Novel Name : Through The Eyes Of My Alpha

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 29

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I skipped down the stairs to the third floor, towards Jenny’s room. I mind-linked her as soon a s I woke

up from my nap and remembered the things I needed to do before the full moon.

And I was lucky that she was home and was in her room, since the things I needed from her were

private things and the last thing I wanted was to be heard by anyone.

After just three knocks, the door opened and she ushered me inside their bedroom.

“So to what do I owe the pleasure of being visited by my Luna?” She asked playfully as we sat down on

the couch by the window, overlooking the pack house grounds.

“Ummh… This is kind of embarrassing, but you’re the only female here, so I know you’re the only one I

can ask without being bullied.” She giggled and nodded her head.

“I’m glad you noticed. Sebastian and Beta Dominic are the biggest bullies here, so you came to the

right place. How can I help you?”

“Tonight is a full moon…” I started to explain.

“And the Luna will be in heat!” She exclaimed, clapping her hands together excitedly. I scrunched up

my nose and fidgeted my fingers at the hem of my shirt.

“That’s the problem. I don’t have anything to wear. Do you think you can drive me to the shopping


“First,” She raised a finger before she smiled teasingly.

“You don’t need to wear anything. But I get your point. Second, I don’t think the center has what you’re

looking for. Are you looking for lingerie? Sexy ones to make the Alpha’s eyes pop out?”

I giggled, my hand clamping over my mouth as I nodded my head. I think I would end up loving this


“Well, I have a lot! Never been used before, brand new! I haven’t even fitted them yet, so it’s safe. And

Sebastian hasn’t seen them yet, so no one will know it came from me. But of course, i f you’re okay

with that. Otherwise, we have to drive to the neutral city. They have bigger shopping malls there.”

“It’s totally okay with me if you’re okay with letting me have those. I can pay you and buy you a new


“No need, it’s a gift to my Luna. But check first if you find anything you fancy, if not. I’ll drive us to the

city, but we need to hurry up before the mall closes.” She was already walking towards a big closet and

rummaging for something until she came up with a big plastic container that was hidden under the

closet. She placed it on the couch beside me and showed me everything in it, from skimpy thongs to

cute baby doll lingerie.

“Why do you have so many?” My eyes widened looking at all of them.

“Well, Luna Clair, Alpha Jacob’s mate, if you remember him.” I nodded my head in response.

“Luna Clair is a good friend. She sent me a big box of skimpy nightwear when I got mated with

Sebastian. She said it was a gift. And what I have here pales in comparison to hers. She has an entire

closet dedicated to her lingerie.” .

I giggled as I helped her look for one that I thought would capture my Alpha’s eyes. And then I saw

them. The red ones. They are the same shade as the one that Riley ripped off my body on our first full


I grabbed the lace thongs and the matching lace bra that hides nothing and tried them on over my

clothes to see if they would fit.

“I think these are perfect!” I told Jenny excitedly.

“The bra might be small because I have smaller tits, but it will just look sexier on you!” She winked at

me, her hands on her waist as she looked at me, checking myself in her vanity mirror.

“I think I’ll take these then.”

“Take more…”

“No. It’s enough. I’m sure I don’t need more and these will be gone in seconds.” We giggled for a while

as we placed all the others back in the container before she asked me another question.

“How about other things you need? Shaver? Body oil? Bomb baths? “

“I have the oils and bath bombs. We bought some yesterday, but I forgot the shaver. And I didn’t really

want to use Riley’s, but I will if I don’t have a choice.”

“Wait,” Jenny raised a hand and signaled for me to stay where I was as she walked towards their

bathroom and came out holding a small package, which I believe is a brand new shaver.

“I thought I would change mine, but it can wait. Take this…”

“But is yours still working?”

“Yes. I have refills for it, but I just liked that this one looked fancy. However, it’s totally not needed. You

can have it.”

“I owe you a lot.”

“Don’t think about it, Luna.”

“Do you really have to address me as Luna? Nadia is fine, and besides, I’m not yet your Luna. O rdid

Riley ask you?”

