Novel Name : The Quadruplets Are Mine?

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 1069 Don’t Make Me Throw the Third Punch

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Ethan said, "Father thought so too, but he is worried about you. So here I am."

"Thanks, brother; send my regards to father too. I will see you soon." Emmeline sniffed.

"Alright. I will be waiting for you."

"I will end the call now."


Emmeline hung up the phone and said, "Look at me; I am embarrassing myself now."

Doris said, "We will never laugh at you! Let’s see, you still have a father; I don’t even have my parents

anymore! I am only left with my sister."

Janie said, "How lucky. After I lost my parents, I had no one with me; I didn’t have any siblings.

Sam sniffed, "You guys are making me cry! I am an orphan adopted by Master Adelmar; did I say


Emmeline wiped away her tears and said, "Alright, enough! We should be having fun; let’s stop all this


"Let’s make a toast then!" Janie picked up her wine glass.

"Cheers!" The four of them clinked glasses, suppressing all kinds of feelings in their hearts. After

drinking two bottles of red wine unconsciously, everyone was a little tipsy.

Abel was done with his social event and came to pick up his wife, Emmeline. Sam packed some

desserts in advance for Luca. Doris called a taxi and went back to Macsen Villa. Janie looked at her

watch. Benjamin was coming to get her within twenty minutes.

Sam said, "Janie, you should come inside to wait for him."

Janie said, "You should be resting now. Let me help with closing the shop, and you shall go rest."

"I can’t do that. You have nowhere to go if I close the door." Sam refused.

"I wanted to go for a walk. I am still feeling tipsy after all the drinking." Janie said.

Sam said, "But it’s too dangerous for you to go alone. Mr. Benjamin should be here in a minute."

"Nothing will happen to me. I will walk down the street slowly, and I should be able to meet Benjamin on

my way." Sam couldn't change her mind. Janie helped with the closure of the shop and started to enjoy

her walk alone.

Squeak! A car stopped beside Janie, and a man rolled down the window.

"Janie? What are you doing alone on the street now?" It was Harold.

Janie didn’t want to talk with him; she couldn’t get over what happened last time.

Harold grabbed her hand and said, "Janie! Why are you ignoring me? Are you still mad at me?"

Janie pushed him away and said annoyedly, "Don’t touch me!"

"Janie, please listen to me! I have been in love with you since we were in college! Could you please

give me a chance?" He hugged her forcefully.

Janie tried to defend herself with her bag: "Go away!" Let me go!"

"Janie, please!"

"I said, let go!"

Harold hugged Janie tightly, unwilling to let her go. He was planning to kiss her without her consent.

Pom! Harold got punched in the face suddenly. He had no choice but to let Janie go. He turned around

and tried his best not to fall to the ground, only to see a man standing beside him. The man's face was

as cold as ice. There was undisguised anger and a murderous look in his eyes.

"Benjamin!" Janie ran towards the man.

Benjamin pulled her to his side and held her in his arms.

Harold started to panic: "Mr. Benjamin! Please listen to me...!"

Pom! Benjamin threw another punch in Harold’s face."

Benjamin said coldly, "Get the f*ck out of my face! Or would you rather take my third punch?"

Harold dared not take the third punch to his beaten face, and the blood from his nostrils could not be

stopped. Bending over again and again, he spoke tremblingly, "I got it! I will never show my face in front

of Janie again! Please spare my life!"

"F*ck off now!" Benjamin growled.

About The Quadruplets Are Mine? - Chapter 1069 Don’t Make

Me Throw the Third Punch

The Quadruplets Are Mine? is the best current series of the author Novelebook. With the below

Chapter 1069 Don’t Make Me Throw the Third Punch content will make us lost in the world of love

and hatred interchangeably, despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the

other half, and then regret. late. Please read chapter Chapter 1069 Don’t Make Me Throw the Third

Punch and update the next chapters of this series at


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