Novel Name : Through The Eyes Of My Alpha

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 12

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“You left me after you feasted on my body.” Her eyes narrowed at me, and I could see anger radiating

through them.

I cupped her face, making sure she didn‘t drop her gaze away from me as my own eyes dilated into full


“...fucking say that again, louder...” I was gritting my teeth hard. I was controlling myself from growling

even if her words pissed me off. Did she just say I left her when it was her that was nowhere to be

found in the cave when I woke up? Her forehead creased as her hands flew to the hands cupping her

cheeks and started prying my fingers away from them.

“You‘re hurting me!” She snarled, and I let go of my hands in an instant. I was trying to control my

voice so hard that I didn‘t notice I was gripping her too hard.

“I‘m sorry...” My hands held her waist instead, and I lifted her up, shifting her body nicely so she would

end up sitting on my lap facing me, my thighs in between her legs. Her eyes widened as I adjusted her

position, but she didn‘t complain or move away

“Now, can you fucking tell me why you said I left you?” I asked her, my tone a little calmer.

She narrowed her eyes on me and a hiss escaped her lips. I was under the impression that she would

soon hit me with something just by looking at the expression on her face.

“First! Stop using the word fucking in every sentence because I don‘t see anyone fucking around here!

And second, stop acting like you didn‘t leave me because you did! I searched the whole cave for you

and I waited for Goddess knows how many hours just in case you would come back, but you didn't!”

Was I missing something? I heard everything she said, but something wasn‘t registering right. She said

she went looking for me in the cave, but she was nowhere to be found when I woke up. Did we end up

in two different places?

And she waited for me? If I returned that day instead of the next day, would I have found her there? I

was so confused.

“You left me. I woke up and you were gone...” My voice came out low and raspy. My throat felt dry

She shook her head too many times. I saw her coiled fists raised, and she started jabbing them at my

naked torso. The shirt covering her chest fell down, and I could see her naked breasts, but she wasn‘t

giving a damn. My grip on her waist tightened as I let her throw punches at me. I accepted it all as I

stared at her, dumbfounded,

“I didn‘t! I went to the stream nearby, but then it was farther than I thought. I wanted to clean myself up

because my body was covered with dried mud! I wanted to look presentable to you when you woke

up... But when I came back, you were gone! You left me! You fucked me, and marked me, and just

threw me away! How cruel can you be?!” She was talking so fast until she broke out in sobs.

Tears were streaming down her face while her shoulders shook from her crying. The punches she

threw at me began to soften until she just stopped hitting me and rested her coiled fists on my chest.

My jaw dropped open as her emotions came surging into me. I could feel her emotions through the

mark I gave her. And although it was clear that she was really upset now, I couldn‘t avoid the pang of

doubt crossing my chest. I wanted to believe her. Goddess, I do! But a part of me wanted to make room

for doubt. No one had made me feel this wanted, and it seemed impossible that she would want me.

Was she making this up? Was it because she found out I‘m an Alpha and she knew I could protect her

from her uncle?

But I knew that even if she was lying, I would still say that I believed her. I would still accept her and go

by what she wanted to do. Just for a shot of happiness with her.

I cupped her coiled fists in my hands and rested them on my lips, peppering them with kisses.

“I woke up and you‘re not there. I thought you left me.”

She shook her head. Tears were all over her face.

“No... I left you a note. I thought you read the note. I saw it in the middle of the cave, dirty and wet. I

thought you threw it out after you read i

“I didn‘t see a note.” I didn‘t want to explain anymore.

I knew I didn‘t see any note, although I didn‘t really bother to look on the ground because the moment I

realized I couldn‘t see and smell her inside the cave, I went out and started looking for her around the

cave. But the fucking rain made it impossible to scent her.

“I did... I swear. I have a note.” Her voice was croaking as she hiccupped.

I let go of her hands and cupped her cheeks before crashing my lips into her. I didn‘t care anymore

whether she was telling the truth or not. I wanted her. And I could start from here. I would do everything

to make her want me.