“No. He didn’t. He actually told us to call you whatever you felt comfortable with, but he would, of

course, prefer that we address you as Luna. And I wanted to call you that too.”

“It just sounds weird.”

“You’re the rightful Luna of this pack. And the more we call you, Luna, the more the people will get

used to your presence.”

“Do you think they will like me as they liked Andrea?” My shoulders slumped down at the mention of

her name, my fingers running down at the box of shaver in my hand.

“They have never really spent time with Andrea, and I know they will like you. I like you.”

“How about Andrea? Did you like her? Is she nice?”

She let out a deep sigh before she sat beside me, her hand covering mine as she tilted her head to

look at me, trying to catch my eyes.

“I have nothing bad to say about Andrea. She’s a nice female, but she’s not my Luna.”

“If she was nice, why did she break Riley’s heart? I’m scared that after what she did, I would never

have Riley fully. Like a part of him is with her.”

“Don’t think like that. I’m sure the Alpha will tell you more about her, but listen to your heart. Do you

think the Alpha likes you? Because I think he does. A lot. I never saw him so carefree as he is when

he’s with you. Plus, the way he wrapped you in his arms the way he did with you last night, it was like

he was scared he would lose you once he let you go. It was possessive and gentle, not like possessive

and scary.” I smiled, but something was off, like the last five words she said meant something more,

but I shrugged it off. Maybe she was right. Riley likes me. A lot. Goddess, Riley said he loved me. I

should focus on that. Not Andrea.


I was standing with my Beta and watching Gamma Sebastian take charge of the pups that were

already in the process of shifting. We only have two male pups shifting tonight, and I couldn’t wait to

get out of here.

It was for this reason that I kept looking at the moon, using it as my clock, because the moment it

neared its peak, I would be out of here. I wouldn’t be joining them for their full moon run, I have my own

run to attend.

“Pardon me, Alpha, but I feel you didn’t want to be here. Already missing the Luna? Why didn’t you

take her here to see how the pups shift?”

“She’ll be in heat soon, and I didn’t want to smell her here outside. She’s safer from me inside our

room.” I answered him with full honesty. There was no need to hide anything from my Beta.

“Shoot! I forgot I would be the only one staring at the moon tonight.” He chuckled as he slid his hands

into his shorts pocket.

“Go out, have fun.” “And leave the territory unattended while everyone fucks their mates? I’ll pass. And

what are you doing here anyway? It’s your first full moon after being fully marked. You should be with

the Luna already,”

“Duty calls.” And my words were cut off when the first howl of one of the pups erupted into the thin air.

He shifted, I nodded at my Gamma, letting him know that I was proud of his pup.

A new wolf. A successful shifting. It always leaves my heart swelling with pride.

“I will wait until they shift and I will just give them my blessings, but I won’t be running with you.”

“I would want to say you can leave now, but then you’ve been missing for the last three full moons and

these pups would surely feel honored if you blessed them tonight.”

“I know. And I promise I will be here on the next full moon and on the run too, together with Nadia.”

My eyes darted to the moon. It was almost at its peak and although I couldn’t smell my mate yet, just

the thought of her was already making my dick twitch. I was anticipating this night for the whole day.

And as the time neared, I couldn’t help but get too fucking excited. I had no idea if I even learned

anything from all the videos I watched today, but if I based it on how she squirmed and whimpered

under my hold this morning in the office, I think I knew what I needed to do tonight.

I closed my eyes and tried to calm my raging hormones. Just a little more time and I could be with my

mate, for now, I needed to focus on the pups shifting.

But as soon as everyone shifted and started their full moon run, I turned on my heels and made my

way back to the pack house. I nodded and smiled at the few people who were still lounging around

before making my way upstairs. I didn’t go directly to our room. I went to her old room instead and took

a shower there. I tried to keep reminding myself not to just give in to my carnal needs and fuck her. I

had to pleasure her too.

Because if I remember our first night together, she did well at sucking me, but after that, I just stuck my

dick into her and fucked her the whole night. I decided tonight would be for her pleasure. I wanted to

focus on that.


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