Novel Name : Bye, My Irresistible Love

Bye, My Irresistible Love Chapter 314: A Father And Son‘s Reunion

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Charles‘ POV

At a glance, I recognized the little boy in Scarlett‘s arms. It was my dear son, James. A year

had passed, and he had grown up a bit. He looked a lot like me now. Some part of me thought that I‘d n

ever see my son again, but I didn‘t expect that God would be kind enough to bring him back to me.

Sadly, the woman I loved so much, the mother of my child, wanted to take James away from me. What

kind of cruel twist of fate was this?

I stared at Scarlett with a fierce gaze, waiting for her explanation. However, she just covered James fac

e in a fit of panic, and averting her gaze from me.

I felt as though my heart was being torn from inside, and the pain made my hands tremble.

“James will come with me. And you, Scarlett, I‘m giving you two choices. You can either come back to

me or stay here with William. Make your choice. Now.” I suppressed my heartache and pretended to be

calm. Even though I was the one who gave her such a cruel choice, I was secretly hoping that she wo

uld choose to come

home with me and James. But sadly, she let me down again. “Charles, don‘t force me to do this!” Scarl

ett roared.

Once again, my heart was shattered. *Charles, why do you have to make everyone feel bad?” William

stood in front of

Scarlett, acting like a knight who was merely guarding a princess, while I was the dragon attempting to

whisk the princess away. Anger flowed through my veins, and all my rationality was slowly being torn

from my body

“That‘s a ridiculous question. I am James‘ biological father, and I will not let anyone take my son away f

rom me!” I stared into Scarlett‘s eyes and said, “Make your choice, Scarlett. Do you want to go back wit

h me and James or give up the baby and stay here with him? I‘m giving you a minute to think about it.”

s I spoke, I stared at my wristwatch and added, “Your time starts now.”

Tears welled up in Scarlett‘s eyes. She held James tightly while staring at me bitterly, “Charles, you don

‘t really love James,” she said.

“That‘s ridiculous!‘ I exclaimed inwardly.

She claimed that I didn‘t love my son, but the day I lost him, my entire world collapsed around me. For

countless nights, I woke up screaming because of the same recurring nightmare. As long as I could hav

e him back, I was willing to do just about anything. “She has no right to doubt my love for James! :

“Scarlett, stop trying to buy time. No matter what you say, James is my son and he‘s the heir of the Mo

ore family. I must take him home!” Scarlett turned around, intending to escape along with James. Howe

ver, I wasn‘t going to let her get what she wanted. Stop her!”

As soon as issued the commanded, several of my men surrounded her, leaving Scarlett no way to esc


“Tracy, bring James to me.” Tracy was left stupefied. She was hesitant to do as I asked of her, and in th

e end, she decided against it.

“Do you really have

to do this?” asked Scarlett. I could see the resentment in her eyes when she said those words.

“I‘ve already told you that if you don‘t want to be apart from James, you can go home with us.”

With a face devoid of emotion, I stared at Scarlett, clenching my fists. This was the second time I had gi

ven her a chance to decide. My palms were sweating as I silently prayed that she‘d choose to compro

mise for the sake of

our child. But to my chagrin, she didn‘t say anything. She just glared at me, holding James tightly. With

every passing second, my patience was wearing thin. Annoyed, I shouted at Tracy, “Did you not hear m

e, Tracy? I said bring me my child!”

“Mr. Moore, Scarlett has just reunited with James. Are you really going to be so heartless as to separat

e them?” Tracy stammered.

‘Scarlett just reunited with James?‘ I asked inwardly. It turned out that William had only told Scarlett the

truth not long ago. He had been hiding James for a year, and he had been lying to her for the same am

ount of time.

‘The truth has come to

light, and yet she doesn‘t hate William? Didn‘t she hate deception and betrayal the most? He betrayed

her trust, and yet she still chooses to be with him? She‘s even willing to give James up for him! Has Sc

arlett really fallen in love with William?‘ I wondered.

She was willing to give up everything we had

for many years for a person who had been lying to her. ‘What was I to her?‘ I thought bitterly. I felt as th

ough I had fallen into the frozen tundra of the Arctic Ocean. The cold penetrated deep into my flesh and

bones, and it froze my very soul and beating heart. I shot Tracy a cold glance once more.

“If you don‘t bring James to me, I will banish Janet from the country. Make your

choice!” Tracy looked at me in disbelief.

“Mr. Moore, you...”

“I said make your damn choice!” My gaze did not waver as I waited for her to make a decision.

At last, Tracy looked down and decided to concede.

“Yes, Mr. Moore.”

She walked towards Scarlett, step by step.

James sensed the tense atmosphere and he held onto Scarlett tightly.

“Mom,” he whispered uneasily.

“Can‘t you wait until James has fallen asleep before you take him away?”

Scarlett asked, looking at me with hopeful eyes.

I didn‘t want to let myself feel pity for her, so I said, “No.”

“Scarlett, I‘m so sorry.” Tracy‘s voice was choked by her sobbing. “Take good care of James.”

Scarlett handed James to Tracy. The latter nodded, and embraced the

child with pity in her eyes. The moment he was handed to Tracy, the boy struggled to break free from he

The little boy broke into tears. At this point, Scarlett was trembling. In the end, she had to let go of Jame

“Let‘s go,” I said. William embraced Scarlett as she trembled in his arms. Then, he turned his attention to

‘Regret? I will never regret over someone that doesn‘t deserve it.‘ Tracy came over to my side, carrying

crying desperately, but

now that I was holding him, he had quieted down. And as I held him tightly, I began to walk away. It was

to time. “Mr. Moore, are you really going to take James away from Scarlett?” 1 “What do you mean ‘take

Having said that, I looked at my son as he nestled in my arms. It had been a year, but I had finally gotten

“Fine,” I said, interrupting Tracy‘s plea.

“If you feel pity for her and want to stay with her, go ahead. I won‘t stop you. But you have to remember

“Let‘s go.” Slowly, my car drove away and I was moving further and further away from Scarlett. As I look

Now, only James was left with me.

Meanwhile, the boy sat quietly in my arms. I stroked his hair and asked in a trembling voice, “Do you rem

who I am, James?” I stared at my son intently. Some said that children weren‘t able to remember too ma

his incompetent father. James looked at me blankly for a long time, before he replied with uncertainty, “D

“Say that again, my boy.”

“Dad,” James said in a sobbing tone.

“Oh, my beloved son! Dad is here with you and we‘ll never be apart again!“


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