Novel Name : Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor Chapter 352 - Fate And Destiny

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Chapter 352 - Fate And Destiny

"Damn Heavenly Dao," cursed Li Jun as his body was rapidly recreated. His cells, tissues, bones, muscles, organs, skin, and even soul were reassembled as if nothing ever occurred.

In the process, he controlled the spiritual qi in the surroundings to turn into clothes so that he did not appear naked for the whole world to see. Once he was revived, Li Jun immediately took a few strands of his hair:

They had turned white.

"So much lifespan?"

In the previous attack, he was completely annihilated, body, soul, and Dao disappeared. The reason that he resurrected himself was due to his Taboo Innated Talent.

Although he previously used it against his battle with Di Tian, beforehand, he still studied it extendedly. And once he used the 3000 Dao Orbs to create his own scripture, he created a technique based on that talent that allow him to essentially cheat death and resurrect.

The only issue is that with each resurrection, a large amount of lifespan will be used as a price.

Li Jun then hurriedly checked his companion. After seeing that none of them were attacked, he was first relieved followed by being horrified. If any of them were the ones attacked, without his method of resurrection, he would have lost all of them.

Immediately, he thought of the main reason he died so easily: Heavenly Dao. As a Heaven Chosen of a powerful sect, Li Jun has Supreme Tier artifacts to protect him in case of a sneak attack.

Normally, this treasure should have activated automatically to protect him. However, the Heavenly Dao of this world interfered. Although it could not stop the weapon, it could delay it for a brief moment so that the powerful attack would succeed.

Li Jun finally raised his head to look at what killed him. He saw that the remaining group, the Order God was gone, and in the middle of the Supreme Gods was a young man dressed in white clothes.

Golden light came from his body, giving him a divine temperament. On top of that, his expressionless and indifferent eyes added to his bearing as a noble and powerful God.

Li Jun first noticed that there was no soul fluctuation from this person, then he felt the aura emanating from his body.

"A Supreme Tier Puppet? Is this the final trump card of this world?" he muttered. After pondering for a moment, he realized that it made sense.

This world was a Middle Thousand World that prevented anyone below the Primordial Spirit or Tier 6 from entering. The strongest aboriginals of this world were Void Shattering Realm or Tier 7.

Most likely, the Great Emperor who came to this world decided to leave a Supreme Realm or Tier 9 Puppets as a final form of emergency. After all, that Emperor most have believed that this should be more than enough to protect this world in case some powerful people who could jump-rank to fight came to this world.

After all, skipping three Great Realms–especially in the Upper Stages of cultivation was simply heaven-defying. In the entire Endless Void, the people who could do this could probably be counted on one hand.

As for nor leave something that reaches the level of Great Emperor or Tier 10, well, that would be too extravagant for just a small world. No matter how attached to this world that the Great Emperor referred to as God-King is, he would not waste such precious resources on such a small place.

Just the fact that he was willing to live a Tier 9 Puppets showed his care.

After figuring out all of this, Li Jun took a deep breath and quickly access the situation and his next course of action. He immediately knew what to do next since running away was never an option.

He looked at the remaining 5 Supreme Gods and he could see a sense of relief from their eyes–especially from the Destiny Goddess. It was as if they knew that their world was saved.

Without saying anything, Li Jun took out a jade talisman and crushed it. His action drew the alert of the Supreme Gods as they realized that their enemy did abandon their plan, and just like them, was also using his trump card.

Grey light came from the talisman, then, an illusory figure appeared dressed in a gorgeous purple robe. It was a handsome man with grey floating hair and grey eyes that seemed to pierce at a person's soul.

"So, things have gotten so bad that you have to call my projection," said Wang Wei calmly. He looked at the surroundings and at the Gods before frowning.

He could feel a terrifying power elevating the level of this world from a Middle Thousand World to a Great Thousand World. Although he did not know whether this was a temporary upgrade or a permanent one, nevertheless, only a Great Emperor has such magical means to instantly the level of a world.

