Novel Name : Through The Eyes Of My Alpha

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 30

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I decided tonight would be for her pleasure. I wanted to focus on that.

As soon as I was done with my shower and had dried my hair, I wrapped a towel around my hips and

made my way toward our room. I had no idea what she was doing or if she was even awake.

I tried not to disturb her the whole day in the hope that she was well-rested and could keep up with my

stamina tonight. I smiled despite myself as I trod the corridor of the fourth floor. I felt like a teenager

getting laid for the first time. Well, this was almost a case like that.

I didn’t knock when I reached our room. I just twisted the handle and it opened, pushing it slowly as I let

my eyes scan the dimmed room. She was nowhere to be found inside, but there were lights shining

through the bathroom door, indicating that she was in the shower.

I stepped in and locked the door behind me at the same moment the bathroom door opened and my

eyes locked with her dark brown eyes before they went down to look at her body.

She was standing frozen outside the bathroom. It looked like she wasn’t expecting me. And the

moment my eyes raked over her body, I couldn’t stop my dick from reacting.

I wasn’t even smelling her heat yet, just her regular alluring vanilla scent, and yet, she was making me

too hard already.

She was almost naked. Her pussy was covered by lace underwear, but it was so thin that it did nothing

to hide her bare pussy. And the top of her breasts were spilling out of her bra and it was a lace one too,

giving me a full view of her hard nipple.

“You’re early. I’m not in heat yet…” She spoke, her words stuttering as her eyes darted down t o the

tent in front of the towel covering half of my body. I saw the way her eyes dilated as she swallowed

hard and the scent of her arousal reached my nose.

“Who needs heat when you’re fucking too hot to look at? Damn, Nadia! I want to pounce on you

already!” I told her, gritting my teeth hard as I fought for control.

Hunter was starting to get wild in my head, and no matter how many times I kept reminding him that

tonight was for Nadia, he just didn’t seem to get it.

My little nymph’s cheeks started to be tinted in scarlet red as she placed her hands on her back,

shifting on her toes as she looked at me with a teasing smile on her lips.

“Do you like what you’re seeing, Alpha?”

I licked my lips, letting my eyes take in all of her. Those skimpy red underwear needed to go soon, no

matter how perfect she looked in it. I wanted her naked.

“Hell, yes…” In a few strides, I was already in front of her, my hand snaked at the nape of her neck,

tilting her head up so I could see her eyes.

Her lips parted while they glistened under the beam of the bathroom lights. I pressed my bulging front

against her, wanting her to feel what she was doing to me, but instead of being surprised, she turned

the table on me.

Her hands trailed across my naked chest. Her fingers were skimming over my skin until she reached

the hem of my towel, tugging it harshly and letting my restrained dick free without breaking eye contact

with me. I stood completely naked in front of my female. I grunted before I shifted our position.

Our bodies were pressed together against the cold wall, breathing heavily as our lips locked with each

other. She moaned against my lips before her arms coiled around my neck and she lifted one leg and

snaked it around my hips. I yanked her other leg up and wrapped it around too, while my hand

squeezed and brushed her round ass.

She was quivering in pleasure while tightening her legs’ grip on my hips as she nudged her front

against mine, tempting me to start pouncing on her.

But I was taking my time. I was kissing her brusquely hard, as if I wanted to destroy her plump and

sweet lips, while my fingers were coiled in her hair, tugging them hard from time to time, eliciting a

sultry moan from her.

The smell of her arousal was swirling around me, and I knew I couldn’t delay this any longer. I wanted

to taste her, and not just by licking her juices off my finger. I wanted the real thing. I wanted to explore

that hidden part of her that I was too lucky to be the only one she had given access to.

In a swift motion, I moved us to the foot of the bed. I untangled her legs around my waist in a n abrupt

manner before throwing her in the middle of the bed.

She gasped in surprise, her eyes dilating into full black as she bared her fangs at me as she tried to get

up from the bed, anchoring her elbows and raising her upper body. She didn’t like what I did, but the

way she looked at me just fueled the fire inside me.

I crawled into the bed, parting her legs wider to give me ample space before I settled in between them.

