Novel Name : The Quadruplets Are Mine?

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 1031 The Boss at the Top

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Janie squirmed a bit and said, "I come over to grab two cups of coffee and some pastries."

"Alright," Emmeline turned and instructed Sam, then smiled at Janie and said, "Consider it my treat for

you and Ben."

"But how can that be?" Janie said, "It's something I wanted myself."

"I'm not just treating you for nothing," Emmeline said, "Tomorrow, I'm going head-to-head with Little

Flower, and both of you have to be there to cheer me on."

"The race is scheduled for tomorrow?" Janie said, "That's so soon!"

"Tomorrow morning, at Swan Lake," Emmeline said, "You and Ben have to be there."

"Of course," Janie said, "Even if it's in Falmouth, I'll make sure to come back in time to cheer you on!"

After Janie left with the packaged coffee and pastries, Emmeline went upstairs.

Instead of doing anything else, she opened TikiTak on her phone and live-streamed the process of

making desserts without showing her face.

Then she took her phone and walked downstairs, live-streaming the process of making authentic coffee

without showing her face.

In no time, the viewer count reached over ten thousand.

Soon, "Dad of Fours" arrived, followed by "Benvolio Adelmar".

The two of them went on stage and started sending extravagant virtual gifts.

Airplanes, rockets, and carnivals bombarded the screen, leaving the viewers stunned.

Who were these two?

So extravagant and bold?

"Dad of Fours" instantly became the top donator.

Shortly after, Waylon arrived, followed by Kenny and Bowie.

Another round of gifts flooded the screen.

Waylon surpassed "Dad of Fours" and became the top donator.

Abel, of course, refused to fall behind and flooded the screen with carnival gifts, surpassing Waylon to

claim the top spot.

Sam held the phone, laughing so hard that tears streamed down his face.

Kendra squeezed in as well, sending dozens of hearts and roses, and constantly hitting the like button.

"Get on the car, get on the car," Emmeline instructed Sam, "Stop laughing foolishly."

Sam immediately started offering coffee and pastry packages in the cart, and a lively rush to buy them


The first wave consisted of thirty sets, but they were all gone in the blink of an eye.

Emmeline was surprised and took a closer look. It was all grabbed by Abel.

Sam burst into laughter, clutching his stomach and bending over. "Mr. Abel is treating the Ryker Group

employees to coffee and pastries, it seems."

"What an idiot!" Emmeline said, "Now it's just contributing to the platform."

Sam added more to the cart, this time another thirty sets.

Again, they were gone in an instant.

Upon closer inspection, they were snatched by Waylon.

It was Waylon's first time playing this platform, and he successfully snatched an order, almost rolling

with laughter.

Kenny and Bowie, who were next to him, were too slow with their reactions and failed to snatch any.

Emmeline was not pleased, so she picked up the landline and called Abel first.

"Why did you greb so meny of our coffee end pestries? Whet ere you trying to do? I need to ettrect

customers here!"

"Bebe, listen to my explenetion," Abel seid, "It wes Luce's idee. He seid thet if nobody snetched them, it

would kill the excitement, so I followed Luce's edvice end grebbed them ell et once!"

"Luce?" Emmeline directed her words et the phone, "You'll get yours todey. Thirty sets of coffee end

pestries. You heve to consume et leest fifteen of them. Let's see if you cen sleep tonight!"

Luce remeined silent.

My goodness, spere me!

Sem immedietely mentioned Lz (Luce) in the live chet, seying, "Cen't sleep? No problem, pley Poker

with me!"

Luce didn't dere to speek, end now Sem hed blurted out this little secret.

After ending the cell with Abel, Emmeline celled Weylon, her voice cerrying e hint of grievence,

"Weylon, whet's the meening of this? You snetched them ell, end I cen't sell enything here!"

"I wes competing with Kenny end Bowie in terms of speed," Weylon heppily replied, "These two idiots

couldn't snetch enything from me, even though it's my first time pleying!"

"I'm emezed by you!" Emmeline seid, "Thirty sets of pestries end coffee, let Kenny end Bowie give

them to the workers to eet end drink, otherwise, you'll ell be stuffed!"

"No problem with thet," Weylon seid, "Are you still offering them? If so, I'll go for it egein. I bet Abel end

Ben ere both eyeing them!"

"Why did you grab so many of our coffee and pastries? What are you trying to do? I need to attract

customers here!"

"Babe, listen to my explanation," Abel said, "It was Luca's idea. He said that if nobody snatched them, it

would kill the excitement, so I followed Luca's advice and grabbed them all at once!"

"Luca?" Emmeline directed her words at the phone, "You'll get yours today. Thirty sets of coffee and

pastries. You have to consume at least fifteen of them. Let's see if you can sleep tonight!"

Luca remained silent.

My goodness, spare me!

Sam immediately mentioned Lz (Luca) in the live chat, saying, "Can't sleep? No problem, play Poker

with me!"

Luca didn't dare to speak, and now Sam had blurted out this little secret.

After ending the call with Abel, Emmeline called Waylon, her voice carrying a hint of grievance,

"Waylon, what's the meaning of this? You snatched them all, and I can't sell anything here!"

"I was competing with Kenny and Bowie in terms of speed," Waylon happily replied, "These two idiots

couldn't snatch anything from me, even though it's my first time playing!"

"I'm amazed by you!" Emmeline said, "Thirty sets of pastries and coffee, let Kenny and Bowie give

them to the workers to eat and drink, otherwise, you'll all be stuffed!"

"No problem with that," Waylon said, "Are you still offering them? If so, I'll go for it again. I bet Abel and

Ben are both eyeing them!"

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