended or if the people in there were still fighting.

Alexander could have tortured the woman but a woman like her was a nutjob that couldn't be fixed. No torture would suffice and the woman would only continue spewing words that would remind him what happened on that gore-filled day. It was better to have her dead than prolong it. He knew she was lying through her teeth when she said her life was tied along with the villagers which she had placed the curse on.

With her death, the curse had been uplifted and the bodies had returned back to normal. Most of the villagers fell down on their knees at the sudden control they received to their body which had been numb all these days.

Sylvia and Elliot who was at the river finding what was causing the thirst for the drink were still searching when Sylvia felt a cloth beneath the ground.

"I found something!" she exclaimed to have Elliot come next to her, "There's a cloth in here," she said and started to dig the mud with her bare hands. Elliot sat down next to her, helping her before they found a big bag that smelled differently.

Though both of their faces were covered, Elliot said, "Don't smell it," pulling the bag, they took it back to the carriage that waited for them, putting the bag and heading their way back to the Delcrov's mansion.

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