Sparks and tingles erupted in full force the moment my lips touched hers. This was what I‘d been

longing to have for the last three months.

A soft moan escaped her throat while the beating of her heart thudded loudly. She was the only thing I

could hear as I kissed her hungrily, taking everything my mouth could take from her.

Fuck! She tasted so fucking sweet and I wanted to eat her. All of her.

For the first time since meeting her, Hunter agreed with me. She‘s ours. No matter if she wanted us or

not, we would do everything to win her over, even if it meant breaking all my walls and letting her rule

over me.

It didn‘t take long before her arousal started to swirl all around me as she pressed her body closer to

mine, her soft breasts into my naked chest, and her hands trailed up to my hair, coiling them around

her fingers.

My own hands let go of her cheeks as I snaked one arm around her waist while my other hand held the

nape of her neck, holding her in place as our mouths fought for dominance. I raised my hand to her hair

and tugged, making her mouth separate from mine. She whimpered and snapped her eyes open at my

action as I lowered and trailed my lips down to her throat up to the area where I marked her.

She moaned loudly and sexily as I nibbled and sucked her mark. I wanted to sink my fangs into her

again, but I supposed I could wait a little longer. I didn‘t want to overwhelm her. I continued to devour

her neck while my hand traveled to her breast. I cupped it in my hand and waited for her to swat it

away, but she didn‘t.

Instead, she placed her palm over my hand and started guiding it to squeeze and massage her breast,

her body arching giving me full access to her perfect tits.

My dick was so fucking hard already and I knew it was pointing directly to her pussy covered b y my

boxers. She was beginning to rub herself against my erection, and I was slowly losing all my control. I

wanted to fuck her already, and I hoped she would let me.

“Nadia...” I groaned lowly as she continued to moan. We were still groping and touching each other,

lost in our world, when all of a sudden, her stomach started to growl, and it woke us both up in our


She stopped grinding her hips against mine as my mouth stopped nibbling her neck. It only took a few

seconds before she started giggling and putting her head in the nook of my neck. I couldn‘t help myself

but laugh with her, coiling my arms around her body as I hugged her, pressing our bodies together.

“You‘re hungry,” I said while chuckling.

“I‘m sorry,” she kept giggling.

“I hadn‘t had a decent meal since my uncle took me back, and I didn‘t have an appetite to eat the lunch

that was sent here earlier.”

I stopped chuckling as my heart clenched at the thought of her suffering under her uncle before she

came here. But I had to remind myself that we would move forward. I would have to deal with his uncle

soon or later. But for now, my mate would be my priority.

I held her arms and pulled her body away from me, her arms instinctively covered her breasts, and as

much as I wanted to tease her about seeing them just a few minutes ago, I kept my mouth shut.

“Do you want to have dinner with me?” I asked her, my eyes capturing hers as I tucked the loose

strands of her hair at the back of her ears.

“ the dining room.” I chuckled lowly, setting expectations that we were not going anywhere a Not

yet. But one of these days, I will take her out for a fancy dinner. She pursed her lips before a shy smile

curled on them as she nodded her head.

“Yes, Alpha.”

Fuck! My mate was really beautiful. I couldn‘t stop my eyes from memorizing her perfect features.

“Riley...” I told her.

A mischievous smile curled on her lips before she opened her mouth to speak again. “Yes, Alpha


I laughed heartily before resting my forehead on hers. “Just Riley. Call me Riley. My name is Riley


She let go of her arms covering her chest and snaked them around my neck as she closed her eyes.

“My name is Nadia Morrisson. It‘s nice to meet you, Mate.” I could feel her breath running against my

face, and I couldn‘t help but smile a real one. The last time I smiled like this was probably on the full

moon that I met her.

“Mate,” I mumbled back as I controlled my breathing.

She needed to eat. As much as I wanted more tonight, I could wait.

She suddenly withdrew her forehead from mine and her gaze wandered over my face, her eyes flitting

with happiness, “I would love to have dinner with you, Riley.“


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