Novel Name : Bye, My Irresistible Love

Bye, My Irresistible Love Chapter 443: The Dash Cam Videos

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Raina’s POV:

When I heard that Charles was willing to take me to the party, I couldn’t contain my excitement.I just

casually mentioned it, and I did not expect him to actually agree to it.

It seemed like my hard work during the past few days had not been in vain, after all.I took out my

phone, and quickly sent a text to Susan, asking her to meet me at the race course.

Just when I was about to put my phone aside, a few messages popped up on the screen.

They were all from Gary.

"Raina, how long are you going to stay in Charles‘ place? Come back home at once!"

"You are useless.You‘ve been training for a long time, but you still haven‘t learned anything about

seducing men!"

Reading those messages, I could almost visualize the disdainful look in his eyes.

My heart was sinking again, but I clutched my phone in my hand, unwilling to accept it.

Come back home for what? To be your sex doll? That‘s never going to happen again! After I marry

Charles, I am going to make you pay for all the pain you inflicted on me!‘ Enduring the disgust in my

heart, I slowly deleted his messages, one by one.

"Mrs.Moore, I want to go to the hospital.I will be gone for a while."

"Sure thing, honey.Are you feeling better? Do you need me to send a bodyguard with you?" Alice

asked in a concerned voice.

"Thank you for your concern, Mrs.Moore, but I am feeling much better now so I can go on my

own.Don‘t worry," I comforted her softly.

"Alright, then.Call me if you need help," Alice whispered.

I nodded in reply with a warm smile.

Although it had not been a long time since I got to know her, Alice had always been considerate to

me.It was as though she already thought of me as her daughter–in–law.

When I arrived at the race course, I saw that Adam was also there.

There seemed to be a faint smile on his lips, and his eyes were almost gleaming with joy.

Susan greeted me with a warm smile.

"Raina, you are so awesome! It only took you a few days to get the confidential information of the

Moore Group!"

"The message you sent was very useful and I know everything about Charles‘ next plan now!" Adam

praised me with a smile.

"So what‘s the plan?" I asked curiously.

"There is a small piece of land right next to the one Caroline purchased on the east bank, which has

not been developed yet, and it looks like Charles wants to buy it," Adam explained.

I never saw him being so patient.

"What can he possibly do with such a small piece of land?" I was perplexed.

Adam sneered, "You know nothing about business.Considering that Charles has developed Moore

Group to what it is now, it is very obvious that he is highly business–minded, and he would not do

anything without a reason.So I am pretty sure that the piece of land he is interested in must be of a

great value."

I nodded in reply and set in a serious tone, "Adam, you can do whatever you want, but don‘t expose

me.Charge nas finally agreed to take me to the groundbreaking ceremony.I really can‘t afford to lose

his trust now."

After all, he was my life-saving straw, and nothing could go wrong at this moment.

If I even faltered or messed up even just a little, I would be facing a life worse than death.

Adam smiled and replied, "The ceremony is just as important to me.And we need to make sure that

Caroline doesn’t attend it.My plan won’t work if she is there."

"Adam, what are you gonna do?"

Susan asked in confusion.

The moment I found out that he was going to deal with Caroline, I immediately jumped to his side in

excitement. Adam whispered in my ear, "I want you to help me keep an eye on Charles during the

ceremony, and don‘t let him ruin my plan."

"Is that all?"

"Yes.Once that is done, I will do everything in my power to help you achieve your goal," Adam

promised me in a low voice.

Suppressing the joy in my heart, I nodded in reply.

Although I did not exactly know what his plan was, I was willing to do anything as long as it meant that I

could marry Charles.

Before returning to the Moore mansion, I stopped by the clinic, and asked the nurse to redo my

dressing.I saw Alice sitting in the living room when I came back to the Moore mansion.

The moment she saw me, she walked up to me with a concerned look in her eyes.

"Raina, what did the doctor say?"

"He said that the wound has started to heal, but I would still have to rest more," I replied with a faint


"You can stay here until your wound is completely healed.I‘ll ask the cook to prepare more nutritious

food for you," Alice comforted me softly.

