Novel Name : Bye, My Irresistible Love

Bye, My Irresistible Love Chapter 438: Steal The Ring

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Raina‘s POV

I smiled triumphantly after I saw Charles leave, Since he did not insist on driving me away, I wondered

if I still had a chance with him Perhaps, he still had some feelings for me.

And as long as I worked harder, I could definitely win his love. Thinking of that, I cheered up a little.I got

up, and looked around the room.

Just like the master bedroom in the Moore mansion, there was an entire wall covered with Caroline‘s


Glancing at her smiling in the pictures, jealousy rose in my heart.

How could she get everything so effortlessly while I had to fight for what I wanted? • I cursed God for

being so unfair towards me.

Lying on the bed casually, I took some selfies on my phone.

The thought that I was on the bed that Caroline had once slept on made me feel a strange sense of


And I wondered how she would react if she saw the photos of me in this bed.I then put my phone away,

opened one of the drawers, and looked through it.

It was filled with Caroline‘s stuff, and I was surprised to see that Charles still kept them.

All of a sudden, my gaze fell on a ring in the corner of the drawer.It seemed familiar, like I had seen it

somewhere before.It suddenly occurred to me that I had seen Charles wearing a men‘s ring of the

same design.

Was it their wedding ring? It had been a long time since they had gotten divorced, but he was still

wearing the wedding ring.

It was pretty obvious that he still had not given up on Caroline.

Gritting my teeth, I tried putting the ring on.

However, it was not my size, so I could not wear it no matter how hard I tried.

In a fit of rage, I put it into my pocket.I told myself that I would never let Caroline wear the ring as long

as I was alive.

Just when I was about to check other stuff inside the drawer, I heard my phone ring.

It was a call from Susan.


"Raina, where are you?"

Susan‘s voice was filled with concern.

"I‘m at Garden Street.Charles doesn‘t want to go back to the Moore mansion, and I had no choice but

to come here to get close to him," I complained.

"Alright.Don‘t forget your task.Now that Charles is not in the Moore mansion, you should take the

opportunity to finish the job quickly, or else Adam won‘t let us off the hook."

"Don‘t worry.I know what I‘m doing,"I said in an assuring tone I quickly hung up and walked downstairs,

but Charles was not there, Seeing that, I gritted my teeth in anger

That moment, the door tung open, and Tracy and Janet walked in, both surprised to see me there,

"Miss Hill, you should be here, so please leave immediately."

"Where is Charles?‘ Where did he go?"

"You‘re in no place to ask Mr.Moore‘s whereabouts.If you‘re still adamant about staying here, then don‘t

blame me for being rude later," Janet threatened me.

After hearing that, I had no choice but to leave.

However, I cursed them in my heart.

How could they dare to be so arrogant to me? I vowed to make them pay when I married Charles and

moved in here one day. I told myself that I would fire them the moment I married Charles

Scarlett‘s POV:

"Elena, how‘s your investigation going? Have you found out anything about the twins getting attacked

in the park?"

That incident had become a thorn in my heart, I had a terrible nightmare on the previous night, and saw

the twins getting kidnapped.

Recalling the nightmare, I sensed that it was quite similar to the time when James was kidnapped.

The moment I woke up from the nightmare, I could not sleep again, and became determined to win

back the kids‘ custody as soon as possible.

"I am still investigating it, but since there were no security cameras in the area, it is not that easy to find

out what really happened."

Elena‘s voice was filled with a strange sense of heaviness.

With a cold look in my eyes, I ordered, "Keep investigating.It‘s definitely not going to be that simple,

Also, find out if Raina has anything to do with it."

How could Raina appear there at the exact time when the twins were getting kidnapped and save them

just in time? Was it really just a coincidence? 1 Elena nodded and said, "By the way, Mr.Gray has


Massaging my temples wearily, I said, "Let him in."

"Hello, Miss Wilson," Percy greeted me with a smile.

I replied with a polite nod before I got to the point.

"Mr.Gray, I would like to obtain full custody of my kids, and I am willing to pay any price for it.What do

you think are our odds of winning?"

After pondering for a while, Percy said in a heavy voice, "Miss Wilson, forgive my bluntness, but

considering your current situation, the odds of you winning the case is close to none."

"Why do you say so?"

My eyes widened in disbelief.

Although I had mentally prepared myself for such an outcome, I still couldn‘t bring myself to accept it.

"Ever since you divorced Mr.Moore, the Moore family has been taking care of the kids while you were

absent from their lives.If the Moore family‘s lawyer uses that against you in court, then there won‘t be

any chance for you to win the case," Percy said helplessly.

"But I only did it because I had no other choice, and I could not take the kids with me."

As I uttered The Steal The Ring those words, bitterness slashed through my eyes, How had I brought

myself to abandon my kids at that time? I would never have done that if I had been given any other

choices.It was true that I had been in poor health after the miscarriage, Even though my dad had gotten

the best gynecologist for me, I had never fully recovered.

Sighing, Percy suggested, "if you want to increase your chances of winning, then you should at least

have a stable family of your own to prove that you can support your children."

"I think that my family is stable enough now."

"As far as I can see, not only is Mr.Moore wealthy, he also has his parents for support.So it won‘t be

that easy for you to get your kids back," he explained in a low voice,

The moment I understood the real meaning of his words, my heart sank.

And it was true that Charles had a greater advantage than me.

Even so, I still wasn‘t willing to give up.

And I would never allow my kids to live with Raina, let alone call her mom!

"Mr.Gray, my father is coming back soon, and he will be living with us in the future.Don‘t you think it will

help?" I asked nervously.

"Well, it would not be enough."

"What other way is there, then?"

Percy thought for a while and said, "You don‘t have a lot of options, unless Mr.Moore volunteers to

handover the custody of the children to you."

"Well, the Moore family will certainly not accept those terms, so it won‘t work." I shook my head with a

bitter smile.

"If you‘re that determined about winning the case, then you need to find a man soon and get

married.Miss Wilson, I‘ll let you think it over carefully.And if it‘s not something that you want, then you

can apply for a private mediation first."

With those sincere words, Percy left, and I fell into deep thought.

Even after such a long time, my heart was still scarred from all the wounds.

And I did not have the courage to start a new relationship. Was there really no other choice? Elena

came back to my office after seeing Percy off.

"Miss Wilson, the groundbreaking ceremony of the east bank project will be held this week.Do you

need an escort?"

Recalling Percy‘s suggestion, I could not bring myself to refuse.

Taking out my phone, I sent a text to Simon.

"Simon, do you have time to accompany me to the groundbreaking ceremony of the east bank project

this week?"Soon, I got his reply.

"It would be an honor.I‘ll pick you up, then."

Mixed feelings rose in my heart and I put my phone aside.

If I had to get married, Simon should be a good choice.

However, Charles‘ face just kept flashing in my mind uncontrollably.

Read Next Chapter 439


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