Novel Name : Young Master Damien's Pet

Young Master Damien's Pet Chapter 177 Dark heart- Part 1

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Chapter 177 Dark heart- Part 1

The celebration of the Lady Sentencia went on where the guests continued to celebrate and wish her, her long gown sweeping the floor behind her as she spoke to the guests who had arrived for her birthday celebration.

In appearance and in the eye of a human, the brunette lady appeared to be in her twenties. Her pale complexion and red eyes were something that attracted many which made Penny who now stood with another glass of juice in her hand to wonder if something had transpired between Master Damien and Lady Sentencia. No doubt they would have been a beautiful couple but with Damien who had shamelessly declared about his feelings towards her, she doubted there could be something between them. But why should she care, thought Penny to herself.

Penny didn't know what or how to react apart from having her eyes on the floor so that she didn't have to meet anyone's curious eyes. Though Damien had the ability to ignore the people around them, she could sense their gaze on what was going on.

If she was no wrong it would be the first thing to be read in tomorrow's gossip column of the newsletter. Idle men and women thrived on gossips. And with her being a slave and he being a pureblooded vampire, this might be one of the news which would keep people entertained.

There was no way out of it. The possible suitors she had once hoped to settle down and gone out of the window. Forget the window it had sunk into the bottom of the sea and would never come up again.

But there was also a part of her who was in awe with Damien Quinn. How could one be utterly fearless of one's damage to the reputation? Men worked hard to raise their reputation while trying to maintain it while women chased the very concept so that they could be respected. The thought of Damien not caring about it made Penny turn to look at him. Not directly but subtly while making sure her actions weren't too obvious but with the crowd of vampires she was in some of them noticed with Damien being the first one to pick on her actions even though he was listening to someone talk about the cabinets and the windows which were built.

She took a sip from the glass of juice that Damien had handed her by himself right before the current glass of hers had even finished.

Lady Ursula looked bitter and ready to kill her if it weren't for Damien standing next to her. It felt as if she wanted to tear her head off which was why she had wished Damien would have been subtle about his feelings for her. This man had not only put himself in the spotlight but had put her under a burning fire of the women's gazes in the room.

It appeared that Damien had many admirers despite his odd behavior.

As much as she had complaints again, she couldn't help notice him even more. His facial expression stayed the same which was a bored one. When his eyes strayed away from the crowd surrounding him to look at her, it felt as if the time had frozen. Their eyes meeting each other where Penny didn't break her gaze away. A smile came to form on Damien's lips which confused her on what he was smiling for.

On the other side, Mr. Reverale walked towards Lady Ursula who stood with her hands clutching the glass in her hands. Staring at Damien and the slave girl from afar.

"How unexpected to see Damien like a girl, isn't it?" Lady Ursula's eyes turned to look at the man who had come to stand beside her before her eyes went back to throw daggers at the girl, "Why do you look bitter, Lady Ursula? Care to share your thoughts?" he spoke sweetly to the young woman.

"It is nothing," she answered him stubbornly.

"Hmm, I must be imagining it then," he smiled at her. They Damien say something to the slave girl who looked slightly shocked making them wonder what he said, "I thought Damien would kill every slave man and woman possible after what happened to one of his dear friends."

Lady Ursula turned to question Mr. Reverale, "What happened?"

"You haven't heard about it? The woman raised a slave boy for months. Word was that she treated him like one of them but what did the slave boy do? He killed her. It is why Damien despised every slave he came across. The kindness is never taken well and instead is misused. Biting the hand that feeds you, what a shame it is indeed."

How strange that she didn't know about it, thought Ursula. But slaves were never to be trusted, they would try to buy their freedom by hook or crook, "We should do something about it then," she decided to have him raise his brow.

"What do you suggest, milady?" this was what he was waiting for. Since the time his eyes had fallen on Damien's slave, he had wanted a taste of her. To take a bite to see how she tasted and she intrigued him even more as she was Damien's. She had been capable enough to have him like her which was what made it interesting.

Reverale was aware of the lady's interest in his so-called friend Damien. The young human had been trying to impress the pureblooded vampire and maybe she was almost successful to only have someone else swoop and take away his interest. But who could blame when the girl looked that beautiful.

"I need to have the girl taken off from the board," said Lady Ursula.

"That would be quite extreme, dear," the man chuckled. Humans no matter how much higher they got in society would always remain stupid, "There are other ways that having people killed. You can keep Damien while I try to get the girl away from his grasp."

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