"Thank you, Mrs.Moore."

"By the way, will you really be able to go to the ceremony with Charles tomorrow with your injury?" she

asked with a frown.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard those words, but I immediately smiled and said, "Yes, it won‘t be

a problem at all!"

Alice smiled and whispered, "Then you must seize the opportunity and make Charles accept you!"

"I will." I blushed and nodded.

After saying a few more words, Alice stood up and walked back to the kitchen, leaving her phone on

the coffee table.I swiftly grabbed it and slipped it into my bag.

Scarlett‘s POV:

That evening, I got off work, and took Elena to the place where the twins had been attacked.

There were no surveillance cameras in the area, and even after looking around for a long time, Elena

could not find any useful information for clues.

"We have searched almost everywhere, and we still got nothing.Shall we head home, then?" Elena

asked in a low voice.

I gritted my teeth as I took her suggestion reluctantly However, right before we left I saw several cars

parked not too far away, and an idea suddenly flashed into my mind.

"Elena, go and check the dashboard cams of those cars.Maybe we can get some clues." She replied

with a nod.

Soon, she returned with a flash drive in her hand.

"Miss Wilson, I talked to some of the owners of those cars, and got a copy of the dash cam videos."

With that, we both headed home to check the videos.

After watching all the videos, I couldn‘t help but frown.

None of the dashboard cameras had recorded the spot where the twins had been attacked.

"Miss Wilson, look! This car’s license plate ends with the digits 86, and I have seen this car on the race

course before.I think it‘s really Adam‘s doing!"

Elena pointed at the screen.

My heart sank as I started at the car on the screen.

"Well, it looked like Adam and Raina have joined hands," I spoke out my guess coldly.

Elena clenched her fists and hissed, "Miss Wilson, shall we go to Adam and settle accounts with him

right now?"

I shook my head helplessly.

"The evidence we have now is far from enough.Don‘t do anything for now, and do not alert him.I will

talk to him after the groundbreaking ceremony tomorrow." I felt hatred rise up in my heart as I

continued to stare at the car in the video.

It seemed that they were still not willing to give up on their vicious plans, and were even targeted my

children this time.

Chapter 444: If You Come Late, You Should Bear The Consequences

Caroline‘s POV:

I woke up the next morning and asked Elena to go to the groundbreaking ceremony first to supervise

things.I put on makeup, looked at the dress, and remembered what had happened the previous day.I

patted myself in the back of my head, regretting impulsively mentioning that I would try and give Simon

a chance.

It was pretty obvious that he took it seriously.

Just when I was wondering how to clear up the misunderstanding, my phone rang.I picked it up and

saw that it was a call from Simon.

My heart was shaking, and it took me a few seconds to compose myself and answer it.

"Caroline, are you ready? i‘m coming to pick you up, okay?"

Simon‘s expectant voice came through the phone.


Biting my lip, I suggested, "How about we meet at the venue?"

The thought of riding in the same car with him made me uncomfortable.

"Okay, I‘ll see you later, then."

Simon‘s voice sounded muffled.I heaved a sigh of relief after I hung up.I then quickly got changed and

drove to the groundbreaking ceremony.

But the moment I set out, I heard my phone ring again.

Looking at the unknown number, I frowned and put on my Bluetooth earphone before I answered it.


A woman‘s mechanical voice came from the other end.

"Caroline, I want to see you at the warehouse beside the toll road in half an hour."

Shocked, I said in a cold voice, "You have the wrong number: Just when I was about to end the call, I

heard some kids‘ voices, calling "Mommy" on the other end.

I could instantly recognize that it was the twins.I slammed the breaks and tightened my grip on the

steering wheel.

"Who are you?"

"If you’re late, then you will be facing serious consequences."

Saying that, the woman hung up.

Images of James‘ kidnapping from a few years ago flashed through my mind.

And I instantly felt a lump in my throat and suffocated.I would never put my kids at risk again.

The moment I stepped on the gas, I called Alice.

However, she did not pick up.

Flustered, I called Charles, but his phone was off.

