Novel Name : Bye, My Irresistible Love

Bye, My Irresistible Love Chapter 317: Visiting James In The Moore Mansion

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Scarlett‘s POV: After walking me to my car, Nina left. Just as I was about to get in the car, someone

stopped me.


I turned around, surprised to see Alice standing behind me. She appeared stressed out and haggard.

“Scarlett, I heard from Charles that you were badly injured before. How are you feeling now?” Alice

held my hand, staring at me with worried eyes.

“Well, I‘m feeling a lot better now.” I wanted to take her hand off me. Because I was about to divorce

Charles, I didn‘t want to have anything to do with the members of the Moore family anymore.

“Scarlett, Charles is just trying to act tough. In reality, he still loves you very much. If you want, you can

come visit James at the Moore mansion whenever you want,” said Alice.

I knew that she just wanted me and Charles to get back together. And honestly, I was afraid of letting

her down.

“Thank you,” I said with a smile.

“Scarlett, whether you and Charles get back together or not, I still watched you grow up and I will

always love you as my own daughter. I want you to know that you can still call me “Mom“, just like

before. Nothing has to change between us.” Alice seemed to have sensed that I was alienating myself

from her, and she appeared to be hurt by this.

“Charles and I are about to get divorced. It won‘t be good for us to maintain contact.” I ignored the

sadness in her eyes.

“You are James‘ biological mother. Nobody can stop you from ever visiting your son. Come home with

me, okay? James is waiting for you.” Her words left me conflicted. Truthfully, I wanted to see James,

but I was afraid of running into Charles if I were to go back to the Moore mansion. At this point, seeing

James would only make me sad. And besides, Charles didn‘t want me to see my son.

“Charles isn‘t coming home tonight. I won‘t tell him that you’ll drop by. Don‘t worry.” Alice patted me on

the shoulder and held my hand.

After hearing her say that, I felt relieved. And soon, the thought of seeing my beloved son excited me. I

wasn‘t sure if James had even missed me.

“Scarlett, I’m sorry that I failed to take good care of James, and ended up making you go through hell.”

On our way to the Moore mansion, Alice looked at me with guilt on her face. It seemed that she was

blaming herself for what happened.

“None of this is your fault. This all happened because of Rita‘s grudge against me and Charles. And

besides, it’s partly my fault.” I shook my head, attempting to comfort Alice with a smile on my face. I

should‘ve stayed by James‘ side all the time. In doing so, Rita would never have had the chance to

kidnap him.

“Is Rita still alive?” At the mention of Rita, Alice was enraged, alles in the Moole Mansion

“She‘s still very much alive. Rita‘s heart belongs to William‘s sister. He wanted to take the heart back,

but Susan spoke to him.”

“What?” Alice appeared to be surprised. It seemed that Charles didn‘t tell her about any of this.

“Susan was seeing someone back then. The man‘s wife was cheating on him and even had a boy with

her lover. The same boy that later died in the sea. Anyway, Susan took James away and struck a deal

with William. And her condition was to keep Rita alive,” I explained.

“I see.” Alice nodded.

“After that, William raised James in a different house. I didn‘t find out about it until recently,” I replied.

“Scarlett, don‘t you hate William? He hid James from you and lied to you that your son is dead. He kept

you from your son for a long time!” Anger was written all over Alice‘s face. In response, I shook my

head. Instead of hating him or feeling resentment of any kind, I was actually grateful to him.

I was thankful that he made that deal with Susan.

And I was grateful that he didn‘t do anything that could harm James. “James is alive, and that‘s enough

for me,” I remarked.

“You‘re right. That‘s a lot better than anything else,” said Alice. She nodded in agreement, feeling

thankful how things turned out.

Just before we could arrive at the Moore mansion, she suddenly asked, “Scarlett, are the twins

really your children?”

I nodded in response to her question. My little twins were the only spiritual support I had left now that I

had lost James.

The day I thought that James fell into the sea, my heart was shattered into pieces. In that moment, I

wished that I could jump into the sea and die with him. It was those two kids that gave me the courage

to live on. Alice looked like she wanted to ask more questions, but she bit them back upon seeing that I

didn‘t look well. The moment I stepped foot into the Moore mansion again, I had mixed feelings.

Grandpa and Grandma were sitting in the living room. I greeted them politely, but they didn‘t respond.

Clearly, they still resented me because of what happened before.

“Mommy!” While I was debating with myself whether to say something or not, I suddenly heard James‘


“James!” Upon seeing him, tears fell down from my eyes, and I felt an indescribably pain overwhelm

my heart. I held my son and kissed his cheeks tenderly. When James saw me crying, he said, “Don‘t

cry, Mommy.” Then, he wiped away my tears.

“Scarlett, whenever you miss James, you can come here to visit him anytime.” Alice approached me,

patted my shoulder, and attempted to comfort me.

“Thank you,” I replied sincerely.

Her words were a great comfort to me.

As I held my son tighter, tears streamed down my cheeks again. Before I saw him now, I tried my best

to convince myself that I should never see him again.

I didn‘t realize just how much I‘d missed him until the moment I laid eyes on him again. When I finally

calmed down, Christine began to ask me about my amnesia. Her words silenced me. I couldn‘t answer


“Scarlett, do you blame Alice for failing to take care of James?” asked Christine.

“No, Grandma,” I said.

Rita had planned to kidnap James for a long time. Even if Alice had stayed by his side all the time, she

would‘ve been able to come up with different ways to achieve her goal.

“Scarlett, are you really going to divorce Charles? Now that James has returned, I think it‘s high time

that you clear out your misunderstandings with Charles. Can‘t you find it in your heart to forgive him?”

Christine was doing her best to bring me and Charles back together. It seemed that she really didn‘t

want us to get divorced. I wasn‘t sure how to answer her questions.

Putting things into perspective, it was Charles and I who failed to deal with our problems with Rita. If it

weren‘t for us, James wouldn‘t have suffered so much. I couldn‘t forgive Charles, and it was even

harder for me to forgive myself.

“Scarlett, please stay with James even just for tonight. He‘s been looking for you these days. He really

misses you,” said Lawrence.

“I‘m sorry, but I can‘t. I‘ll just visit him some other day,” I replied firmly. Upon hearing my answer,

Grandpa and Grandma didn‘t insist on persuading me to stay. After playing with James for a while, he

began to feel sleepy. Thus, I took him upstairs and put him on the bed. The decor in the baby‘s room

remained almost the same as before. All of my fondest memories of this room flashed through my mind

like scenes out of a movie.

Flustered, I cursed myself for being so pathetic. I had already decided to divorce Charles. From then

on, we would never meet again. I shouldn‘t be thinking of the past. Suddenly, I noticed a picture frame

on the bedside table. I remembered that the picture in this frame used to be of me and James, but now,

it had been replaced by that of Charles and James.

‘Does Charles want James to completely forget me?‘ I wondered. I sat on the edge of the bed, staring

at James as he slept soundly. My heart ached when I thought that my son would eventually forget me. I

leaned over, planting a kiss on James‘ forehead as tears ran down my cheeks. It wasn‘t until midnight

that I finally steeled my heart and left the Moore mansion, albeit reluctantly.


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