Novel Name : Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate Chapter Chapter  53: In the pack house

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“Hey, Athena! I am surprised to find you here!” Patricia exclaimed as soon as she saw Athena walking

inside the pack house awkwardly while looking around subconsciously.

“H…hey, Patricia…” Athena greeted her softly, trying not to gain as much attention. But her plan ruined

as soon as Patricia called her loudly from the big group she was sitting with.

Patricia was sitting with a group of female pack members. They were generally chatting while playing

cards. They were in a good mood as they all laughed around to something someone said when Athena

came inside. There were six women in total, including Patricia and it seems like Patricia being the third

in command, arranged a refreshing free time for those pack members.

“Athena? Why are you standing there? Come here! Join us. Come!” Patricia exclaimed while urging her

to come and join them.

The table went silent as soon as everyone noticed her and she felt more uncomfortable because of

that. Everyone in that area was looking at her with a blank expression on their faces. Athena

recognised them all. They were present at that party. So, they recognised her as well.

If only she could know what they were thinking!

She looked around to look for other known faces like Suzanne or Nathan, Justin, Dominic. Even Stacey

would work at that moment. Because as soon as she sees her face, her tempers go up and she

immediately becomes someone else who is ready to not let anyone step over her!

She let out a small sigh as she stood beside the chair Patricia was sitting on. Patricia looked up at her

with a smile, not caring about anyone else at that moment.

“I am sorry, I don’t want to disturb you. I will leave now.” Athena quickly said and was going to turn

around to leave but Patricia held her hand and stopped her at the right time. She stood up from the

sofa and looked at her with an assuring smile.

“It’s okay. You are not disturbing anyone. I am very happy that you came here. Otherwise you are

always stuck in that mansion.” Patricia complained with a pout.

“Well, I wasn’t feeling very good there as well. Also, I completed all the chores. So I thought about

walking around a little. But then I thought to make some cookies with Ace as he absolutely loved them.

And it’s been so long since I made them last for him.” She said with a small smile and Patricia’s eyes

twinkled in happiness as soon as she heard about cookies.

“Not only him, I love your cookies as well! Ace shared with me and Justin and we became fans

immediately.” Patricia exclaimed as everyone stayed silent and didn’t say anything.

“Thank you, Patricia. I will give some to you again. I just came here to look for Ace. I will leave after

taking him.” She quickly explained herself while trying her best to not look around.

“Oh, he must be playing in the garden with other kids. It will be the kids’ snack time soon. They will be

here any time. Why don’t you sit with us till then?” She asked and Athena’s eyes widened in shock. But

before she could say something, Patricia looked at the women who were sitting silently till then. “What

do you say, ladies?” She asked with a smile.

They all looked at each other and they seemed to mind linking each other. Athena looked at them with

a small frown, ready to leave as soon as they showed disagreement with Patricia’s words.

The women discussed something among them before looking at them as they waited for their


“Well, what about Stacey? Won’t she be angry?” One of them asked in a little bit worried tone. Patricia

rolled her eyes as soon as she heard them.

“Seriously? That’s what you are worried about? Didn’t you hear Alpha’ that night? He refuses to accept

her as his mate and Luna.” Patricia said with a frown, yet she felt another level of satisfaction when she

said that.

“Refuse? Does that mean he rejected her?” Another one asked with a frown.

“No, he didn’t reject her because she wasn’t his mate in the first place.” Patricia said with a smirk.

They all looked at her with a deep frown while Athena looked at her in shock. She didn’t want her to let

them know about her and Dominic. That might create more problems.

“What do you mean by that, Patricia?”

“Then why was he going to make her our Luna?”

“And why did he back out at the end moment?”

The other three asked those questions one after another as they all patiently waited for their answers.

Patricia gave a small look at Athena and immediately found her pleading through her eyes.

“Well, I can’t answer all your questions because it’s not my job or right in the first place. But I can

answer one of your questions right now. You asked, why did he back out at the end moment. That’s

because…” Patricia stopped and looked at Athena one last time and she was literally begging her

through eyes at that moment.

“That’s because he found his mate! His real mate, who is blessed upon him by the moon goddess! His

soul mate.” She at last settled with that which was better than anything else which Athena imagined.

She let out a sigh of relief before they started throwing their questions again.


“Who is she?”

“When did he find out?”

“Do we know her?”.

“When is he going to introduce her to us?”

They all shoot questions one after another, increasing the heartbeat of Athena. She prayed they don’t

hear her heartbeat or else it will surely raise some questions for which she wasn’t prepared for.