My fingers brushed against the thin fabric and the contact on her skin made her forget her annoyance

at being thrown as she lolled her head back and moaned my name.

“Riley… please…”

“Patience, baby…” I whispered as I hovered over her body, my hand never leaving the mound of her

pussy while I slid a hand under her neck before dipping my mouth into her neck, trailing kisses to her

throat down to her collarbone until I reached her breasts, which were spilling wildly over her bra and I

couldn’t help but lick and bite them.

“Oh, Goddess!” She moaned and arched her chest as my mouth latched onto her full breast, enjoying

the friction created by the lace fabric against her skin and her already hard nipple.

I was suckling hard while her hands were tugging my hair and pressing my head to her breast before I

ripped her bra with my teeth, and her breast bounced before my eyes as they were freed from the

garment before I dove in to eat her again, taking everything my mouth could take, one after the other,

while moving my hand from her core to her breast, kneading it before pinching and twisting her nipple. I

could stay up here all night and just devour her big breasts, but I wanted to explore more of her body.

I wanted to taste her and let my tongue fuck her. My lips trailed the skin of her chest to her navel while

my hands skimmed down to her thighs, yanking them up to anchor them into my shoulders before I

tugged the strings of her thongs down.

“These things looked beautiful, baby, but they need to go. I want to see your body…” She arched her

hips up as I slid her thongs down her legs before she anchored her thighs back on my shoulders, and I

didn’t waste any time and latched my mouth into her soaking wet pussy Fucking divine!

Nadia tasted so fucking good that I was sucking and lapping her pussy sloppily. Her scent became

stronger as she ground her hips, rubbing her sweet, wet pussy into my face.

“Yes, Alpha… Like that!” She was moaning wantonly as I moved my mouth to her clit, sucking the little

nub harder before letting it go and replacing it with a thumb to rub against it while I parted her ass

cheeks and made a long swipe of my tongue from her ass hole up to her clit before thrusting my tongue

into her parted folds. A low grumble vibrated from my chest as my tongue was able to touch her inner

pussy, stroking it slowly until I couldn’t hold it anymore and started tongue fucking her hard and deep,

just letting my instinct take over.

I couldn’t remember everything I saw today. All I knew was that my mate tasted so fucking good that I

wanted to eat her, suck her really well, and make her cum in my mouth. I slipped in two fingers and

started finger-fucking her while my mouth devoured her wetness.

She was a mess, squirming and moaning loudly.

It didn’t take long before Nadia’s body shuddered as her pussy quivered beneath my mouth as she let

out her release. At the same time, the scent of her heat reached my nose. I gripped her ass tighter and

pushed her core into my eager mouth and sucked the juices that leaked from her orgasm. She wriggled

under my hold as she cooled her fingers on my hair and started tugging it hard.

“I want you inside!” She was growling, eager to have me inside her, and all I wanted to do was give in

to her desires.

I slid my body up as I hovered above her and slid an arm under her head as I coiled her leg around my

hips, my erection pistoning directly at her wet entrance.

“I know you want me to fuck you hard, baby… But I want to take you slow.”

“It doesn’t matter, just fuck me!” Her eyes were swirling into full obsidian black, lust flitting i n them as

she hissed, gripping my hips tighter with her leg. I cupped her nape and pressed her head closer,

crashing my lips into hers, letting her taste her own juice as my dick slowly and gently penetrated her

throbbing pussy. I didn’t stop until I was all in. I felt her pussy stretch and clench around my shaft until

she slowly relaxed around my dick. Her legs clamped around my body as her hold on my shoulders

tightened as I began to rock my hips, fucking her nice and slow.

“Mine…” I growled as I let out my own release, burying my face in her neck as I spent myself inside

her. Without pulling my dick from her, I flipped our bodies to the side to avoid crushing her with my


“Riley…” She was panting, her hands clutching my hands that were hugging her chest while I kept my

head on the nook of her neck, sucking the mark I gave her.

“That was amazing… I want more.”

A smug grin tugged on my lips as I felt my cock inside her starting to harden again. This was indeed

going to be a long night.


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