Time passed, and I could not dare to delay for even a moment.

Taking a deep breath, I sped up.

Twenty minutes later, I arrived at the location sent by the woman.

It was a very rusty-looking warehouse, and the moment I pushed open the door, I saw that it was

almost pitch black inside with only a dim light from a lamp.

As soon as I entered, I felt someone tying up my hands from behind.

"Let go of me!" I screamed and struggled, but they pushed me to the floor ruthlessly.

Groaning in pain, I looked up and saw several burly-looking men in front of me.

"Wow! What a beauty! She’s going to be worth it!"

One of the men reached out and pinched my cheek, making me tremble.

Another man stepped forward and looked at me lewdly.

"Don’t talk nonsense.Let’s just get it over with.Who is going first?"

"You go first," the first man suggested.

"Do you know who I am? Who hired you? And where are my kids?" I asked, pretending to be calm as I

cautiously moved back

"I don‘t care who you are.I am just going to fuck you, so everything else doesn‘t matter to me."

Saying that, the man began to tear off my clothes.

"Don‘t touch me, asshole!"

Panicking, I kicked him.

The man staggered a bit with a fierce look in his eyes and hissed, "Save your breath, you bitch! I am

going to fuck the brains out of you!"

I tried to struggle using every bit of the strength in my body, but the ropes were tied too tightly and I

could not move at all. My heart sank Forcing myself to calm down, I looked up and said in a confident

tone, "I can give you money right now.How does one hundred million sound like?"

Hearing that, the man stopped advancing, and I seized the opportunity to continue, "As long as you let

go of me and my kids, I can wire you the money immediately.My dad is Edward Wilson."

I noticed their expressions change the moment they heard my father‘s name.

"You‘d better not be lying, or I will kill you!" the man threatened.

He then walked behind me, and untied the rope.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open.

"Who said you can let her go?"

Hearing the familiar voice, I couldn‘t help gritting my teeth.

When I saw the woman, I clenched my fists angrily.

"It‘s you again."

Susan was standing before me with several men, looking complacent.

"Yes.Are you surprised, dear Miss Wilson?"

I had really underestimated Susan.

Snorting, I tried to calm down.

"Where are my kids?"

"They are safe for now, but what happens to them later depends on you." I frowned and said, "Go


"It‘s really simple, actually.All you need to do is to hand over the entire east bank project to Adam, and

they will be freed."

Saying that, Susan raised her chin, holding a recorder in her hand.

I chuckled.

"Keep dreaming! I would never do that.She might want the east bank project, but you guys just want

money, right? As long as you let me go, I can give you a hundred million, right now"

After hesitating for a second, the men moved to my side, raised their guns and pointed them at Susan.

“What a bunch of bastards!" Susan roared.

I crossed my arms over my chest with a cold smile as I turned to a man beside me and asked, "Where

is she hiding my kids?"

All of a sudden, a loud bang came to my ears.

Covering my ears, I squatted down to take cover, and was horrified to see a man, covered in blood, fall

in front of me.I could hear loud footsteps, and the place was soon reeking of blood.

Suppressing the feeling of disgust in my heart, I grabbed the gun from the dead man‘s hand and

moved away, trembling

Charles‘ POV:

Even after waiting for a long time at the ceremony, I could not see Caroline.

"We‘ve been waiting for a long time.If Caroline doesn‘t show up, then I‘ll represent the Wilson Group

and announce the east bank project as a racecourse."

I heard Adam and the other shareholders talking in the distance.

Glancing at my watch, i frowned.

Caroline was not the kind to be late for such an important occasion.

‘What happened?‘ I walked to Adam and said, "Even if Caroline can‘t make it, I am still here, so the

ceremony will not be affected."


There was a look of embarrassment in his eyes.

Interrupting him, I asked in a low voice, "Do you have any other opinions?"

Hearing that, he lowered his head and clenched his fists.

"No, sir."

I was just about to call Caroline when I saw that my phone was dead.I was inexplicably flustered.

And the moment I turned it on, I heard it ring.Something had happened to Caroline!


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