“Well well well, calm down, girls! I can’t answer your questions as I already said, it’s not my place to tell

you guys all these. I want to stay within my limit but now you answer my question. What do you say

about Athena joining us?” Patricia asked again as she looked at them with a raised eyebrow, clearly

hinting that she wanted positive answers.

“Well, we don’t have any problems if Stacey isn’t becoming the Luna. Because we noticed that she and

Stacey don’t share a good feet. So, we don’t want to be on the bad side of Stacey by talking with her,”

One of them said and Patricia let out a scoff which was directed toward Stacey.

“Don’t worry, ladies, I assure you that witch isn’t being our Luna.” Patricia said before taking Athena’s

hand and pulling her down with her on the sofa she was sitting beside her. Athena looked at her in

shock but didn’t say anything,

“Cool! Hello, Athena! Nice meeting you!”

“Nice meeting you!”


“Good to see you!”

“Hi, there!”

They all greeted her differently one after another with big welcoming smiles. She looked at them with

surprise as they welcomed her so warmly but she got out of it immediately and smiled at them as she

nodded at them.

“Thank you so much for welcoming me, everyone. It is really nice to meet you!” She said with a smile.

“Oh, don’t mention it! You are really beautiful. And you looked really beautiful at the party that day, like

a queen. So beautiful!” One of them gushed at her, making her blush. Everyone nodded in agreement.

“Thank you.” She smiled. It’s going to take her some time to break the awkwardness and be completely

free with them.

“Also, your dress was so beautiful. I have never seen it before anywhere. Where did you buy it from?!” I

want to buy one as well.” Someone else asked in excitement. Athena let out a small chuckle hearing


“You are going to be really surprised, almost close to being shocked if you hear where I bought it from.”

She said with a smile as everyone looked at her in confusion, waiting to know what she meant. “I

bought i tat a really cheap price from a thrift store and then customised it later. That’s how it used to

look before.” She said as she brought out her phone and showed them the picture of how it used to

look before.

One of them took the phone as everyone looked at it and they all immediately let out a loud gasp as

soon as they saw how the dress used to look before. They couldn’t believe it.

“Oh my! You are not only beautiful but talented and a genius as well! Beauty with brains!” One of them

praised and everyone nodded again as they passed the phone back to her.

“Thank you. If you guys want, I can customise one for you each in some free time as well.” She offered

with a happy smile.

She didn’t know why but she felt happy seeing them pleased and wanted to do something to make

them really happy. Their eyes widened in happiness as soon as they heard her. They let out a shriek of


“Thank you so much! We would love that!” They all exclaimed at the same time, making her feel happy.

“Okay, okay girls! But she is going to make mine first! So, wait in the line.” Patricia exclaimed with a

grin, making them all chuckle but nevertheless they agreed.

“You are a really cool person, Athena. We really like you. Why didn’t you join us before?” One of them

asked with a smile.

Athena looked at Patricia as soon as she heard that question. What was she going to answer? She

couldn’t tell them that their alpha kept her as a slave of his mansion, forbidding her from going

anywhere. As well as Stacey, she was a pain in the ass as well! Also, she was sick most of the time

she was here. She can’t say that as well.

“Well, as you guys might already know that I have a baby. I am most of the time busy with him and

don’t realise when the time passes away.” She answered smartly and everyone nodded at her in


“Yes, handling kids can be tiring and time-consuming We have kids as well.”

“Well, where are the kids? They should be here by now….” Patricia couldn’t complete her sentence as

they immediately heard loud voices and noises coming from somewhere.

Loud stomps and ear bleeding worthy loud screams!

The little demons just arrived!

“Mommy! You are here!” Ace exclaimed in pure happiness as soon as he saw her before running

toward her. She quickly got up and picked him in her arms before kissing him all over that face, making

him giggle.

“Hey, baby! Did you play well?” She asked in a baby voice and he nodded energetically.

“Yes! And I did something!” Ace exclaimed with a toothy grin, making her look at him with a raised

eyebrow. Because whenever he says that he did something, it’s always something troublesome.

“What did you do this time, baby?” She asked with a sigh, making other giggles as the other kids stood

around her, making a circle around her.

“I invited my friends to have cookies with me!” He exclaimed loudly in excitement as if he just did a

great job.


All the other kids chanted immediately after he told her that and she looked at them in shock. They

were almost twenty kids and they were all giving her hope filled puppy dog eyes, making her heart


How could she say no to them?!

“Okay, fine but in one condition!” She said with a smile as she looked at them.

“WHAT IS IT?” They all shouted again, making her close her eyes with a chuckle.

“You guys have to help me and do everything I say!” She said and they all let out happy shrieks again,

making her laugh.

“We want to help as well!” Patricia spoke up with a grin as all the other women nodded at her too. She

smiled at them.

“Let’s go then!”


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