Novel Name : Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor

Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor Chapter 830 Forbidden Land's Reaction

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Chapter 830 Forbidden Land's Reaction

Nether Hell:

Deep in this place full of Yin Qi, resentment, ghosts, lost spirits, and remnant souls, a supreme being had a screen before him as he watched this generation of Heaven Will Battle.

Old Man Nether's gaze focused on Wang Wei. His appearance was calm, but his gaze contained immense killing intent. He remembered the conversation he had with Empress Wu's clones a while ago.

She promised this boy toy of hers was capable of doing something she could do and eradicate him. Old Man Nether agreed he was talented since he had an Innate Paragon Soul.

However, no matter how talented he was, the latter would never pose a threat to him unless he could acquire Empyrean Tier strength in the lower dimension. So, he scoffed and sneered at her words.

But now, he had to take these words seriously after seeing the latter's accomplishment.

'A while ago, I sensed a tremendous change between Heaven and Earth. But no matter how I calculated, I could not find the source. If I guess correctly, it should have been when one of these two first achieved this level of strength.'

Old Man Nether moved his eyes from the projection and looked at the sky. He could see a powerful magical circle and gritted his teeth in anger. Many Great Emperors have placed seals in this place, and he never cared–including most of the Eternals.

As long as he is given enough time, he can either destroy them or reduce their effects to the point he can intervene in the Myriad Emperor World. Empress Wu's seal back in the Devil Era gave him trouble because of her Dao, but he eventually dealt with her.

However, his luck was terrible as she returned with a clone of nowhere and even used her Universal Seal. He knew she used it to seal the Nine Devil God World, so it should not be possible to do it again.

At the very least, it should be a replica using techniques and her Dao. But, he sensed the unreasonable power behind this seal, meaning it was the result of her Taboo Innate Talent.

'How long will it take me to deal with this seal?'

After thinking about this, Old Man Nether became angrier. If not for this seal, he would risk exposing himself to True Heavenly Dao and slap this generation's newly crowned Eternal Emperor into oblivion.

Old Man Nether took a deep breath to calm down.

'I have been here for so long and have accomplished nothing. Is my way truly wrong?'

If not for his obsession, he would have long become a Paragon, standing at the peak of Primordial Chaos. He will not spend so much time crammed in this small place, restricted on all sides.

Old Man Nether's eyes became unfocused as he became lost in his thoughts. After seeing countless Emperors born in this world before ascending and surpassing him, his mind began to waver.

Maybe his path was wrong. Maybe, he should abandon his obsession and walk a normal and safe path.

'No, I cannot waver now,' thought this ancient existence. 'Once I succeed, I will take my first step in my path to go beyond the Paragon Realm.'

He has infinite lifespans, so he can take however long needed to succeed. As for his current humiliation and suffering, everything will be worth it once he accomplishes his plan.

Old Man Nether's gaze returned to the screen.

'This generation is full of destiny and talents that create miracles. And these two both cultivate Reincarnation Dao. Maybe, my opportunity is from them.'

He squinted his eyes, 'That boy will definitely pay me a visit. So, let's prepare for his arrival. As for the other?'

His eyes flashed as he divined most of Di Tian's history and information.

'If I could intervene, I could have used his wife's Imprint as a bargaining tool.'

He felt frustrated by his lack of ability.

'Let's see if I can send my voice outside and lure him with information about perfection. The lower dimension is sealed, and True Heavenly Dao's attention is at an all-time low, so this might be my chance.'

Old Man Nether did not hesitate as he began his work.

Blood Earth, Inner Area:

Another powerful being awakened after Wang Wei and Di Tian displayed their strength. The aura emanating from that being was ancient and full of blood energy.

"I'm already awakened? Is it time?" The entity's gaze then searched most corners of the Myriad Emperor World, and only a few people caught a glimpse of its presence.

"Only one of my kind is in this world, and he barely counts. So, why am I awake?"

The entity searched for something, "My kind's destiny has appeared in this generation? Why? What's the reason?' It continued to search and looked at the battle, focusing its gaze on Wang Wei.

"The descendant of that thief?" it muttered in a deep and grave voice. "He's the reason?'

The entity frowned as he was puzzled.

"Why is a stinking human responsible for my kind's destiny and revival?"

It was puzzled for a few seconds.

"It doesn't matter as long as we can reappear in this world," muttered the entity. "As for that thief's descendant? It's about time they repay karma for stealing my heart."

The entity moved, shaking the surrounding time and space where it slept.

"I'm currently too weak and need a fast and efficient way to recover. What should I do?'

The room quieted down for a few seconds.

"I remember I left something for this occasion," the entity talked to itself. "I don't think even that thief could find that place and take it."

The entity moved as it prepared to appear in this world after being absent for so many years.

Chrono Chaos Zone, deep in the innermost layer, a palace that few people ever reached, but no one has ever truly discovered its secret:

A gaze also focuses on this generation's battle.

"Do you think he can help us?" asked a voice.

"You should understand our situation is hopeless," said a second voice that seemed the exact same as the first, yet, oddly different.

"You saw it; he's the kind of person that can make the impossible possible. And with his Time Dao, he might succeed."

"Unlikely. But even if he could, why should he help us?"

"Maybe we can offer him something."

"Like what?"

"I don't know."

"Then, why are you even suggesting such a thing?"

"Why are you being so negative?"

"I'm not. I have accepted this is a hopeless endeavor. And I hope you will too."


"Why are you torturing yourself?"

·ƈθm "You don't have to say anymore. After so many years, I finally see the faintest of hope, so I won't give up–no matter what."

"You once said that obsession was the devil that lives in all living beings, waiting to bring them to their doom. Don't you see the irony in your current situation?"

"He once said that as long as a man is obsessed and determined enough, he can create miracles. I think she was correct, and I was wrong."

"*Sigh*. Do as you please. Anyway, I'm not the one who will be disappointed after having my hopes and expectations up."

The conversation ended, leaving a room of silence, emptiness, desolation, and regret.

Dao Burial Ground:

"First Child, I am once again in awe of your wisdom," praised the Second Child.

"Yes, if you were not cautious and ran, who knows what would happen to us after either of those two proved the Dao," agreed the Third Child, who sighed deeply.

"I still can't believe how powerful this generation is. If they have this strength now, how powerful will they be after taking the Heaven Will," added the Fourth Child.

"First Child, what's wrong? You seem worried?" asked the Second Child.

"I'm worried about these two."

"What's there to be worried about? They can't find us, so we only need to wait until they ascend to return to the world."

"These two have achieved something no one has ever done throughout history. I'm worried about what kind of weird power they will have after proving the Dao. I'm worried they will find us."

"Although I feel you're being too cautious, your vigilance has always helped us," said Third Child. "What do you propose we do?"

"Let's go to another World Community and hide."

"And abandon our home?"

"It's better than risking our lives," replied the First Child. "Plus, we are simply hiding, not moving."

"Moving to another World Community might not be a bad idea," said Second Child. "If we pick the right wrong, we might find enough resources to stabilize the Fourth Child."

"That's a good idea. What do you think?"

"If we can find a world with a Third Class Emperor, we can lower the risk," nodded First Child. "No, there is no need to take risks. We can use the lower dimension and not show up before any Emperors."

"That's a good idea."

"In that case, let's not waste and execute this plan."


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