Novel Name : Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate Chapter 124

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Chapter 124124- In the closet



Suzanne jumped in fear at the loud voice and the glass filled with water which she was holding

fell down from her hands.

"Oh, my god, Suzanne! What's wrong with you?! Where are you lost?!" Nathan exclaimed loudly

in shock and worry before running toward her fast.

"Oh, what happened?" Suzanne asked in a lost and confused tone and was going to step

forward on the broken glasses when Nathan quickly pulled her back.

"What's wrong with you, Suzanne?! Where are you lost?" He asked while hugging her close to

his chest, looking down at her worriedly. He was afraid for her. He didn't want her to get hurt.

"Huh, what's going on?" Suzanne asked, sounding really confused about her state. She looked

as if she wasn't there. She looked as if she was somewhere else and she was pulled away

suddenly. Nathan looked at her in confusion after realising the same.

"I have been calling you for the past ten minutes but you seem to be lost somewhere. And why

the hell are you so cold? Are you okay?" He asked while touching her face with a big frown on

his face. She was as cold as the ice at that moment and it worried him beyond limit because it is

not possible to be so cold and not be dead.Suzanne looked a little shocked and scared after hearing him. She looked as if she was caught

while doing something.

"Uh, nothing is wrong, Nathan. I just came out from a hot shower which might have made my body


And I am sorry, I was just...lost in some thoughts..?" She said which sounded more like a question.

"What thoughts?" Nathan asked with a small frown.

"The thought of my past." She didn't take time to answer.


"It's okay, Suzy... you are okay... Everything is okay. Stay inside the closet some more time and dad is

going to calm down soon and then you can come out." A little girl whispered to herself who was hiding

in a closet at that moment.

She kept mumbling self assuring things to herself while rocking herself back and forth. She was hardly

seven or eight years old but she was a really small girl compared to her age to fit into the small closet.

And the look on her face was nothing compared to her regular terror.

She was hiding there from her father. He was not afraid of her father. She loved her father a lot. She

knew her father loves her a lot as well. It was just the... beast that resides inside her father.

A wolf. Not everyone's wolf is a beast like her father's but her father's wolf has turned into a monster

because of her mother. She didn't understand it but that's what her father explained when the beast

was sleeping. He said that his wolf had gone mad because her mother died. Her father gave her the

idea of hiding inside the closet whenever the beast was out.Suddenly she realised something. All the noises stopped all of a sudden. There was no shouting. There

was no sound of breaking things. There was no growling. No nothing. She couldn't hear anything at all.

"Did dad go outside for a run to calm himself down?" She asked herself with a small frown on her

beautiful face.

"Maybe. That's why everything is so calm. Yay, that means I can come out of the closet now. Fun!" She

exclaimed to herself in happiness while slowly pushing the door open.

She peeked outside carefully to check if her father's beast was hiding anywhere or not. But she didn't

find anyone. She slowly came out and stood straight.

"Papa?" She whispered out loudly and walked out of her room to look for her father.

"Papa, are you here?" She asked once again, this time raising her voice some more. But there was no

response but suddenly she didn't feel good. There was some bad feeling which settled in her stomach,

making her eyes teary.

"Papa, I am scared. Where are you? Papa..." She suddenly started to cry out loudly as she ran upstairs

to look for his father in his room. She didn't know

why but she was scared. She was scared of losing her father.

Was she going to lose her father? No, right? Then why was she getting this kind of feeling? And why

was she getting this kind of picture in her mind where her father is ha-....


She just reached her father's room as she called him but soon her voice died in her throat as she

looked at the scene in front of her where her father wasHANGING WITH THE CEILING FAN.


And that's how her tone changed from questioning to shock and despair as she fell on the floor.

Her mind went blank at that moment and what happened after that was still blurry until she got

the second shock on the same day.

The shock of being banished from her own pack because- "Her parents were the backstabber

who got the princess kidnapped." i

That's how her life ended and she was born new that day. She was hardly eight years old that

time and going a rogue at that was harder than anything else in the world.

She was terrified. She didn't know what to do, how to survive. Those hungry wolves were behind

her young flesh, chasing her for miles to eat her. Her mind was giving up but her leg didn't. Only

she knew how hard it was.

Still she managed to survive. She learned to look past everything and started newly. A new life.

Where she was seeing everything from a new light. A light which was full of positiveness and


She didn't behave rudely with anyone ever or caused any intentional harm to anyone. She

accepted everything in her life with a smile until now.

Until she had to face her past again and that too through the closet person of her life.

How was she going to handle that...

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