Novel Name : Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor Chapter 289: Son of Destiny

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Sun Jiaolong have long planned to start a war with the Great Zhou; According to his previous, the only problem he had was Ji Song. However, after the latter's death, he immediately knew that his chance came.

So, after creating his [Martial Emperor Code], he immediately rallied his supporters in Great Wu and started a war.

His plan was simple: used his immortality and strength as an advantage to slowly conquer the territory of Great Zhou. As long as Great Wu can stop the Saints and Supreme Realm Powerhouses of Great Zhou, he can deal with the other issue.

At first, Sun Jiaolong's plan worked. Without having anyone in the same realm that can stop him, he was able to rapidly conquer territory after territory. However, recently, Great Zhou has dramatically increased the number of resources used in this war.

The number of True Person and True Monarchs suddenly increased, and unfortunately, the Great Wu people could not keep up. One would think that since Great Wu has one more Great Emperor than Great Zhou, their foundation would be more solid and have way more resources.

Unfortunately, three of the four Emperors of Great Wu were Pseudo-Emperors--or Emperors who acquired the Heaven Will, but their will, state of mind or Dao Heart does not reach the level to bear it.

Additionally, given how long the Great Zhou Imperial Dynasty has been established compared to Great Wu, the latter could not compete with the former in terms of resources and strength.

After figuring all of this out, Sun Jiaolong dismissed his attendant, then he entered the City Lord's Manor. He set up a formation, then sat in the lotus position to cultivate. He held the Human Destiny Sword in his hand, then multicolored energy came from it and entered his body.

A week later, Sun Jiaolong opened his eyes. His breath dramatically increased.

"With this new round of Qi Luck, I've managed to completely temper my muscles, now it's time for the organs," muttered Sun Jiaolong.

If any of the other Heaven Chosens were here, they would be shocked as Sun Jiaolong is already in the organs tempering process in the Human Stage of the Divine Body Realm. Meanwhile, the majority of them have just finished with their skins and are about to temper their muscles.

Then, he took a communication talisman from his space ring to contact his father, Sovereign All Wisdom.

"Father, how is everything going?" asked Sun Jiaolong to the face that appeared in front of him.

"Not so good. With the recent loss, many people are starting to waver and wanting to stop the war."

Sun Jiaolong just sneered after hearing this, "This is the exact mentality that made our Dynasty so weak. As soon as things get a little difficult, everyone wants to hide their tails behind their legs."

All Wisdom sighed before replying: "You should have been aware of this fact long ago. So, if you want to truly change the dynasty for the better, you have to either take slow measures or drastic ones. Either way, you would still need to rely on yourself to solve the current problem. So do you have a solution?"


"That does not sound reassuring."

"I've never tried this method before, so I do not know whether it will succeed."

All Wisdom nodded but did not ask further.

"According to your request, I have acquired the talisman from Fang Lijuan."

"So fast? I thought they would bargain more."

"Despite how they looked to the outside, most members of the Divine Dao League are actually quite poor. So, after rejecting their offer for an Innate Material, we quickly came to an agreement after being given some rare resources."

"Why do they need an Innate Material?" asked Sun Jiaolong in confusion.

"Most likely, it was a strategy of asking something outrageous so that they can get more out of the bargain."

"As long as I get what I want, it does not matter."

All Wisdom nodded, then paused for a moment; "Are you sure your plan is going to work? Even if it works, our hatred for the Great Zhou Dynasty will reach a new level. Maybe you should reconsider this!"

"Our hatred with the Great Zhou has long reached the point of beyond repair. In the past few millennia, they have slowly eaten up our territories. The only reason that Great Wu still exists today is that the Great Zhou has not cultivated another Emperor.

"Now that they have been eliminated in the competition so early, it is the perfect time to weaken them. And once I prove the Dao and become Emperor, I can annihilate them."

All Wisdom sighed out loud, "I'm sorry, but I do not think that many people of the dynasty will openly support you this time."

Sun Jiaolong nodded his head, but he was not disappointed as he expected this outcome. After chatting with his father, he left the City Lord Mansion.

Immediately, he used his Divine Sense to check the entire city and made sure that everything went according to his order in the past week.

A few hours later, Sun Jiaolong stood in front of a large army, and in front of him was the Teleportation Formation.

"Your highness, the teleportation to Sweeping Monk City is ready."

However, Sun Jiaolong ignored the speaking person, closed his eyes, and connected with the Human Destiny Sword. A few seconds later, he opened his eyes and said: "Change the course, we're going to Ice Glaze City."

"But Sir, Ice Glaze City is far east of our location. Strategically speaking, it's not recommended to attack there now."

"You just need to follow my orders, not question them," said Sun Jiaolong with fierce eyes. Without any choice, the army was redirected to Ice Glaze City.

Just like the previous war, Sun Jiaolong led the battle. With his unparalleled strength and the Human Destiny Sword in his hand, he massacred anyone on his path, bathing his golden armor red.

However, midway through the battle, something strange happened. The blood of all the fallen soldiers was absorbed to the ground. And once the battle ended, not far from the battlefield, the space broke apart, countless formations formed in the air, and massive red lights rushed from the formation to rush to the sky.

With a smile on his face, Sun Jiaolong quickly sacrificed the Human Destiny Sword, and a golden shield appeared to prevent the red lights from creating a vision and alerting other people.

He immediately commanded his generals and lieutenants to take care of the aftermath of the battle, while Sun Jiaolong rushed to the formation. Without pause, he entered.

Soon, he found himself in a room, and in front of him was an army of puppets. After checking the surroundings quickly, he took a step forward. Then, this puppet army started attacking.

For the next few days, Sun Jiaolong constantly fought wave after wave of puppets, until he reached the main room of this Secret Realm.

There he saw two rows of puppets. In one row, there were 20 puppets, while on the other, there were a few hundred. This time though, he was careful as he could not feel the strength of these puppets.

Sun Jiaolong got in fighting mode as he walked into that room. However, this time, nothing happened; he was not attacked by anyone or anything. Soon, he found a book standing in the middle of an altar.

After opening and reading it, a bigger smile appeared on his face.

"So, is this the power of a Son of Destiny?" muttered Sun Jialong to himself. "I just needed powerful cultivators to support me, and now, I suddenly found a Secret Realm left over by a powerful Puppet Sect from the Devil Era.

"And in that secret realm, they left 200 Saint Tier Puppets, 18 Supreme Tier Puppets, and 2 Quasi-Emperor Puppets."

Sun Jiaolong looked at the sword in his hand with awe. With this sword, no matter what trouble he faced, he can have any fortunate encounter to solve the problem for him.

"In this generation, as long as I do not let the power of Son of Destiny get to my head thinking that I'm invincible, I can slowly rise to the top with countless fortunate encounters and eventually reach the strength to suppress all my peers, take the Heaven Will and prove the Dao."

Sun Jiaolong then walked over to take the talisman that allowed him to control all these puppets. He placed all the puppets--including the previous army that attacked him--into his space ring.

Before leaving, he looked back at the secret realm and muttered: "I have accepted this Karma. When I prove the Dao and become Great Emperor, the Refining Puppet Sect will appear once again in the Myriad Emperor World."

Sun Jiaolong then left the Secret Realm to prepare for the next step of his plan. With this newly discovered strength, he was confident in his success.

We are now back to the regular schedule of 1 chapter a day.

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