"What happened?" he asked Li Jun, who rapidly used his Divine Sense to fill him on all the things that occurred in this world.

"Well, we did expect this world to have unknown variables," muttered Wang Wei before looking at the Supreme Gods. As soon as his eyes landed on them, for a few seconds, these gods felt their souls freeze and their minds blank.

This was the instinctive behavior when a prey encounters a predator; fear overwhelmed them, making them unable to respond. Once they regained their bearings, cold sweat began to fall on their backs as they could feel their upcoming death.

This was more evident to the Destiny Goddess as Wang Wei's gaze was locked on her.

"The Law of Destiny," he muttered with a pondering look. Destiny and Fate are usually used interchangeably. However, based on philosophy books he read in his past life and his understanding of the Dao of Fate, this may not be absolute.

Fate is absolute and unchangeable while destiny is not. For a person to achieve their destiny, they have to work hard and struggle, and the same can be said if they want to change their destiny.

However, Fate will not display this level of kindness.

A perfect example of this is Wang Wei's ability to read Fate Lines.

He can read the fate of mortals: their past, present, and future. However, when it comes to cultivators, he can only see their past and present–albeit they have to not resist or he has to overpower them.

This is because cultivators have taken control of their destiny, so their future is not set in stone. However, they still have something called [Nexus of Fate].

Something that is bound to happen in their lives no matter what they do, what choices they make, it will happen. So far, Wang Wei has not encountered one cultivator that does not have a Fate Nexus–even his grandfather.

'I wondered what my Fate Nexus is,' thought Wang Wei. Unfortunately, he does not yet have the ability to see his own fate, let alone others.

"My projection cannot stay long in this world, so let's end this as quickly as possible." He clenched his fist and punched:

[Fate Annihilation Fist].

The world suddenly turned into black and white for a few seconds before returning to normal. Then, there was nothing else. No shockwave, no dazzling light, no mighty explosion.

Nothing but a slight color change.

And in that brief transition, the Supreme Tier Puppet along with the Supreme Gods disappeared as if they never existed in the world. They did not scream, struggle, or even react for that matter.

They were just gone. Forever annihilated or erased from the River of Fate.

There were only two things that showed that these people existed. No, that showed that they once stood where they were.

The first one is the metal eye of the Destruction God, and the other is a golden illusory person which was the soul of the Destiny Goddess. Wang Wei waved his hand and many runes appeared on the soul and sealed it.

"The Destruction Eye is for you, while the soul is for me. Keep it for when my real body arrived in this world. I'm interested in studying her Destiny Law," said Wang Wei.

"Big brother, you should have sealed the puppet as well. After all, it is a peak product from another civilization. We could have learned something from it."

Wang Wei paused after hearing this before shrugging his shoulder, "Well, you should have said so sooner."

"It's fine. Plus, we should have a chance in the future."

Li Jun looked at the devastation of the Destiny Realm and sighed. Luckily, they already saved the mortals. Once they fixed the environment, it should become habitable again.

He then raised his head to look at the stars. After the Supreme Gods die, their Heavenly Abode becomes ownerless. However, if nothing is done, these abodes will also self-destruct themselves. So, he needs to take action as soon as possible.

He looked at the fading Wang Wei and said: "How long do you think it will take before your real body arrives?"

"Honestly, I do not know. I just infiltrated the Origin Pill Dao Sect and it will still take some time before I can accomplish my goal. However, I will do whatever it takes to speed up the process.

"Is that so? In that case, I will do my best to increase the population of this world and gather as much incense as possible to await your arrival."

"I know you will since I can always count on you," said Wang Wei with a smile. "Oh, by the way, Su Ai just finished her seclusion and entered the Divine Body Realm; she always complained that she misses the long passionate nights with you."

Li Jun's mouth twitched after hearing this as he could see Yan Liling in the corner of his eyes. Obviously, he said this for her to hear and get him into trouble.

He swore he heard his brother chuckle out loud before disappearing.

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