Novel Name : The Quadruplets Are Mine?

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 787 Are You Blind?

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Abel replied, “Who knows? If I were Benjamin, I wouldn’t marry her.”

Emmeline widened her misty eyes and asked, “Why not? That would make Janie so sad.”

Abel said, “Why don’t you think about Benjamin? He’s the sad one. You know he doesn’t love Janie,


Emmeline was speechless. “So, in the future, don’t get involved in Benjamin’s personal life. Benjamin

agreed to marry Janie mostly to put his mind at ease. Otherwise, he could have handled it in another


Emmeline stared at him with blurry eyes.

“Another way? What do you mean? Pay her off?”

Abel said, “That’s just one way. Janie knows that Benjamin doesn’t love her. Even if he agrees to marry

her, what’s the point?”

“She could live a good life and marry a man she loves. Why is she obsessed with Benjamin.”

“Benjamin is outstanding. But without love, isn’t it all zero?” These words left Emmeline speechless.

She only thought that Benjamin was a good man and that Janie was a good match for him. She

overlooked the most critical factor, that marriage requires love.

Abel and Emmeline returned to The Precipice. Kendra welcomed them as they parked the car. Abel

carried Emmeline out of the car. Kendra said, “Mr. Abel, Ms. Emmeline, Mr. Louise and his wife are


Mr. Louise and his wife? Abel was stunned. Did that mean Maxwell and Alondra were here? Before he

could speak, Emmeline asked, “What are they here for?” Kendra replied, “They said they came to see

Ms. Emmeline. I dared not stop them, so I let them in.” Abel said, “I got it. You go first, and I’ll help

Emma inside.”

Kendra went straight to the lobby. Abel wanted to carry Emmeline in. But when he heard that Maxwell

had arrived, he had to support her and walk in. Upon entering the lobby, Alondra warmly greeted them.

“Abel, Emma, you’re back?” “Alondra,” Maxwell pulled her aside and whispered, “Call Mr. Abel!” “Isn’t

Abel our son-in-law?” Alondra smiled.

“As a family, calling him Mr. Abel will create a distance, won’t it?” Abel had to greet them as his father-

in-law and mother-in-law.

“Hey!” Alondra was delighted. “Dad, Auntie Alondra.” Emmeline said calmly, “Why are you here?”

“Your dad and I heard from Ethan that you came back, so we came to see you,” Alondra replied. “Yeah,

Emma,” Maxwell said, “Why didn’t you tell me you were back?” “I didn’t have a chance to,” Emmeline


She spoke without looking at Maxwell or Alondra. Her eyes were not focused on their faces. Maxwell

felt something was off and leaned forward, waving his hand before Emmeline’s eyes. That was when

he realized Emmeline could not see. “Emma, what’s wrong with your eyes?” Maxwell exclaimed. As he

spoke, Alondra also noticed.

“Emma, are you blind?” Alondra exclaimed. Emmeline was speechless.

“Her eyes are temporarily blind.” Abel said grouchily, “But they will soon be cured.” “Who damaged your

eyes?” Maxwell said with concern, “I’ll get even with him.”

“Yes, Emma.” Alondra held Emmeline’s hand and said with concern, “Tell me, I’ll go and scold him to


Although Emmeline could not see, she knew her father cared about her. As for Alondra’s concern, it

was all acting.

“You don’t have to worry about this, Dad and Auntie.” Emmeline held Abel’s hand, “I have my husband


Abel nodded at Maxwell, “I will handle this.”

“But Abel,” Alondra asked Abel, “With Emma’s eyes like this, will it affect your marriage?”

Update of The Quadruplets Are


Announcement The Quadruplets Are Mine? has updated Chapter 787 Are You Blind? with many

amazing and unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm

romance of the author Novelebook in Chapter 787 Are You Blind? takes us to a new horizon. Let's

read the Chapter 787 Are You Blind? The Quadruplets Are Mine? series here. Search keys: The

Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 787 Are You Blind?


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