Novel Name : A Man Like None Other

A Man Like None Other Chapter 465

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Chapter 465Chapter 465 Deal With Him

“Jared?” Ingrid asked tentatively as she grasped his elbow.

He merely smiled comfortingly. “Don’t worry. She really is William Sullivan’s daughter.”

Before Ingrid could register her shock, Josephine was already dialing her father’s number. “Dad,” she

said the moment the call went through, “did you arrange for a Mr. Charleston to oversee the

development over at Avenport?”

“I don’t know, it was handled by Leonard. Why do you ask?”

William had not been particularly active in company affairs of late as he was more concerned with

rehabilitating his health. If it weren’t for Jared, he would have lost his life.

“That’s all right, Dad. I’ll give Uncle Lenny a call!” Without giving her father the chance to interrogate

her further, Josephine ended the call.

At that moment, Larold grew pale as his superior was indeed Leonard Lopez.

Dog hastened to reassure Larold again. “Don’t worry, Mr. Charleston. She’s just a good actress.”

Larold no longer paid any attention to Dog. Instead, he gazed fearfully at Josephine as beads of

perspiration began to appear on his forehead.

Josephine dialed another number. Several moments later, a cheery voice sounded from the other end.

“Josephine, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

Leonard Lopez had been a loyal lieutenant to William ever since the latter had founded the company.

William also trusted him enough to entrust the company to Leonard’s care when he was hospitalized.Recognizing Leonard’s voice from the phone, Larold’s knees buckled.

“Mr. Charleston!” exclaimed Dog as he leaped forward to hold him up, still unaware of what was

happening. “Are you ill?”

By that point, Larold was trembling so hard that his speech became incoherent.

“Uncle Lenny,” asked Josephine. “Did you entrust the overseeing of the development of Avenport to a

Mr. Charleston?”

novelbin“That’s right, why do you ask?”

“You need to fire him,” Josephine complained angrily. “He made me serve him wine and offered to

sleep with me!”

“What?” Leonard shouted. “How dare he! Don’t worry, Josephine. I’ll deal with him right away.”

After ending the call with Josephine, Leonard called Larold.

Larold’s eyes widened with horror at the ringing of his phone. His hands were shaking so badly that he

was unable to even pick up the phone.

Dog seemed to have finally noticed that something was amiss. He turned to Josephine with a gaze of


Steeling himself, Larold answered the phone after letting the first time go to voicemail.

“Charleston!” Came Leonard’s deafening voice from the other end. “How dare you make Ms. Sullivan

serve you and make unsavory propositions toward her?”

“Mr. Lopez, I…” stammered Larold, near tears. “I didn’t know who she was!”“Enough!” bellowed Leonard. “You’re fired. I will send your replacement over first thing tomorrow. I’ll be

expecting you back here to receive your punishment. If you try to run, I’ll have your legs broken.”

At the ominous threat, Leonard hung up.

“Mr. Lopez?” cried Larold hysterically. “Are you still there, Mr. Lopez?”

“Would you still like the pleasure of my company?” Josephine sneered.

With a heavy thud, Larold fell to his knees before her. “I’m sorry, Ms. Sullivan,” he wept. “Please forgive


“You’re beyond redemption,” said Josephine severely.

Larold flinched as if her words had physically hurt him. His face was a delicate shade of ashen grey as

his body heaved with dry sobs.

His companions, who had been stunned into silence earlier, took flight at the humiliation of their host.

Even Dog was suddenly keenly interested in placing as much distance as he could between him and

the writhing figure on the ground by skulking against the corner of the suite.

Josephine turned and marched out before pausing in front of Ingrid and offering a wry smile. “Come,

Ingrid,” Josephine said merrily as though nothing had happened. “Let’s get out of here!”

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