Novel Name : A Man Like None Other

A Man Like None Other Chapter 3725

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“Is it impossible? We’ll only know once we give it a go. Let’s get started right away!” Jared was growing

somewhat impatient.

Yuliya shot Jared a sharp look, but she chose not to continue speaking. Instead, she walked up to the

crowd of cultivators and announced, “Everyone, you’ve all been selected after signing up. Now that

you’re here, you can choose a female cultivator that you fancy. If you manage to win a challenge

against her, you may become partners.

However, if you wish to advance to the inner court and embark on the journey to the polar region, you

must undergo another test. But rest assured, our leader has already set up this trial tower. So even if

someone can’t pass the trial tower, there won’t be any danger to their life. We are simply trying to

choose the most suitable candidate. After all, this expedition to the polar region is extremely

dangerous. Our leader doesn’t want any casualties, which is why we set up this test!”

Everyone grew excited when they heard Yuliya’s words. “Let’s get started already. We can hardly

contain ourselves!”

After all, there was no risk to life, so there was no reason to back out.

Taking a step forward, Keiran asked Yuliya, “Do I still need to be tested?”

“Mr. Mueller, even though you possess an elder’s token, this test is still mandatory. It’s a rule personally

set by our leader. But, rest assured, this trial tower poses no danger. Given your abilities, passing

through this trial tower will be a breeze,” Yuliya said to Keiran.

“All right. I’m ready to face the challenge!” Keiran greatly appreciated Yuliya’s words.

After all, everyone liked a bit of flattery. However, when Yuliya saw Keiran agree, she couldn’t help but

let out a quiet, sarcastic chuckle!Clearly, Yuliya was deliberately setting Keiran up for failure by giving him excessive praise.

Jared’s brows immediately furrowed when he saw that Keiran was also about to face a trial.

After all, this guy had sparred with Jared and was very familiar with his aura. If they were to enter the

trial tower, Jared would inevitably have to release his aura. If that were the case, he would undoubtedly

be identified by Keiran.

novelbinHowever, given the circumstances, Jared could not back down. All he could do was wait. If Keiran

passed the test, then Jared would be able to take the test without revealing his identity.

Yuliya led the group through the outer court, eventually arriving in front of a tower.

The area surrounding the tower was shrouded in a thin, white mist, giving it a surreal aura. The entire

structure seemed as if it was cast from gold, gleaming with a radiant golden light. At the very top of the

tower, a dash of green light kept flickering, adding to its enchanting appeal.

“Everyone, what you see here is our very own trial tower of Lunarius Palace. Don’t be fooled by its

small exterior appearance. The interior houses an expansive space. Rest assured, there’s ample room

for you all to demonstrate your abilities to the fullest. Of course, to pass the test, one has to journey

from the base of the tower to its peak. The gemstone, shimmering with a green glow, merely requires a

touch. With that simple contact, one will be transported outside of the tower, signifying the successful

completion of the test. Inside, it’s a maze of intricate mechanisms. Perhaps each person’s trial might be

unique, so relying on others for their experiences is absolutely out of the question,” Yuliya said to the


No sooner had Yuliya finished speaking than someone impatiently said, “Enough already. Hurry up and

start the trial tower. We can’t wait any longer!”With a casual wave of her hand, Yuliya set the doors of the trial tower slowly swinging open.

As soon as the grand gates were flung open, a handful of eager cultivators couldn’t help but rush


These individuals probably thought that by passing the test first, they would gain significant prestige.

This, in turn, would attract the attention of numerous female cultivators.

Watching those cultivators rushing in, Jared could only scoff in disdain. These guys are so hasty.

Although the trial tower isn’t life- threatening, they might still get hurt! If one were to be seriously injured

and unable to continue cultivating, that would be a fate worse than death.

Jared then glanced at Keiran, hoping the latter would pass the test first. That way, Jared’s identity could

remain concealed.

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